Journal Index
2Q'22 Jef and Kathy's Activities 3Q 2022 4Q'22
Sep 2022

On the 1st, back to work a medium long day at the office.

Possible thunderheads forming over Volcans & Palomar

On the 2nd, another medium long day at the office.

Another muggy summer day!

Solar panels still not cleaned

Thunderhead probably over by Palomar

Still muggy this night as moon is setting

On the 3rd, Jef drove over to Sewanee and repaired a leaky main line T-junction in irrigation system. Took it easy until we drove over and spent evening at the Morgans.

Jef, Kathy, Pam & Jim at pool - also a (younger) visiting couple shared the pool

Jef got further away for this pic

Later in the sunset

Moon setting over our idyllic scene

Pam made a birthday sundae for Jef

Blowing it out

Pam gave Kathy a haircut this evening

Moon setting after we arrived home

On the 4th, took it easy at home.

Meter still heading north

Solar panels were cleaned early this morning by Hector

On the 5th, took it easy most of the day before driving up to PCT. As temp. was 95°F on this trail, Kathy descided to abort after 0.75 miles due to fatigue, and Jef was fatigued as well, so wound up just hiking 1.5 miles in 36 minutes with only about 100' elevation gain/loss. Drove home and took it easy the rest of our Labor Day weekend.

After sunrise this morning - note how clear it is and with a few nice clouds

Kathy on PCT after turning around and heading back to car

On the 6th, back to work a long day at the office.

Sunrise this morning - clear enuff for swamp coolers to work well for a change

Sun poking over horizon

On the 7th, Kathy did her exercise class an saw 1 of 2 patients at the office which Jef drove to SD to get estimate and put deposit for parts on fixing Kathy's oopsi on her Avalon. Also stopped by Big Rock to check on things.

Some clouds this morning in Borrego

Rob had removed modem/router and ooma to put junk on this shelf, so moved refrig down and tested it - part of modem was missing along with power cord for Ooma. Since couldn't check internet with Ooma, tried Roku, which connected, but internet didn't seem to work

Rob has a lot of work ahead of him sorting thru his junk - note that garage side door is blocked

On the 8th, a medium busy day at the office.

With heatwave continuing, meter still heading north

Clouds this morning from Hurricane Kay about 200 miles SW of Borrego

Clouds got even cooler this afternoon

On the 9th, a medium busy day at the office. We finally got some rain! We still have flooding in our sun room, so that has not been fixed.

Clouds from Hurricane Kay below 5000' on this day with significant rain forecast


It rained pretty heavy around 2pm today

Panorama of rain - note waterfalls both left & right from roof drainage

Respite in rain late this afternoon - note cloud level down to about 3000'

Rain puddle in our driveway with raindrops disturbing it

On the 10th, drove Kathy to MD in SD after which we shopped at 3 grocery stores before returning home.

Even more rain this morning - this is our back yard

Kathy opened window this day while easterly winds pushed rain onto Jef's desk - lighter white on display screen might be water trapped inside - over a few days spot got smaller

Panorama of clouds below 4000' in mountains - drove thru a little fog at the top of the grade on trip to Escondido

Crawford overlook on drive home - clouds in front of Santa Rosas are below 5000'

Moonrise behind clouds this night

On the 11th, walked to work in about 56 minutes. Starting temp was mid 80s with humidity in the mid 50% range, upon arrival temp was about 91°F with humidity in the mid 40%s, so not too comfortable weather for hiking.

Meter still going north, but less so, as storm has decreased temps

Panorama of blue sky behind clouds taken behind WestStar house

At top of trail

A small dot in the middle of this pic is helicopter that overflew me as I descended towards the Mall

Clouds over Indianhead at the Mall

Took shorter route home, and took this panorama at BS County Park - vegetation is really starting to take off

Nice sunset this evening

There's still some rain after bulk of Hurricane Kay passed

Moon rising this evening at WestStar

On the 12th, Kathy was involved in a MVA that perhaps totalled 2 cars, and so cancelled a short day at the office while Kathy iced herself in bed.

