Journal Index
1Q'23 Jef and Kathy's Activities 2Q 2023 3Q'23
Jun 2023

On the 1st, a super busy day at the office turned into a medium busy day with 3 cancellations and 2 no shows. Summer is not here yet, as we've enjoyed relatively cool weather this spring.

On the 2nd, a fairly short day at the office.

On the 3rd, drove Kathy to MD appt in Escondido, stopped by and did a little shopping on the way home. Took Kathy out to Red O for dinner and Carlees for some live music for our 17th anniversary.

Kathy at fruit stand near wild animal park

Stopped to take pic of mustard field at S-2 and Hwy 79

Also stopped & took pic of mustard by a farm/ranch in Ranchita

Looking to edge of Ranchita near park

Kathy at Red O

Kathy & Jef

Looking at Indianhead thru window at Red O

Red O is making a new dining area

We could see music man performing thru this gap in the bar at Carlees

This guy was good!

On the 4th, took it easy at home and headed over to Morgans for snacks & a dip in the pool. Jef walked 40 laps in lieu of no hiking this past week.

Jim, Kathy & Pam at the pool this evening

On the 5th, a fairly busy day at the office. Figured out how I made a $30,000 error on the 2022 tax return. Paid balance owed on a credit card.

Nice "everbrown" lawn at WestStar this day

On the 6th, a moderately busy day at the office. This evening at 7:45pm, SDG&E shut down the power in Borrego for 13.75 hours.

At the start of the blackout, Kathy went crazy lighting candles

Jef & Kathy by fire - we decided to use the opportunity to get rid of excess firewood this evening

Fire as viewed from pool

Jef's "hot" beverage

Kym, got enuff cushions for your chair?

Panorama with Kym & Kathy

Kathy & Jef

Kym with moon during sunset

Kathy & Jef after fire settled down

Just before heading indoors for the night

On the 7th,Jef drove Kathy to dermatologist appt for both of us. Nothing bad, so drove home, stopping in Santee to give Rob some moola and see progress. Also did some shopping on the way.

Still no power this morning, so Jef took a few pix - this is area where some of raised garden soil and plants wound up

Shell of raised garden before final disassembly

Some clouds this morning - fire had burned to ashes

Panorama in driveway

Panorama of front of house

Kathy had put this candle on her nightstand with no protection

On way home from MD, stopped and got a drivethru car wash

Place for new door on garage by front door at Big Rock house

Panoramas of Borrego Valley and Tubb Canyon at Crawford Overlook

On the 8th, a fairly busy day at the office.

State of raised garden this morning

Clouds this day

Paloverde blooms having a resurgence

Sunset this evening

On the 9th, after a short day at the office, Jef & Kathy attended CPR training at other end of our Mall building. Not bad & got it over with for 2 more years.

Holley gave her mom this Mothers Day balloon a few weeks ago, but it is no longer on the ceiling

Near sunset this evening

On the 10th,took it easy at home til just after noon and then drove Kathy to Trout Pond trailhead in Cuyamaca where we proceeded to hike around middle peak - a 5.7 mile hike with about 1100' elevation gain/loss. Kathy did not like the rockiness of the trail, as it hurt her back, but perfect conditions for a hike. We stopped at new Pub on Cuyamaca Lake before driving home.

Stretching at the trailhead

Started down this trail, but turned around when we found it too narrow

Flowers at base of Milk Road trail marker

This thistle flower attracted quite a few bugs

Hiking up Milk Ranch Rd

Some little yellow flowers

This kind of flower was fairly abundant

I think this might be a corn flower?

There were a lot of these flowers along the road


Kathy by patch of colour along the road

Wild rose

Unknown plant with big fuzzy leaves

Unpopular thistle flower

Ant or wasp in this morning glory type flower

Kathy in 180° panorama

Patch of yellow flowers with indian paintbrush

Kathy on trail, left most peak is Cuyamaca. The high point of the antenna on this peak might be the highest point in SD County

Unknown flowers

Black oak leaves

Probably yaro

Some kind of phacelia

A lotus groundcover plant in bloom

Got Kathy to climb into cavity of big burned-out black oat tree at high point in Milk Ranch Road

Jef had to help her get out

Kathy & Jef

We didn't take this trail towards Cuyamaca Peak

Instead, we took the west side Black Oak Trail

Saw these wild turkeys

Fog was rolling into these building that might be on Milk Ranch

These male pine tree pollen generators look kinda like bright orange flowers

Look like top of Milk Ranch Rd, where we just were, is now in fog

Kathy is finally in a nice level, not so rocky part of trail at about 5700' elevation near middle peak summit

Note burned stumps from Cedar fire of 20 years ago

Finally reached Middle Peak Fire Rd

Kathy approaching high point of fire road where there's a water tank

Looking west into sea of clouds

These flowers resemble yellow lupines

We can see Cuyamaca Lake and village of Cuyamaca from here!

Looks like a big building near summit of North Peak

Clouds to west and sunny Cuyamaca Lake

Looks like they are still re-foresting the park after the fire

Kathy on eastern Black Oak trail by a black oak

The bridge can be seen here and overflow lake beyond that

Stonewall Peak in shadow

Chaparal flowers with lake in background

Kathy led way down trail towards Milk Ranch Rd in big loop

Kathy under Cuyamaca Peak

Panorama of trail

Blowing a dandelion-like cluster of seeds

Back on Milk Ranch Rd

Cool clouds

Kathy by panorama of grotto of big black oaks


Cottontail bunny

Nearing trailhead, it looks like there might be fog there

Kathy near trailhead

North Peak above the clouds

Jef & Kathy at the Pub

Lake as viewed from the Pub has patching fog

Overflow lake is beyond flooded dam off of this promontory

Kathy snapped a couple pix of lake as Jef drove by it

On the 11th, took it easy at home working on pix and then walked to the office to upload them.

At the pass on the way to the office

Sunset this evening

On the 12th, back to work a moderately busy day at the office.

