Journal Index
2Q'23 Jef and Kathy's Activities 3Q 2023 4Q'23
Sep 2023

On the 1st, drove to the marina where we got some halibut to grill, walking about a mile around the marina. We then walked 5.15 miles to the beach, up the beach and back home.

Kathy at the marina

Saw this jellyfish swimming in the marina!

Seals (sea lions?) taking over this part of this floating dock

Fishing boats in the marina

Panorama of marina from the road

Same panorama, but without foreground cut out

Seal or something swimming in marina

Kathy at the beach

Birds flying over surf

Birds & surf

Panorama of Westhaven State Beach this day

LOTS of foam!

Sand in this area has a purplish tint!

Kathy by a bunch of dead crabs

Tide going out

Muscle encrusted float

Nearing surfing area of beach


...and he can surf!

Banana slug

Kathy walking thru enchanted forest on way home

BIG leaves on this bush!

Home at last after walking 5 miles this day

Preparing to grill halibut

We grilled it on the Weber

Moonrise over neighbor house this evening

On the 2nd, drove to near the surfing beach and walked 3/8 mile to the beach with chairs & stuff and spent a few hours watching the surfers.

Jef walked over to the jetty, snapping a panorama of Halfmoon Bay & Westport on the way

Surfing beach is to left of the jetty

Panorama from the jetty

Surfer getting up to standing

A whole pack of bigfoots!

Paddling on out

Trying to catch this wave

Fisherman heading out jetty - note that one needs good balance as you have to walk boulder to boulder, so not appropriate for Kathy

Dodging surfers on way back to our camp

Every beach in WA is a dog beach

Riding out the end of this wave

Surfer dog?

Tide has been coming in since we arrived - nearing high tide now

Jef & Kathy

We never got in any deeper than this

Who says you can't see stars at the beach?

Boogey boarder heading out into the turmoil

Our camp is to the right - Kathy sitting in front of the log

Jef's feet - tide almost made it up to our little camp

Sufers & birds

Surfer with jetty behind

After a ride, this surfer can just step off the board onto the sand!

We packed up and here is Kathy exitting beach

Panorama at our house this evening

On the 3rd, our last full day in Westport.

Front yard flower

Sunset this evening

On the 4th, packed up and drove south to ocean view motel in Lincoln City, OR.

Jef needed to stop and pee here in WA - Kathy got out and walked around, too

Kathy had to pee just before we crossed into OR - bridge to Astoria in the background

Flawed panorama of the mouth of the Columbia

We would cross this bridge in 10 minutes

Kathy & Jef

View from our hotel balcony in Lincoln City

Kathy with a starfish

Jef & Kathy

My favourite pic from this day

Panorama at the beach - our hotel is yellow one on the bluff at the right

Berry girl at work again on hike back up to our hotel

Sunset this evening

On the 5th, packed up and left Lincoln City OR and drove to Port Orford OR where we set up camp in a house we rented.

Close the curtain on that pesky photographer!

Stopped at the Devil's Punchbowl and did some wine tasting

Stopped by a roadside park to pee and let doggies roam free on the beach - Mia was energized

View from dining room of our Port Orford house

On the 6th, we packed up and drove into CA, staying at a hotel in Garberville CA after driving thru scenic redwoods - Jef took no pix.

On the 7th, left Garberville and drove to St. Helena CA in Napa, but made a few stops in Alexander Valley to do some wine tasting, where we stayed at a nice motel, El Bonita. As it was in Napa, it was the priciest nite on the trip. We actually went in their spa this evening.

We stopped at the first winery we say, de Lorimier, so Jef could pee

deLorimier grapes

Next stop Alexander Valley Vinyards - here is their vault

We missed wine tasting at Hanna, which was the first winery we visited on our 2007 expedition to Alexander Valley

View from Hanna

On the 8th, packed up and drove over the sierras to Walker, where we again stayed in the same room #11 at the Toiyabe Motel that we stayed at 3 years prior. We walked across the street and dined at Walker Burgers - awesome food!

Settled in the Toiyabe - forgot how cramped it was

Offramp from Toiyabe Motel to Walker Burgers

Our own laundry facility at Walker Burgers

Lots of nick-nacks on Walker Burgers property

View across street to our motel

We waited for our food here, picked it up and ate it in our hotel room

Outside our hotel room

On the 9th, packed up and drove all the way to Ridgecrest, where we easily found a hotel room. We went to nearby Mexican place and ordered some to-go dinner.