Jef woke up early enough to get the very tail end of the sunrise colours

Kathy's oopsie

The other car

If frame is not bent, might not be totalled as all damage on passenger doors

Towtruck behind fire engine will tow Toyota to OW

On the 13th, Kathy took it easy at home this day. Jef did a little work at the office.

On the 14th, Jef drove to Ramona to shop. Helped Kathy make spaghetti this afternoon.

Another late sunrise this morning

Cool cloud panorama on West Star this morning

Cleaned up after oopsi yesterday

I heard an unlicenced driver was driving the black car, and note no skid marks before collision

Foothills are already covered with green ocotillos after rain from 1 week ago!

Panorama of clouds at the Mall this afternoon

We got these flowers for someone else, but kept them for Kathy's recovery - her left arm is black & blue from collision 2 days ago - we made a batch of spaghetti this afternoon

On the 15th, back to work a medium busy day at the office.

On the 16th, a fairly long day at the office. The last day for Miguel, so we got pizza and had Lisette drop by for the going away ceremony. Used Stacey & Erik's gift card & had dinner at the Red O.

Lisette & Miguel with Carlee's pizza

Not a cloud in the sky these days - found out BCH filed for Chapter 11, but will continue operations, explaining why cars are still in parking lot

Jef & Kathy - before Jef scarfed down dinner

Jef's plate after "scarfing" - Kathy, of course, had leftowvers

On the 17th, Jef walked to work in 54 minutes. Not too hot - mid 80s to start and about 90 at finish, but low humidity. Worked out in gym with Kathy - me for an hour, Kathy for 2.

With cooler weather, meter is again heading south

At the pass before the final ascent on walk to work.

Saw this bright display of cactus flowers while descending spur trail - apparently a "summer blooming" version of fishhook cactus

View of this cactus and the valley below(church row)

This weed at the Mall looks like a bush version of spurge!

On the 18th, Jef started task of cleaning/organizing the garage. Went on a 1 hour walk with Kathy (& Mia on first half) around our circle late this afternoon.

Sample listing of Axe program(an experimental language) on my 2nd job after college back in '84 - Charles was a coworker who started same time as I - took pic before recycling paper

Sample 1st page of a program of Kemer's

Page 1 of one of Judy's listings before recycling

Cleaned top of table & most of stuff under table in garage

Found this mouse skeleton inside a PVC adapter in a box in the garage

Bees are mad about these cactus flowers in front yard - maybe because there are only 2

Mia on "lawn" forming in our front yard

Sand dune catching final rays of sun this evening

2 minutes later, after getting past utility wires, sun is almost gone

Mia & Kathy

Barely illuminated Indianhead

On the 19th, back to work a medium busy day at the office.

Airbags somehow caused bruising on the inside of Kathy's arm (from collision of a week ago)

On the 20th, an easy day at the office.

Last car in parking lot again- we carpooled this day

Saw these raptors circling above us at home this evening

On the 21st, drove Kathy to MD in Rancho Mirage in white Jeep. Dropped off some paperwork at another MD before meeting up with Holley at Joyce's. Holley accompanied us to a grocery store in Palm Springs. Topped off tank at $4.80/gal at Red Earth on way home.

Holley & Kathy at Joyce's - towards end of the meal

Thunderheads in AZ viewed from Red Earth

On the 22nd, a busy day at office turned easier with 3 cancellations, so it wasn't too much of a hassle buying a car over the home - Jim set us up with the dealer, we filled out paperwork online and the car was delivered to the office before the day was done.

Another AZ thunderhead to the east

Texas rangers were blooming thruout the valley including here at the post offfice due to recent heavy rain

On the 23rd, another fairly easy day at the office. We dined at Carmelitas before heading home.

Clouds this afternoon

Kathy's new car - a 2023 Camry Hybrid

Clouds to the north

End of dinner at Carmelitas - Kathy took home leftovers & Jef's empty plate used to be a super tostada

Jef went out and took some sunset pix while Kathy finished her drink

On the 24th, Jef walked to the office in 56 minutes. It was about 92°F when he left & 100°F upon arrival. Afterwards Jef & Kathy worked out in the gym for a couple hours before Kathy drove Jef home.