On the 13th, another medium busy day at the office.

Washer at work in state of repair - Brian fixed it in 20 minutes!

On the 14th, took it easy until Kathy went to the dentist this afternoon. Jef did a little work at the office before the met up and drove to PCT trailhead near Ranchita and did a 7.25 mile hike going north on PCT to San Ysidro Creek x-ing and back.

Bob towed Jef who steered & braked the black Jeep to Tito's and then dropped Jef at the Mall

Starting on PCT hike noticed all the chamois was in bloom

Some mustard blooms

Colourful grouping: blue = white sage & beavertail, yellow = lotus, pink = Turkish mat, cream - chamois

At about 1/2 mile into hike

Bee & white sage blooms


A group of 3 of these military choppers went right over us

Around 4pm, a few of the giant 4 O'Clocks started blooming

Panorama of trail after traversing largest canyon it crosses on south side of this ridge

Kathy passing a patch of wild buckwheat & lotus

Lotsa blooms on this prickly pear

I think the flying object on left is a bug that flew over at same time I took a pic of this raven

Panorama on north side of this ridge

We cross this valley and go over little ridge to the right

Ascending the little ridge

Kathy heading out over moderately flat grassland

Kathy by PCT logo signpost

The zig=zap pattern looked weird, but is caused by hikers walking around the erosion control logs placed on trail, thus defeating the intended use of these logs

Jef & Kathy by big sycamore tree at San Ysidro Creek x-ing - our turnaround point

Kathy washing her face in the creek

Vertical panorama of big sycamore

Kathy & Jef

Kathy by creek as viewed by sycamore

Kathy by creek a little downstream

Heading back to car passing this old PCT marker

Near the creek we had some shade on the trail

Cattle we saw on way in had migrated east towards the trail

Panorama with Kathy & cattle

Spooky! These cows are starting at us!

Kathy didn't have a red cape, so took out a white kleenex to bait any bulls in the herd

Heading south to the car

Descending into first valley we crossed before heading up next big ridge

Saw this wild cucumber that had rolled down near the trail

Starting up long uphill

Blooming nightshade

Looking back at valley we had just crossed - now with cattle

Nearing top

Kathy at out high point - about 3550' elevation

Yucca bloom in the chamois

A lot more shade this time of day

Only place on trail we saw this flower

Most of the giant 4 O'Clocks were blooming by this time

Colourful late afternoon panorama

Kathy by giant 4 O'Clock bush

Reaching the car

Summary of our hike

A fairly level hike - I think total ascent was less than this

On the 15th, back to work a long day at the office.

Sunset this evening

Peanut finding comfortable position with her food dish in the middle of her bed

On the 16th, another long day at the office.

Late Friday at the Mall

On the 17th, Jef did some chores, took it easy. Then we drove to Cuyamaca mid-afternoon and went on a 6.29 mile hike down Cold Stream and then up Stonewall creek. We had a beer and burger at the Pub at Lake Cuyamaca - both were excellent!

Jef's 1st chore was to replace this rusted out switch to the garbage disposal

After completion

Starting down Cold Stream Trail from West Mesa Trailhead


Panorama with waterfall bottom left and Kathy at right - she didn't venture onto rocks, which was good, as she fell right where she was standing

A gentle fall, but 2 minutes later on main trail, she slipped & fell hard, suffering a sore butt & shoulder for the rest of the hike

Looks like some kind of groundcover lotus

Yaro blooms

Kathy at left of this meadow panorama

Whitish bee in this flower

Flower without the bee is pretty weird

Jef & Kathy wore matching shirts this day

Kathy & Jef with Cold Stream in background

Kathy in hiker's jail... or maybe frame of how indians made homes here (finished house to the right)

This might be how food was protected from varmints?

This was a bridge, and judging the burned railing down in the creek, perhaps was burnt down in Cedar Fire 20 years ago and won't be rebuilt


We stopped at the Sweetwater River near the confluence with Cold Stream

Nope don't want wet feet! Low green bushes on water might be celery

Doubling back going up Cold Stream

Kathy lost an arm in this rock pile panorama

Took a fork our of Cold Stream over to Stonewall Creek - this is near where we took the turn up Stonewall Creek

Started following fire road paralleling Stonewall Creek

Nice shadows

Jef detoured to take some pix of creek where it went over this smooth granite - Kathy remained on road as she didn't want to fall again

Panorama of creek - Kathy is small figure on road left of center

Vertical panorama of this shallow cascade

Indian paintbrush by this little waterfall

Saw a lot of these yellow flowers along the creek

View from just above the water

Kathy by a patch of buglers

This ant is dragging this flower to its home!

Our 1st xing of Stonewall Creek

This granite which has water flowing over it is where we had some lunch on our 2nd hike together nearly 18 years ago

This section of trail is now closed, so we had to go a bit further to get to Cold Stream Trail

After finally reaching Cold Stream Trail we saw this waterfall, but this is still Stonewall Creek

AFter topping out over 4600' elevation we are finally going down - note Stonewall Peak in distance as we go thru a bunch of manzanita

Finally reached vicinity of Cold Stream and saw this plastic horse trough

Arriving at West Mesa Trailhead

Hike summary

At the Pub

What, me worry?
Kathy would finish her burger!

View of lake - dam is no longer underwater and has a picnic table and bench above water again!

Ducks, ducks, wonderful ducks!

Lake Cuyamaca and island illuminated by rosy hues of setting sun

On the 18th, took it easy at home all day.

Kathy made us steak & eggs for Father's Day

On the 19th, back to work a fairly busy day at the office.

Clouds this day

On the 20th, a very busy day at the office.

Cotton candy clouds this day

Blind Peanut wandered into a puddle of water - were it hot, this would have been a good idea!

On the 21st, drove Kathy to SD for root canal. Doctor said no root canal, but rather other dental surgery. No sushi place was open after this, so went shopping and then took Kathy for dinner at Pinto Thai before driving home to Borrego.