Kathy drinking coffee in bed while Mia catches some morning rays

Jef & Kathy at a rest stop near Lone Pine

Still some snow in the sierras


Rest stop had blooming Mimosas...

...and desert willows

On the 10th, packed up and drove home thru Palm Springs area. We unpacked at home and started recuperating from the long trip. We started work 2 days later.

Sunset this evening

Crepuscular rays from setting sun

On the 11th, Jef did some catch-up work at the office while Kathy took it easy at home.

Sunrise this morning

Cool sky this afternoon

On the 12th, back to work. Jef continued trying to catch up on work.

Lenticular cloud this afternoon

On the 13th, a short day at work, so Jef took off early to see dentist to get cleaning and get game plan to remove bad tooth.

Took a few pix in front yard of chinchweeds

On the 14th, back to work a moderately busy day at the office.

Panorama of our bathroom

On the 15th, a short day at the office, but of course, not for Jef.

On the 16th, took it easy at home.

On the 17th, walked to office in 58.5 minutes - not great, but first time in a while.

Windmills blooming and a couple fagonia stems doing well

Panorama from high point of hike

On the 18th, back to work a short day at the office.

On the 19th, a fairly busy day at the office. The Mannings had arrived for a visit, so we had them for dinner this evening.

In the dining room

On the 20th, we took 2F and Ann on an expedition to Sandstone Canyon. It was more adventurous than normal - 1F and 2F were in the black Jeep and after the first bouncy mile, when we stopped to look at the bat caves, 1F noticed fluid leaking from the engine compartment. Upon opening it, some oily substance was sprayed all over it, so we all piled into the white Jeep for the rest of the journey. The road was challenging due to recent erosion from the passing hurricane rain from a few weeks prior.

More pix from front yard this morning

Even creosotes were blooming

White Jeep with 200' cliffs behind it

One of only 2 vehicles we saw today

Panorama with camel rock at left and anticline at the right

Panorama with Ann at left and 2F and Kathy in front of anticline at the right

2F in alcove next to anticline

Kathy stopped here and we had a beer. Jef(1F) walked up canyon about half a mile to see how passable it was

1F convinced Kathy to drive to this point, but going further was a bit risky, so this was the turn around point - Jeff(2F) is wondering if any more rocks were coming down

Kathy starting to back out

Now turned around and heading down canyon

Kathy likes this monument in the main Fish Creek wash

We forgot there was a big step we had to ascend coming up, but it was invisible on the way down - Kathy screeched to a halt, but went down at a steep point, hitting this steel box(with the flag) and bending it back a little - this is nearly 2' above ground!

Above to go into narrow canyon again, but Kathy failed to find a passable route, so here is she(at left) and 2F(at right) trying to find the best route

1F found this downed sign - the old road was washed out, so sign needs moving anyway

1F noticed nothing spraying after starting black Jeep and drove it home without incident

Stopped at Iron Door on way home, but it was closed

Kathy failed to find a bathroom open

The king is dead! He wasn't breathing!

Amalgamated junk... or art?

Outdoor dining area has some antique equipment

On the 21st, Kathy was not feeling well, so cancelled all patients and Jef worked at the office.

Sunset this evening

Sunset from inside the pool

Having a drink on the front patio

On the 22nd, back to work a full day at the office. 1F and Ann drove to SD for a few days, as 1F's mom needed help moving out.

Great sunrise this morning

This turned out to be a fairly cloudy day

On the 23rd, drove to Escondido for Kathy's MD appt, stopped at her favourite fruit stand, Staters & drugstore in Ramona on way home, but then we stopped at Edwards and did some wine tasting, as well.

Kathy going krazy with the chalk

Jef & Kathy at wine tasting area - we did see 2 camels down in the valley, as well

On the 24th, Kathy did a homecare & Jef did some work at the office, but otherwise we took it easy.

On the 25th, another take it easy day.

On the 26th, after a moderately busy day at the office, 2F & Ann took us out to dinner at La Casa.

The 4 of us at our table

1F took pic so that pool could be seen in background

Kathy ordered halibut - but overcooked

1F & 2F ordered the filet - also overcooked

Ann's meal

We did have a pesky fly

2F brought their van to main entrance so Ann didn't have to go down stairs

On the 27th, mostly took it easy at home, but we took Ann to Glorietta for a quick field trip - 2F was still worried about drama regarding his mom's moving and so passed.