Sunrise this morning

Meter still heading south

Sunset this evening

Bees still feasting on these cacti flowers

On the 25th,mostly just took it easy at home.

Flies and hummingbirds like hanging out in cool air coming from window from swamp cooler

On the 26th, back to work for a medium busy day at the office.

Crepuscular rays from sunset this evening

View from Calicos, which is closed until October

On the 27th, a fairly short day at the office after a couple of cancellations.

Sunrise this morning

View of sunrise from our bathroom window

On the 28th, walked to work in 55 minutes (would have been 2-3 minutes faster had I not tried to find the fabled rare fishhook cactus discovered 11 days ago - also unsuccessfully, as on walk to work 4 days prior. 99°F. Kathy say 1 patient before her and Jef worked out in the gym.

Sunrise this morning

Near where cactus is located, but didn't find it this day

Sunset this evening

Mostly drained hot tub, but still needs to be cleaned

Peanut sleeping in her bed

On the 29th, a moderately busy day at the office.

Realtor sent us a link to estimated Big Rock house value

Thundering clouds in mountains this afternoon

Vertical clouds to the north

Thunderhead over library, but we got no rain

Sunset this evening

On the 30th, another moderately busy day at the office.

Aug 2022

On the 1st, back to work for a medium busy day at the office.

Pool was leaking good

Down over 1 foot in a day!

Clouds building over mountains

On the 2nd, a medium busy day at the office due to a couple cancellations.

Sunrise this morning

On the 3rd, Jef drove to Santee and moved master bedroom/bathroom/closet contents to a smaller bedroom/bathroom/closet. Also got cleaning at dentist and did shopping. Kathy gave her exercise class and took it easy.

Meter still heading north

Guest house meter

Hector replace valves & manifold to fix leak at Big Rock

Moved master bedroom stuff into Holley's old room

Smaller bathroom

One side of cleaned up master bedroom

Cleaned out master bathroom

Looking opposite way in master bedroom

On the 4th, a winding dusty morning with a forecast of T-showers which didn't materialize. Another medium day at the office due to a cancellation. Jef & Kathy both saw the chiropractor this morning.

Easterly wind made sky hazy with dust

Mostly cloudy skies

On the 5th, a moderately busy day at the office - Kathy was falling asleep at the office again.

Daily cloud buildup over mountains

Clouds getting closer

Kathy & Pam - after a few minutes of rain!

We got maybe 5 minutes of rain

On the 6th, Jef walked to the office in 54 minutes and caught up on some work. On the way home, he ran out of gas in the 108° heat and had to slow down the last 1/2 mile, but still made it in 56 minutes.

Sunrise this morning

On the 7th, Jef finally finished the pix for July and uploaded them at the office.

Woke up to an eerie hazy day

Guest house meter - going at a clip of about 20kwh/day at this time

On the 8th, Kathy couldn't wake up soon enuff for first patient, so moved to the next day. Had a light day, which was good, since Lisette had the day off. Hazy air moved in this afternoon.

Sunrise this morning

Growing thunderhead

Even clouds are forming over our nearby mountains

Turned into a mostly cloudy day, but no rain

Nice sunset forming, so must be clear to the coast

Panorama at base of our driveway

Kathy & Jef

Kathy cooling down with red beer, as it was hot/humid this August evening

On the 9th, finally caught up on these pix. A moderately busy day at the office.

Meter going up about 15 kwh/day, but would be going down about 5kwh/day without Kym keeping A/C running nonstop

5 minute rainstorm the other day made solar panels (and car windshields) pretty diry

Drained pool is slated to be torn down & removed

Looks like another good sunset this evening

Sunset in back yard

360° panorama at the street

View from front yard

Dragged Kathy out to back yard to catch this tail end of the sunset

On the 10th, after her exercise class, drove Kathy to MD in Rancho Mirage, had sushi at Joyce's, did some shopping and drove home.

Sunset this evening

On the 11th, back to work a fairly easy day at the office.