On the 22nd, back to work a medium busy day at the office. Relatively cool spring like weather continued into the first days of summer in Borrego. Highs for past 2 weeks were in the low to mid 90s and we won't get to the 100s solidly until June 25 this year.

Jef had BLT and Kathy a tuna salad sandwich for lunch today

On the 23rd, had a shock when woke up and it was 9:15am and Jef had to be at office by 10, but before the big rush to get there, found out we had a rogue clock that set itself 2 hours later, so got to work early instead. Due to cancellations, as very busy day turned into a medium busy one at the office.

Lisette found this gecko in room 1, so Jef took it outside

On the 24th, took it easy all day at home. Kathy still very sore from her slip & fall a week ago.

On the 25th, Kathy took it easy all day - still sore, but slowly getting better. Jef went over to check out irrigation problem at Sewanee and found that possibly a fuse was blown and ordered a couple more valves & parts & pieces to install 4 new valves. That afternoon, Jef walked to/from the office & did a little work.

Planning to replace these 2 valves

May replace these, as well

Jef took his usual trail over neighboring vacant lots on walk to/from the office

On the 26th, Kathy was still sore, so took the day off. Jef went in to cancel patients.

Mesquite beans are starting to drop

After starting assembly of new exercise bike at work

On the 27th, Kathy was still achy/breaky and stayed at home while Jef went to office to cancel another day.

Completed exercise bike

Helicopters circled low above us this evening for about half an hour - these pix are from their 4th pass

A total of 4 - probably military

Back yard this evening

On the 28th, Jef went over to Sewanee and replaced 2 plastic valves with brass. Checked system and it did not work.

Charles helped with install of these 2 brass valves

On the 29th, Jef went over to check out Irritrol controller on Sewanee and found it was not working properly, so ordered a new one. He then went to the office to cancel everyone, as Kathy was still unable to come in.

Cars in shade of this mesquite - noticed a high incidence of bird poop on them, however

On the 30th, took another day off - Jef went into office to cancel everyone again.

Our 1st big heatwave of the year started today
May 2023

On the 1st, back to work a fairly easy day at the office.

Cloud affected by airplane going thru it

View from gym this afternoon

Jef's was last car in lot

Paloverdes getting more blooms

What looks like a contrail in this panorama is a substantial cloud on the right

Wind blew and mesquite pollen was trapped in drifts along rocks in our driveway

Blooming mesquite tree

On the 2nd, another light day at the office.

On the 3rd, drove Kathy to estate lawyer, then Jef went to endodontist who said his tooth was doomed & should be removed soon, otherwise an implant would not be possible. Then stopped at Big Rock where we looked at progress and got him some stuff at Lowes. We stopped and shopped at Staters on way home.

Panorama near Crawford Overlook - brittlebush are on the decline

Cold and wind greeted us when we arrived home - note most of the flowers were gone and in a pile by the base of this indigo

On the 4th, back to work a medium day at the office on a cool, windy day with a threat of rain, but only scattered drizzle.

Cool sunrise this morning

Our paloverde is still blooming

Raining in mtns to the right

Panorama with sunrise on left and illuminated mountains on right

Sunrise with creosote in foreground

Bougainvillea in foreground

Little rainbow in mountains

Hector installed our new pool prior day

Threatened rain all day, but here paloverdes are in the sun

Rain in Palm Canyon

Rain in Hellhole Canyon

Paloverde blooms over Indianhead

Ocotillo branches I planted by Tiki & Gypsi's graves are doing well

Ocotillo blooms with blue skies in background

Our new pool with setting sun behind it and a ripe cherry tomato

On the 5th, another easy day at the office.

Paloverdes still going strong sat the office

Junk cholla bloom - perhaps a Mason Valley cholla - actually invisible until you get up close... and you DON'T want to get up close!

Mesquite blooms

On the 6th, took it easy, doing a lot of sleeping, as SDG&E had a blackout lasting half the day.

Moon setting over San Ysidros early this morning

Jef cooked some brats with the camping butane stove during the blackout

This raven hung out on this tree trunk this afternoon

A contrailly day

Pool has been filled

On the 7th,Jef did a quick shopping trip to Ramona & took a few pix on the way back. Then walked to the office while Kathy got a haircut. Kathy met Jef at the office & they went on a 3+ mile hike up to bottom of the grade along the wash.

Moon setting behind clouds early this morning

Contrails this day - Jef took this pic near Henshaw - looks like a bigger, more colourful version of desert dandelions

Jef had to wait about 10 minutes while they cleared up a probably accident around the corner - probably involving motorcycle(s)

Jef stopped about Crawford Overlook and took pix of fading flowers there

Hedgehog starting to bloom

Cholla blooms

Beavertail blooms

Ocotillo & paloverde at Bob & Bernie's

Bob & Bernie have this broken down vehicle in their front yard

Same view of trail taken on April 13 when trail was more verdant

April 13 same place

Paloverde still going strong at the Mall

Mural at the Mall

Kathy starting on our hike upwash

Ocotillos still blooming

About halfway to bottom of the grade

Kathy by a big foundation for one of the 3 big signs at the bottom of the grade in the 60s and 70s

Bottome of grade welcoming visitors to Borrego

Kathy pretend warming her hands by a pretend fire

Kathy by the library

Pointing out what she thought was a baby ocotillo, but was just a branch from this big ocotillo

Kathy & Jef by yucca bloom in front of Kendalls

On the 8th, back to work a moderately busy day at the office.

Paloverde still going strong at the Mall

On the 9th, a light day at the office after a couple cancellations.

On the 10th, Kathy took it easy in bed this day. She had to cancel her dentist appt due to nausea, but walked to laps around our circle this afternoon, but had to lean on Jef most of the 1.8 miles. Jef walked to/from the office earlier and wound up walking over 6 miles this day.

Clouds over mountains this morning signify wind

Mesquite are now very verdent

Moon over creosote

Another pic on way to office to compare with a month ago

April 13 same place

Ambulance & fire truck on emergency call heading down BS Road

Main thoroughfare from library into park looking away from library

Looking towards library

Interesting point of interest: center of this giant disk(with 4 points of a compass) is direction(north) and distance in quadrillion miles(2.5) to Polaris

This type of gilia is the last small plant to bloom in Borrego(unless we get some summer rain)

On the 11th, back to work a moderately busy day at the office.

On the 12th, a very light day at the office with a couple cancellations.

On the 13th, Miguel stopped by and we drove up to Volcan Mtn. Preserve and did a 5 mile hike with about 1300' ascent. Then took it easy for the rest of the day while Miguel left to get a gift for his mom. Kathy had a very relaxing day at home.

Miguel by lupines near start of hike

Sweetpea vine blooming

Miguel photographing ceanothus blooms

Ceanothus is also called California lilacs


...with ceanothus behind

Jef & Miguel on bench midway up 5 Oak Trail

With red in the leaves of this tree, Jef avoided touching it, as he would with poison oak

The higher we got the more open areas like this

Jef & Miguel looking down on Banner


Hawks, perhaps

Panorama athe the "big step"

CalTech sampled this location for a couple years to see if it would be a good site for Halley telescope back in the 1930s

Miguel checking out binoculars near the summit, looking west towards SD

Panorama at this view point

Mtns you can see to the west

Looking down at the Julian high skool

5 Oak trail goes diagonal to left - we took that up and the dirt road going down

Mtns to east - furthest are Santa Rosas, vally below is the San Felipe

Panorama - Granite Peak is to the right

Drainages from Volcans into San Felipe Valley

Looking down on the 78 with Shelter Valley at the top

Miguel on artsy bench at high point of the hike

Artsy bench

Jef on artsy bench

Looking down on scissor's xing

Panorama with Cuyamacas in background, patch of poppies, and the fancy artsy bench

Patch of poppies

Middle of artsy bench

Closed area of the preserve on these 3 peaks - leftmost with the tower must be the high point of the Volcans

2 hikers going over horizon

Group checking out the binocular west viewing point while others walk on

Miguel in front of this cedar missing its top

Heading back down

Small yellow flowers

Mistletoe infected oak

Lower on trail - yellow wallflowers on both side of the road

Wall flowers

Bug on one of theseflowers

White parts of these lupines are buds


Owls clover

Gateway to Volcan Mtn Preserve

On the 14th, Kathy got call from Stacey for Mother's Day and story of how she tried to have flowers delivered. Jef & Kathy then went on a 4 mile hike on PCT with about 600' of ascent. Saw over a dozen thru hikers (this is the month to start from Mexico if you want to arrive in Canada before snow blocks you), and talked to the trail angel are the trailhead - Kathy nabbed a red vine from him, but we declined a beverage.

Kathy with her Mother's Day breakfast of fritatas, toasted muffin & sausage

Dunno what this flower is on our PCT hike

Wall flower

Another mystery flower

Indian paintbrush

Another mystery flower

Kathy on PCT by some grapevines

Poison oak

I'll call this a bush poppy for now

Kathy by some white sage & lotus

I think this is seeds of blue dicks

Another mystery plant

A giant pincushion - much larger than the Fremont pincushions


Bee in thistle flower

Another mystery flower

Hiker gate no longer needed on the trail

Nightshade blooms

Colourful part of trail

We found 2 nearby 100-mile marks for PCT(from Mexico)

This hiker didn't seem to speak English - seemed to be an elderly Japanese guy

Blue dicks

A new unknown purple flower - leaves are like black sage

Hill beyond seems to have a bald spot

Jef matched t-shirt to Kathy for Mother's Day

We saw a horny toad on the return trip, as well - perhaps the same one

Getting into the tall grass country

Another mystery flower

Kathy with 4 blooming yuccas along trail

Some of these grasses were taller than us

Kathy got more and more perturbed at the photographer

A smooth section of trail

Panorama showing trail on other side of this canyon - we were nearing the bottom

Dunno of low batteries caused this, but we went up in 2.0 miles and down in 2.37 over the same path!

Probably we went up down somewhere between 600 & 700', as that measure ain't so accurate

On the 15th, back to work a fairly light day at the office.

Clouds this day

On the 16th, a short day at the office.

Paloverde still going strong

Bird nest in our veranda with momma bird & 2 chicks

Hummingbird next on this wind chime - not the most relaxing place to be in a wind storm

Momma bird took off as I took pic of other nest, leaving 2 chicks

On the 17th, took it easy at home until driving up to Jasper Trail about noon. Then went on a 2 mile, 200' elevation gain/loss hike before returning home to continue taking it easy.

Yerba santa blooms

Kathy amidst a grove of yerba santas

Some health bush with yellow flowers

Wild cucumber growing over yuccas

Wild cucumber vine in this chaparal bush


Found this new kind of plant

Flower is similar to dune primrose, but always seems to face down

A flowering chaparral bush

Kathy on Jasper Trail

Lupine surrounded by dead grass

Jef & Kathy

Blooming bugler in front of sagebrush

Phacelias still going here, even tho all dead at lower elevations

Interesting rock formations

Jef & Kathy at end of hike

Jef & Kathy bar-b-q-ing in back yard

We cooked some hatch chile brats

On the 18th, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 19th, another very long day at the office.

Our 1st thunderhead - Kym said a few drops at Weststar causing spots on her window

Looking north from Sun Gold area at panorama of Santa Rosas

Nice lighting on Coyote Mtn this evening

Indianhead don't look like an Indian Head from Sun Gold

At the library

On the 20th, Jef walked to/from the office and then drove Kathy up to the Jasper Trail. We hiked on the north side CRH Trail 1 mile out and 1 mile back with over 300' vertical. Then returned home to take it easy.