Sunrise this morning

Nearing sunset this evening

Getting colourful

Vertical panorama

On the 12th, Kathy was ill, so cancelled a full day at the office. Jef woke up with ankle pain and stiffness from unknown origin. He did some work at the office.

Sunrise this morning

Thunderhead forming above us this afternoon

A few drops fell, so here is photo before they evaporated

Panorama in front yard

Charles mentioned there was a rainbow while on the phone, so Jef went out and got a picture

Panorama of sunset in back yard

Front yard

360° panorama

360° panorama at the street

On the 13th, woke up to some dampness, as it rained some during the nite. Jef drove Kathy to SD for MD appointment and then went to Big Rock and cleaned out most of the kitchen and did some yardwork. Sab-E-Lee for dinner.

Thunderhead starting as we stopped to pick up something from the office

On the 14th, met Rob mid-day and went over things needing to be done. Driving back to Borrego, Kathy needed to go to urgent care for a UTI. We found all were closed in Ramona, so we drove back to Poway and waited 3 HOURS for them to get around to Kathy, and by that time all pharmacies had closed, so drove back to Borrego.

On the 15th, Jef drove to Ramona to pick up Kathy's antibiotics. Kathy was too sick to work, so cancelled another day at the office. Jef worked until 3 or so.

Jef snapped this panorama at the Crawford Overlook(on the way home from Ramona) showing the thick air in Borrego this day

Jef's truck was lonely in the parking lot with only 4 cars from BCH

On the 16th, Jef had severe foot pain and continued ankle stiffness, but both he and Kathy returned to work a medium busy day at the office.

Cool clouds this day


Pretty good sunset this evening

On the 17th, Jef still with severe ankle stiffness upon waking. Anti-inflammatories & stretching is needed before he can weight bear on R foot. Kathy still not feeling well, so skipped exercise class, but did a home care and treatment at the office. Jef worked at office.

Sunset this evening had 3 T-storms to the east & south

Meter heading north still

Wet spot indicates a leak by irrigation valves that I will need to attend to

Guest house meter averaging 25 kwh/day for past week

One final look to east & south at this sunset

On the 18th, Kathy was very sick, so Jef went to chiropractor in her place and cancelled most of the day. Kathy came in to work to do one patient, but could do no more.

On the 19th, Kathy seemed to be better, was was not up to coming to work, so cancelled a very full day at the office. Later that afternoon, she got worse and drove her to ER in Pomerado. Late that night she was admitted due to very bad UTI and low Oxygen. Jef drove home alone.

Murky air this day in Borrego

Kathy refused any pic of herself in hospital, but this is in the ER - her Oxygen was only 91% with 4L Oxygen, and she had some tachycardia

On the 20th, Jef drove to Pomerado with a few items for Kathy and stayed with Kathy until about 6:30. amd drove home to Borrego for the night.

On the 21st, Jef drove to Pomerado and stayed with Kathy, who had gotten better, until about 6pm before driving home to Borrego.

Jef remembered to bring flowers this day - here they are on Kathy's view to the outside

On the 22nd, Jef drove to Pomerado and stayed with Kathy until her discharge around 4pm and drove her home after stopping at Pinto Thai for take out dinners and at pharmacy for meds. His ankle stiffness seems to have resolved.

On the 23rd, we both mostly took it easy at home.

On the 24th, Jef did some work at the office.

Jef filled up Avalon with gas in Borrego this day, as gas was cheaper here than in SD

The Mirage gas station has a few unsual decorations

Thurnderhead forming over the library

We got a few drops out of this storm

Big T-storms were to the east

Looks like a major haboob around Salton City

Flooding closed the Salton Seaway and they were still working on clearing it when we drove by there the next day

The calm after the storm

Meter still heading north

Sunset this evening

Looks like a red lizard above Indianhead

Kathy starting our hike around the circle (>1 mile)

On the 25th, Lupita cooked us a big batch of carne asada rancheros, beans & salsa while Jef drove Kathy to Rancho Mirage for MD appointment. We didn't have sushi or go shopping, as we had to also go for an ultrasound.