Catclaws are blooming like crazy this day

Bugs buzzing these catclaw blooms in wash behind old country club

Saw this one desert hibiscus bloom, as well as one desert groundcherry and one fagonia bush with 1 or more blooms

This ocotillo has not yet blossomed

Walked thru park on way home and desert willows are in full bloom

Kathy stretching at Jasper trailhead

Splash of colour in these rock gardens this spring

Unidentified flower - similar to lupines

Beavertail blooms are more substantial up here - looks like an ice cream cone!


Kathy approaching first pass we traversed

Saw a lot of gilias along trail

Indian paintbrush

Kathy after passing an hedgehog cactus


These mtn. beavertail blooms seem better than the desert variety

Jimson bloom

Kathy passing a little field of gilias

Cholla blooms

Lotus overrunning a beavertail

Kathy ascending to a big patch of flowers

Yerba Santa blooms

Kathy on our final ascent in colourful area

Kathy is on trail at top of this pic

Note apricot mallows at same elevation as Kathy

Gotta get my flower book out - used to know this one

Apricot mallow

Spurge flowers

Giant 4 O-Clocks about ready to bloom

Kathy at our turnaround point - we opted not to descend very far and this 2nd pass is about the same elevation that we started our hike

Field of gilia at left and Borrego Valley in the middle

Kathy by this same field of gilia

Wondering if this is a type of goldeneye

Witches hair attacking this lotus

Spotted the road we came up on

Looks like these blooms are coming out of cactus

Passing the colourful patch on this trail with Yerba Santa & apricot mallow

Kathy was skeerd of bees in this pose

Kathy swallowed up by this Yerba Santa

Larkspur blooms in midst of wild buckwheat

Golden head flowers

Holey trail, batman!

Gilia and turkish matt flowers

Portal showing air ranch, Ram's Hill & Borrego Mtn

Turkish matt

Beavertail blooms in midst of dead foxtails

Heading up to first pass

Bear rock

Now looks more like a cobra head or a bird


Didn't walk very fast - Kathy had problems again

Roughly 300' up and down

Crepuscular rays from sun - blew up and tested the first pool recliner this afternoon

Another angle of the rays

Kathy & Mia

Cool lighting behind Kym

Lit tiki torch to ward off bugs

Mended drum hanging in veranda before Kathy tosses it

Mia in camoflage

Kathy has another bright idea

Got a little sunset

We blew up some more pool lounges

On the 21st, spent most of the day doing chores - the biggest being defrosting the freezer. Had a zoom "present opening" meeting with 2 recent birthday kids, Ronan & Eli. At the end of the meeting Holley walked in and participated. Talked with Holley, who brought flowers and paid for most of our Red O dinner.

Ronan & Eli

Eli, Stacey & Ronan - during this chaotic enterprise

Ronan showing off some of his fake food present (for his fake kitchen) - this a bowl of mac & cheese

Holley joined in the zoom meetings - after bringing belated mother's day gifts, so Kathy had both her kids together for first time in a long while

Kathy & Holley talking about things

Holley paid for the bulk of dinner at the Red O

Holley opted for the salmon caesar salad and not the chicken... wonder why?

Outside the Red O, Venus and the crescent moon were setting

John(L) surprised us with sherrys after our dinner - he had just done a yoga session with Charles(R), and Charles, looking at the bougainvillea shadows was suggesting John make a sculpture based on this

On the 22nd, back to work for a medium busy day at the office.

On the 23rd, back to work a very long day at the office.

Last car in parking lot again

On the 24th, drove to SD, did some shopping, stopped by to say "hi" to Nancy before stopping at Big Rock house. Toured some of the changes and provided funds for the next stage. Did some more shopping on way back to Borrego. Washed car. Rebecca dropped by to talk with Kathy, during which Jef crashed. Got up for some dinner before going to bed.

Panorama of Lake Cuyamaca

Out of sight, but dam to right of island(connected with bridge) is underwater - note Cuyamaca Peak in background

Most of flowers are gone, but there were a few mustards in bloom - looking towards Stonewall Pk.

Islands in the overflow lake

Bedroom #3 almost ready for new window

Door will be sealed again

Byt the Jasper Trail on Montezuma - looks like dust in the valley, but when I got down it was nowhere to be found

On the 25th, due to 3 cancellations, only a moderately busy day at the office.

On the 26th, a moderate day at the office due to several cancellations.

On the 27th, took it easy at home.

On the 28th, drove up to Jasper Trail, went about 2.5 miles, parked and did a 1.5 mile hike with Kathy going down about 400' before turning around.

Start of the trail

Spurge flowers

Wild buckwheat in full bloom along with other plants

Gilia & turkish matt

Cholla flowers & wild buckwheat

White sage

Bloomed out beavertail

Very flowery patch

Kathy heading down a steep section

Kathy stopped here while Jef checked trail a few minutes ahead

Jef turnaround point - looks like trail might reconnect with Jasper Trail in bottom of this canyon

Heading back up

Mistletoe berries

Jasper Trail down below

Fortuneately trail wasn't too narrow here

Parts of trail traversed fields of gilia

Trail cuts between these verdant sugarbush

Part of San Felipe Valley can be seen between Granite Peak at left and Cuyamaca on right

I believe the bald part of the Volcan Mtn Range is the Volcan Mtn Preserve, which Miguel & Jef hiked earlier in the month

Trail leveling off

Arriving back at the Jeep

This is a "holey trail"

Stopped & took pix on grade of big field of agave blooms - this shows my old Tubb Canyon neighborhood, as well

As viewed from road

Gale Gordon's house at bottom

Vertical white thingee at right is settling tank in Tubb Canyon water system

On the 29th, started taking down the raised garden.

On the 30th, back to work a very busy day at the office.

Work done on raised garden prior day

Cut off and capped water to raised garden this morning

Finished taking down shade/bug protection cap on garden this morning

On the 31st, Kathy went to dentist for toothache(s) while Jef did a little work. Then they drove to Rancho Mirage for Kathy MD appt and did some shopping, encountered some sandstorm conditions.

This is Rancho Mirage and clouds are overflowing the pass near Palm Springs, so must be overcast to the coast

About to get on freeway after shopping at Staters in Indio in sand storm conditions

Sand drifting across road just west of Salton City

Note the clouds nearly overflowing the San Ysidros to the desert - a situation causing some heavy winds in the desert

At the county line

Approaching PegLeg

Heading south toward the dump

We had some poor visibility here, but it cleared up by the time we passed the airport
Apr 2023

On the 1st, Jef walked to the office the short way, did some work, and returned home over the spur. Due to his condition, he was exhausted and did not make good time. He slept the rest of the day.

Yellowish patches in mountains are poppies

Starting hike home

Mostly poppies & Fremont pincushions

Poppies & Fremont pincushions near start of steep section

Notchleaf phacelia & bristly gilia

Lupines lining trail down to pass

Yellowheads at pass looking down on town

Barrel blooming along with rock daisies lining the trail

Patch of poppies

I count 6 desert hibiscus blooms on this plant

Common blue phacelia & desert dandelions in the wash with a field of poppies in background near top of hill

Looking closer at the field of poppies

Nearing the end of Tilting T, brittlebush starting to come out

Brittlebush blooms with chuparosa blooms across the street

Beth, who was living at the Desert Sands when she bought this house, moved her trailer to the house

Jef replaced a broker roller in the garage door - this is the replacement in place

On the 2nd, Jef made a quick trip to Ramona & after trying to walk around circle with Kathy, stopped when wind was too bad for Kathy & her back was bothering her, so mostly took it easy the rest of the day.

Poppies on side of Dry Canyon

Jef stopped near bottom of grade & took a few poppy pix

This was the best pic

Giant tennis ball statue in front of old tennis club

Kathy posing in her front yard at start of abbreviated walk

Top of circle - we turned around around this point

On the 3rd, Jef deemed Kathy unfit to work again, but she stubbornly came anyway. After is was determined by all she was unfit to work, Jef drove her home after cancelling the day and walked back to the office.

Interesting vacant lot sign on way to the office

On the 4th, Kathy was better, but had a queezy tummy and was a little shaky, so Jef cancelled the day while she stayed home all day.

On the 5th, Jef drove Kathy to Palm Springs area, going to Labcorp & Toyota dealer in Indio before heading to Rancho Mirage for MD appt and sushi.

At Indio dealer - this might be snow-capped Toro Peak

Also at Indio I10 Toyota, this is San Jacinto Peak

Jef & Kathy at sushi

We tried this big avacodo salad, which went great with our sushi

Flower field at Henderson Canyon Rd - only other tourists here were Pam and Joya!

Flower fields were good, but definitely on the decline

Jef snapped a few pix at the sun god & turtle statues at entry to Indianhead Ranch

Our front yard with still-blooming beavertail

On the 6th, back to work a long day at the office.

Still have some chilly mornings into April

On the 7th, a medium busy day at the office. Jef & Kathy went to clinic to establish Dr. Hernandez as PCP & market PT.

Sunrise this morning

On the 8th, Jef walked to office & did some work. After returning, we drove up to Glorietta & did a combined 1.5 miles in hiking on pass & wash trails.

Wispy, contrailly clouds this day on Jef's walk to office

Cholla blooming

Brittle bush blooming on approach to church row

Stage for easter sunrise service the following morning, which we slepth thru

Snapped a few pix on drive to Glorietta trailhead

Kathy at trailhead to pass trail

Big patch of monkey flowers

Some brittle bush are in full bloom, but most are not

Nearing "the meadow"

Kathy at the meadow

Another patch of monkey flowers behind Kathy at the meadow

Kathy checking out some sand blazing stars in full bloom

Jef & Kathy - note brittle bush not quite blooming here

Note beavertail blooms to the right of Kathy

Kathy pointing at beavertail blooms

Nearing turn-around point

After getting back to Jeep, Kathy wanted to check out the wash trail - here near the beginning

Kathy pointing out chias

Common blue phacelias

Nice rock garden


Wooly daisies

Jef & Kathy

Big barrel in bloom

Nearing the mtn shadow

Kathy enterring the shade

Still colourful in the shade

Blooming brittle bush

Yellow-tinted brown-eyed primrose

Patch of monkey flowers

More primrose in this part of canyon

Jef & Kathy

Desert wishbone (or 4 O'Clocks)

Nearly back to Jeep again

Sunset this evening in our front yard

Tomato plant has 3 little tomatoes

On the 9th, brought a bottle of vino to Morgans to drop off a couple checks & talk. They invited us over for burgers after our hike. We drove to 1st Xing and walked about 1.5 miles - about all Kathy could handle, and then stopped by for a little dinner at Morgans before driving home.

Kathy in Coyote Canyon

Kathy took mainland route - Jef walked on island - he didn't encounter Gilligan

Some flowers in background

Kathy by a patch of big lupines

Unknown flower

Jef & Kathy at the "beach"

Another patch of lupines

Panorama including the "sparklies" in the creek at bottom of pic

Probably a sphinx moth caterpillar

Idylic desert creek scene

Panorama with creek and chuparosa and Kathy

Saw this butterfly

Kathy with panorama of creek looking up & down-stream


Having lunch at Morgans

Jim bringing in his burger

On the 10th, Kathy was exhausted, but stayed for a moderately busy day at the office. She took Jef up on offer to drive her to her 2 home care patients this afternoon.

Orion & Venus setting this evening in back yard

On the 11th, a light day at the office after 3 cancellations.

Our front yard this morning

Jef was last to leave this afternoon

More pix of front yard this afternoon

On the 12th, Jef drove to dentist in SD while Kathy saw her dentist in Borrego. Jef did some shopping on the way back.