Another murky sunrise this morning

Clouds building over San Ysidros

Kathy about to go on our circle hike

on the 26th, Jef did some work at the office while Kathy took it easy at home. Kathy was not up to walking this evening.

On the 27th, Jef walked to the office in just under 57 minutes - going slower due to out-of-shape, maybe lack of salt, and high temps (102°F at start and 107°F at end).

Meter still heading north

Solar panels are in need of cleaning

Still need to clean up all this lathe thrown over fence to clean out back yard

We did one lap around the circle this evening

On the 28th, mostly took it easy at home, except Jef dug up and repaired a leak in this line near the backyard irrigation.

After fixing leak

On the 29th, Kathy returned to work at the office, but saw only 1 patient.

Not a cloud in the sky this day

Buy local... that is within 10,000 miles of where you live

On the 30th, a busy day at the office with all 6 patients needing progress reports.

A few clouds this day - but not many

On the 31st, Jef drove to Brawley to get his licence renewed. Kathy took it easy all day, but we went over to Morgans & hung out at their house & pool until after 10pm.

Clouds never grew big enough to move over and rain on us this week

Meter still heading north, as this was a very hot week

Slight sunset at the pool

Pam & Kathy

Pam, Kathy, Jef - Jef walked about 20 laps this evening

Jim joins in for this last pic
Jul 2022

On the 1st, another day staying at the Westport Inn. We did a walk up to near the jetty and back along the beach - maybe 2 miles.

Kathy by Scotch broom in Westhaven Park - note these plants are notorious for generating a lot of pollen (allergens) into the air

Panorma with Kathy and the everpresent Scotchbroom

Jef & Kathy

Looks like a sweetpea

Not sure what these are - perhaps yaro?


Jef & Kathy walking along the bayside beach

The exposed root of all evil?

View from our hotel nearing sunset

The lights of Westport from our hotel room

On the 2nd, packed up and drove to Eric & Stacey's new house in Port Orchard in 2 hours.

Red sky in morning, sailor take warning!

Panorma of kitchen/living/dining room - worked except for a couple splicing errors, including Stacey

Ronan took a liking to Peanut's bed

Eli hanging out on floor with Mia

Hey, what are you doing in MY BED???

Let me just park here

Peanut in backyard panorama

Ronan, grandma & Eli


Master Ronan at the head of the table

Hangin' out by outside fireplace with a nice sunset

Fuchia - much like grandma Johnson's fuscia that Jef remembers from circa 1960 in Inglewood

Sunset 2nite

Kathy & Jef

On the 3rd, went on a little hike around Stacey & Erik's neighborhood before driving to Westport and checking into the Silver Sands Motel.

Starting off on the hike

Checking out the local landscaping

This is an interesting flower

Varmints in this area are pretty bit!

Kathy, Mia & Peanut in our hotel room

On the 4th, we went to see fireworks at the marina this evening, but found out they were being shot off in South Bay. Still pretty good though.

View from our hotel room of South Bay (southern part of Gray's Harbor)

Our viewing location at the marina

Fireworks would happen above the heads of these viewing neighbors


Moon above these downtown businesses

Bennett's has the best food in town

Fireworks this nite

On the 5th, we drove to southern part of beach and spent a good part of the day. We explored the beach to the south towards Grayland.

Kathy at the beach - some sun made it thru this day

A boardwalk connecting beach to a nearby community

Somebody did some giant lettering - "Happy" is what is evident to me

On the 6th, we hiked from out motel room to the beach and back - about 4 miles or so.

Jef & Kathy on the beach

Checked out a few communities on/near the beach - this is returning to the beach from one

Some hazy conditions moved in during our walk

Walking home, Kathy remarked this is a good colour for our house is this

This is quite a ramp!

Pirate Days weekend was previous one, and this is one of the "floats"

Dunno what business this is... perhaps a beer distributor?

On the 7th, spent a good part of the day at Twin Harbors State Park beach.