Sunrise this morning

Jef selfie at sunrise

Peanut this morning

Got some tomatoes going from this potted plant that origianated wild in front yard

On way home from SD, Jef noticed this amazing cloud. First pic taken on S-2

Panorama at Crawford overlook

Jef looked down from Crawford overlook - it was so windy that it ripped the shopping receipt from Jef's pocket and it was lost down canyon

Jef stopped at turn-off to get pic of brittlebush blooms, the cloud, and valley below

Looking down Dry Canyon at brittlebush(foreground), canyon, valley below, and neat cloud

3rd of 4 turn-offs on Montezuma this afternoon

Another shot of Dry Canyon

Dry Canyon Wash - wrecked car is at bottom of rightmost talus slope

Blooming Desert 4 O'Clock

I believe the wrecked car should be in the center of this pic

Our front yard with the cool cloud

Beavertail with cloud above

Cluster of beavertail blooms

Panorama of clouds this evening

This one cloud looks like a comb in the air

The main lenticular over the Santa Rosas

Sunset this evening

Cloud over front yard

With blooming brittlebush

With blooming beavertail

Sunset cloud over WestStar house

On the 13th, back to work a moderately busy day at the office. Took the white Jeep in for service: new belt (which was squeaking) and check engine lite. Jef walked home, but is still having difficulty with slopes.

Brittlebush & lupines at base of steep part of spur trail

Bristly gilia

Blooming creosote near first subpeak

Brittle bush at first pass

Another bristly gilia

Krameria in bloom at first pass

Heading up 2nd steep section

Nearing top

Looking downtrail from this very bright creosote

Heading down other side, brittlebush clustered in this draw

Bristly gilia lined the trail in places and were very visible in the fading light

Patch of bristly gilia, lupine & wooly plantains overlooking Borrego

Yellowhead flowers with same view of Borrego

Desert groundcherry fruit & flowers(closed for the evening)

Brittlebush looking upwash

Brittlebush, lupines & brown-eyed primrose in wash approaching research center

Reverse angle

Brittlebush with Indeanhead in background

Indigo plants are starting to bloom near gate to research center

Brittlebush at research center entrance

Entrance to research center

On the 14th, a moderate day at the office on a nice cool day with no wind.

Our front yard this morning

Front yard of Elsa's former house

Front yard of next neighbor over - desert dandelions starting to open this morning

Doves in Gilloon's ironwood tree

Our house viewed from neighbor

Another view

Another view of our front yard

Dino sculpture at the Mall has been birth to toddler dinos

Peanut found another place to sleep on her bed

On the 15th, mostly took it easy. We set out on a hike in the ocotillo forest this afternoon.

Our front yard this morning

Kathy with blooming buckhorn cholla

Jef leaning on ocotillo

Weird beetle in this cholla bloom

Kathy at corner of "methlab compound"

Some ocotillos are blooming

3 blooming cacti: cholla, barrel & beavertail

Spread out cholla blooms

Kathy with about to bloom agave with blooming beavertail in foreground

Very light colour in these hedgehog blooms

More typical hedgehog blooms

Cholla blooms with Indianhead in background

Panorama at edge of ocotillo forest in cholla forest nearing our sand dune hill

On the 16th, got up and went for a little walk on our sand dune hill to check out desert dandelions. Then we washed Kathy's new car. Later that afternoon, took truck up Glorietta to check out flowers there.

White flowers: Fremont pincushions, desert chicory. Yellow: desert dandelions, all growing around a beavertail patch

Desert dandelions up close

Most places on sand dune, like this one, didn't have very dense patches of dandelions

A moderately dense patch in this cholla patch

Heading home on the northern side of dune had more desert dandelions

Dandelions and healthy brown-eyed primrose on the right

Kathy by tall clump of dandelions

Back in our front yard, this one beavertail bloom is atop a skyscraper beavertail stem

All the gray leaves are new brittlebush plants that are only a few months old - barrel fell down & is in process of drying out and turning flat

Our hedgehog is blooming now, as well

Close-up of hedgehog flower

After we washed the car

Took a few pix out of window on drive up to Glorietta

Kathy at trailhead

Kathy a little up the trail

Kathy at a little switchback

Further uptrail

Kathy turned around shortly after this

Jef hiked up a little ways & took some more pix

Panorama at meadow - the only other hiker was heading down & is barely visible thru a creosote

"Velly intellesting, bot schtupid!" - other hiker seemed to have an easter European accent

Kathy near start of wash hike

Panorama looking up & down wash

Kathy & Jef with sun behind them

Kathy & Jef with barrel cactus as tripod: both pix I took with this were out of focus and one was very over-exposed

Used this 5' tall barrel for a tripod

Brittlebush with Kathy for reference

Chuparosa with Kathy for reference

Turned around about this point

Arriving back to the truck

On the 17th, back to work a moderately busy day at the office.

On the 18th, got blood draws for physicals at the clinic, picked up Jeep (with new belt) and then drove Kathy to SD for MD appointment, but found out it was wrong day on our schedule, Still managed to shop at TJ & SB and get gas. Also took a few pix coming down the grade.

Pulled off & took some pix. This is panorama of Dry Canyon - car is at right

Brittlebush covered hillsides

Kathy was a zombie all afternoon and is here half-sleeping

Jef shadow on brittlebush with Dry Canyon beyond

At the bottom of the grade

On the 19th, a light day at the office. Kathy was a near zombie prior day and continued into this day and also had a lot of back pain.

A couple x's in the sky this morning

On the 20th, a medium busy day at the office. Lupita made us a big batch of taco makings for the next few days.

Kym & Kathy in back yard

Kathy & Jef

Either a Canadian paratrooper baling out over Borrego, or a plane with a gnat

On the 21st, a slow day at the office due to half the patients cancelling.

On the 22nd, drove Kathy to MD in Escondido. Did a little shopping, and drove back to Borrego, stopping to do a 1 hour hike by Upper Tubb Spring.

Jef pulled over here & took some pix at about 2700' elevation on Montezuma

Lotsa brittlebush

Looking down towards Tubb Canyon

We stopped at Upper Tubb Spring trailhead and found this patch of lupines by chuparosas with common phacelias

Kathy behind some blue dicks

Close up of blue dicks

Jef & Kathy after traversing pass and heading downwash

Lots of hedgehog blooms in this area

Kathy heading downwash

Beavertail blooms in a sea of brittlebush

3 agaves sending up stalks

Kathy & Jef

Panorama looking upwash(left) & downwash(right) with Kathy at right

Wash headed down steeply after this, but opened a view to the Borrego Valley. Note that brittlebush blooming on south slope to the left are weeks ahead of brittlebush on north slope to the right

Blooming dudleya succulent next to hedgehog cactus, both growing in cracke in a boulder

Kathy heading up steep part to pass separating wash with spring - cool contrail(s)

Kathy nearing pass - note brittlebush are a couple weeks(maybe) from blooming

Looking down to Upper Tubb Spring from sea of blooming brittlebush (now on slope facing south)

Kathy didn't want to go any further than this, so this is her turnaround point

Jef turned around at this point

Near pass heading back to car

Kathy heading back down to the wash

2 Kathys heading back down to the wash

Heading back up the wash

Returning to the car

Down in the valley & the paloverdes are startin' to bloom

On the 23rd, Kathy went out to lunch with Jackie at the Red O, but Jef decided to not follow plans to go to the cactus garden area of OW & Collins Valley, as Kathy was too fatigued and napped much of the day.

Heard airplane noise and wanted to see if it was an ultralite or something - in this pic at top left, but dunno what it was, but got a pic of hummingbird on olive tree

On the 24th, back to work on a light day at the office.

Sphinx doggie

Kathy turned on big lite this evening, so took pic of WestStar house

On the 25th, a light day at the office, so Jef suggested a quick trip to Collins Valley to go further on Indian/Cougar Canyon hike than we did with John a few months ago.

Paloverde have started blooming

Indian/Cougar Canyon trailhead

We wanted to get to yellow field in the distance

Lots of flowers

Very colourful

About half a dozen apricot mallow bushes in full bloom

We crossed Cougar Creek at this point

Yellow field is getting close

We paralled Cougar Creek for a while

Cougar Canyon

Cool barrel with 2 heads looking into Cougar Canyon

Heading to next minor canyon

Looking up into this minor canyon

Notice the blue phacelia are almost bloomed out

Walking along the edge of the yellow field - at top of 10' high bank at left

This late in the day we started to get some shade

Kathy standing in the middle of this field after letting Jef ascend the steep bank to photograph in the yellow field

Panorama of yellow field from the edge

Looking back at Kathy

Some of the brittlebush in the yellow field have not yet started blooming

Edge of yellow field. Kathy is in wash to the right, but not in this pic

Kathy is towards right in this pic

Coming back to rendezvous with Kathy after yellow field sojourn

Kathy took half of pic with Jef & Jef took other half of pic with Kathy & spliced these together

Heading back to trailhead mostly in the shade on this warm day (probable in the 90s)

Jef let Kathy lead so she could attract all the gnats

Kathy & Jef with camera on a boulder

Back at Cougar Canyon, Jef noticed a blooming hedgehog by the bifurcated barrel

Only flowers left in these desert star plants

Cholla flowers

Big white sage plant in full bloom

Lots of little areas with many colours

Looking deep into Cougar Canyon - note brittlebushes and trees are sycamores

Beavertail blooms resemble roses or tulips

Cream coloured flowers in this pic are cheesebush

Barrel cactus blooms

Cream coloured flowers in foreground are wild buckwheat

We are now back by the creek

We crossed the creek at this more colourful point on return trip

Kathy had balance issues and struggled crossing the creek without getting her shoes all wet

Getting close to trailhead which is at edge of sunlit area

Looking back at yellow field as it begins to be swalled with shadow

This blooming creosote is surrounded by a bunch of Fremont pincushions

Arriving at the trailhead - the yellow jeep belonged to the only 2 hikers we saw - they were sitting in the creek at our crossing point on the way up

Kathy checking out critters inhabitting this jeep - nose to nose with dachshund covered with gnomes - also a griffing is atop water jug and hood ornament is a roadrunner

Jef's shorts are covered with orange pollen when he was in brittlebush field

Kathy drank a beer as Jef worked on removing foxtail from shoes and socks

Yellow field now in shade

Jef stopped a couple places on drive back to take pics of intense indigos and ocotillos

This looks like indigo is crading this ocotillo in its fingers

Jef parked in middle of the road, but no traffic on the 2 stops - only saw a a couple vehicles on return

An even more intense indigo on 2nd stop approaching desert gardens

Some indigos were up against ocotillos

We made it home - our bougainvillea is going gangbusters

On the 26th, back to work for a short day at the office, but Kathy now had 3 homecares to do this afternoon.

Paloverdes recently started blooming

Jef & Kathy at the Legion - we each had a cheeseburger

On the 27th, drove Kathy to neuro appointment in SD. We did some shopping on the way home. Montezuma was very intesnse with brittlebush, so going down grade was purty, but Jef took no pix.

Backyard at BigRock house

This side of house now is protected from rain

Creek has water behind lot

Front yard at Big Rock

On the 28th, a fairly short day at the office, after which Jef & Kathy had follow up on physicals at the clinic. No problems. Kathy then had a homecare to do.

Paloverde blooms are ramping up

On the 29th, took it easy all day. Jef prepped pool area for pool installation, uploaded these pix to web, before Jef & Kathy visited Pam & Jaimie - this was the first day to exceed 100°F, so we had to try out their pool.

Foreground creosote, behind that ocotillo & indigo, and on other side of road beyond saguaro, paloverde blooms

Flowers across the street on WestStar

Our paloverde is starting to bloom, as well

Cactus flower in our front patio

At Morgans, got pic of these 2 birds, just after they "did it"

Jef tried taking pic of all of us in pool from other side of pool - getting closer with each iteration

Joined Kym in backyard after we got back late that nite

On the 30th, mostly took it easy at home all day. Jef did some leveling of pool pad.

Pool pad
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