Heading to Twin Harbors State Park beach

Lotsa dandelions

Panorama at the beach

Kathy gets around

Kathy vs. seagulls

Seagulls taking flight

Chasing them out to sea

Another panorama, but with some flaws

Giant seagull about to pick up Kathy

Cool sky today

Northern limit of where cars can travel on beach


Returning to beach after a rest stop

Happy beach girl

Go fly a kite!


Giant football on the horizon!

Large flock of birds

Sunset back at our hotel

Hangin' out in our room this evening

)n the 8th, another beach day at our usual beach spot in Westhaven State Park.

Our home on southern park of Westhaven State Park beach


Jef braved the waves to knee depth this day!

Okay, that's enuff

Another chihuahua on the beach!

Check it out!

Mia patrolling her beach

Last time at the beach for a while

On the 9th, packed up and headed to Walla Walla, where we checked in to a Super 8, which is a hotel we know allows doggies, doing some wine tasting along the way.

The Treton River along Hwy 12 was running high due to rate of release from the Rimrock Reservoir

We stopped at the Frichette Winery in the Red Mtn area on our way to Walla Walla

One more stop at Fidélitas Winery before proceding

On the 10th, checked out of the Super 8 in Walla Walla and headed south in search of a gas station. We finally found one after driving miles thru the town, but we happened to be in Oregon, as was evident when the gas station attendent put in our gas. We droved south, making it to Lakeview OR, where we stayed in the same hotel we stayed in a couple years prior.

Wildflower at one of Jef's rest stops

Wild rose

View for another of Jef's (too frequent per Kathy) rest stops

On the 11th, checked out of the Oregon Trail Inn and headed south. Kathy didn't want to get home too soon, so we made camp at the Chris Flat Campground south of Walker CA.

After settling into our campsite

Kathy & Mia

Mia got to drink some nice Walker River water

Peanut by some flowers that appear similar to the Matilija Poppy

We saw this smoke plume in the distance, probably from a forest fire in Yosemite - fortuneately it missed us!

Kathy prepped the fire...

...and Jef managed to lite it with 1 match again

Moon rising over our little camp

On the 12th, packed up camp near Walker and drove to Tuttle Creek Campground, stopping to briefly check out Manzanar and the Alabama Hills, as we were early in arriving.

Walking Mia this morning

Walker River panorama

Inside a barracks at Manzanar

Panorama of dirt basketball court

Stairs are the only thing left of medical clinic behind us

Outline of where hospital area was located


Cool rocks of the Alabama Hills - this may be the area called "the spooks"

Got this flyer at the visitor center describing this area

This may be the "visible man"

Plaque dedicated by Roy Rogers when he was only 79 in 1990

This might be "elephant rock"

Tributaries to creek along Whitney Portal are in this valley - somewhere in the rocks might be "the baboon"

Movie location for Gunga Din

Along Tuttle Creek Rd are these "statues" 2 look like birds perched others kinda like penguins - reminds one of Stonehenge

We never saw any of these things, but took pics in hopes of finding them later

Some of these rocks look like animals - perhaps the "polar bear" is in the center

Next pic is around "the eagle"

Kinda looks like an eagle with its wings halway open in the middle, but not definitely

Tuttle Creek Rd reminds me of the Hana Highway in places - not this spot where "the eagle" is listed on the map. Kathy at left and our car on the right

At our camp in Tuttle Creek campground, it was 104°F and Jef used his shirt in place of a hat

Kathy & doggies by creek


We had about 2 minutes of shade this afternoon!

Crepuscular rays

Moon rising over Owens Lake

Site 79 - our new favourite campsite

Panorama of site with remnants of sunset at left & right and moon rise in center

Kathy with our last fire of the trip and sierras behind

Kathy & Jef

Kathy being struck by a "moon bolt"

Kathy & Jef after fire settles down

Looking towards Lone Pine & Owens Lake

On the 13th, broke camp and drove home to Borrego.

Panorama of campground at sunrise

More wind this morning while deflating tent - but not as much as a month ago

Final shot of campground before leaving

On the 14th, Jef did a bunch of catch up work at the office.

Sunrise this morning

On the 15th, Jef called pharmacy to pick up RX that couldn't be picked up when we left a month ago and drove to Ramona, picked it up and did some shopping.

Sunrise this morning

Lenticulars usually mean wind is coming

Moonrise this morning

On the 16th, We continued taking it easy, recovering from trip.

Sunrise this morning

On the 17th, we drove to Santee, did some shopping, and cleaned up in the Santee house. Noticed Yuridia never moved out so we were limited in what we could do.

Noticed this main line leak at the BigRock house

Stuff given away for free in driveway and after cleaning up yard this day

On the 18th, returned to work on a fairly busy day with 3 new patients.

Thunderhead forming over Toro

On the 19th, a fairly light day at the office.

Sunset this evening

Meter still going south, but that will change with hot humid July & August weather

Sign by meter describing electrical is fading fast

On the 20th, Kathy's neck was too bad to teach exercise class, so stayed home. Jef walked to work (it was 100°F when he left home) in 54 minutes. Kathy picked him up and drove him home in the late afternoon.

View at high point of hike

On the 21st, back to work a fairly long day at the office. Jef went to Sylvia for his neck ailment.

Sunset this evening

On the 22nd, kathy worked a short day at the office, but kept falling asleep, so cancelled the afternoon patients. That afternoon, Kathy had a whoopsi incident with new car, running over some bushes, rocks, causing damage to underside of car, but car still functioned.

Kathy plowed into this bush at about 25mph - I cleaned up a bit and got pieces of car left behind

Under Kathy's car

Not much damage visible from above, tho

On the 23rd, we took it easy, recovering from trying week at the office, but went over to the Morgans for dinner and hanging out in their pool..

Morgans invited us over for a nice lasagna dinner

Cool sky this evening

We got some exercise in the pool

Vertical panorama

A nice sunset developing

2 Jims with sunset in background

Jim, Pam, Kathy, Jef in pool

Jim, Pam, Kathy

Into the night - Jef did 40 laps (walking) for his exercise

On the 24th, Kathy slept mostly and Jef did more catch-up work at the office. We did some walking late this afternoon after the sun went behind the mountains.

Some clouds this day

Did about an hour of walking this evening - 2 laps with spurs around our circle

Kathy is walking at left

On the 25th, we returned to work a moderately busy day at the office.

Another thunderhead over Toro

We got the Toyota serviced this day, only got tires rotated and oil changed, as they couldn't fix damage under Avalon - here is Kathy heading to Ford & Jef took Jeep home in final leg of car shuttle to get 3 cars back home with 2 drivers

On the 26th, a very full day at the office despite 2 cancellations.

Sunset this evening over Indianhead

Saw this weird scary bug in bathroom this evening

On the 27th, Kathy resumed her exercise class and then Jef drove her to Rancho Mirage for her MD appointment.

While Kathy saw MD, Jef drove to fire extinguisher place in this seedy section of Palm Springs as Borrego Fire Dept was about to inspect our clinic and our extinguishers needed to be certified

Sunset over dry pool - we had tried to find/fix leaks and were about ready to try it out again

Patio furniture material failed under the glass (guess it allowed too much heat to build up)

On the 28th, back to work a very full day at the office.

Unfortunately, meter is again heading north

Cool clouds this day

Jef saw Sylvia for his neck again today - her office is in the middle of this horse lodging area

Cool sunset this evening

On the 29th, another very busy day at the office.

On the 30th, mostly took it easy at home. Jef started filling the pool.

Sunset this evening

Filling the pool

On the 31st, Jef walked to/from the office today and then walked with Kathy this evening, going over 7 miles.

Meter still heading north

This address sign is one of the things damaged by Kathy's whoopsi

Panorama just as Jef drops down the trail from the top(at the right) - trail can be seen on the left heading to the ridge

Jef took short way home and noticed someone had marked this trail, which was unmarked a few months ago

More cool clouds

Sunset this evening - Kathy is walking on the left

Kathy & Jef - note Kathy wet herself down a few times on our walk - Jef once at the start - due to the heat

Kathy walking at right into the sunset of this month
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