Lots of chinchweed in meadows before mouth of canyon

Even desert senna is blooming!

Bees are having a "field day"

Got Kathy to pose with wildflowers

Stopped by dinos and noticed a nest in this one's mouth!

Ann & Kathy in peril

Oh, no! Not the poor defenseless Jeep!

Reinforcements are on the way!

Even some barrels are blooming

Gearing up for happy hour sunset at the start of our driveway

Cass & Ann

Around peak of sunset colour

Even 2F joined us for the moonrise & sunset

Sunset over our street number

On the 28th, a short day at the office. 1F came home to go on a walk with 2F, but he wasn't in the mood, so they took a quick 30 minute car drive to see if anything was going on.

On the 29th, we had a moderately busy day at the office after having coffee with the Mannings on the front patio. Later that evening we had a fire in the back yard & made some 'smores..

On the 30th, the Mannings left us for AZ, That afternoon, Jan called and needed help getting up after falling. We failed getting her up and Kathy wrenched her back, so we called 911 and paramedics got her up on a chair.

Sunrise this morning

Doggies saying goodbye as Manning were packed up to leave

Kathy pissed at paparazzi after wrenching her back

Looks like another good sunset this evening

Sunset at the Mall - note the desert island in the sky with no giant
Aug 2023

On the 1st, broke camp and drove to Susanville where we stayed at the Super 8 - getting the last room available.

Before breaking camp this morning

Panorama of creek

Stopped by McGee Creek campground to use bathroom and find out it now costs $30/nite

Rock at right resembles an animal with alpine wildflowers blooming

View of Crowley Lake from road to McGee Creek

Prickly poppies blooming with 395 in background

Walker River

Doggies in hotel room

On the 2nd, drove to Klamath Falls area and got cheap cabin at the Rocky Point Resort.

Took a break for some lunch

Mt. Shasta was visible from a few parts of the road this day - this near Bieber

As Kathy drove half the day, Jef snapped a few pix in agricultural area south of Klamath Falls


Kathy at the wheel

Our room at the resort

We can see the lake from our deck

On the 3rd, drove to Eugene and briefly said "hi" to Harriet before driving to Salem area and staying in hotel.

We had stayed in room B

Jef got up early and snapped a few pix of sunrise over the late at the resort

Visiting Harriet

Jef & Kathy at Harriet's place

On the 4th, drove to Port Orchard WA and dined with Stacey, Eric, Ronan & Eli this evening.

Us in the guest room

Having dinner with the family

Walking around the neighborhood

On the 5th, Jef took it easy at home while Stacey took Kathy somewhere.

On the 6th, took it easy around the home and engaged the grandkids.

Eli is not allowed in the pantry, but wants in


This family walk was about 1.5 miles

Running around the back yard

Playing with wheeled toys

Ronan wants Eli's car

Papa Jef is recruited to push Ronan in Eli's car

Heading in to the house

Back at it

Doggies in yard around sunset

On the 7th, we visited the LeMay car museum in Tacoma, then Eric cooked us a nice dinner, and we checked out the hot tub.

Ronan wants to be the life of the party

He just loves this as a hat

Ronan wanted to warm up by using papa Jef as a freeway for his cars

The main concourse in the car museum

1912 Standard Electric

Talk about a scary hood ornament!

Stock car with Mexican plates

What to do if engine won't fit in regular car

Model racetrack

View from dining area is port of Tacoma

Ready to eat some lunch

Ronan showing mom & nana his new car

Watch for cops - don't have license yet

Eli learning to drive from big brother

Eli is not quite ready to drive

Toy cars? Jackpot!

I want this and that and that...

Don't think these prices are around any more

VW bus - Dyer & Jef went an a tour of WA in one of these

I think my dad & his sister had one of these in the 30s

1926 Model T

1885 Columbia bike

1902 Studebaker electric

1906 Cadillac

Kathy sys her mom had one of these

1951 Chevy truck

1946 Ford

1957 Metropolitan

1937 Cord & 1932 Ashburn

1919 Stanley steamer

Morgan 3 wheel

Ronan riding out with booty - VW bus with camp trailer

LeMay car museum from the parking lot

Dinner included crab cakes

Checking out jacuzzi

On the 8th, drove to Bloedel Reserve, arriving at our scheduled time. Then took it easy at home the rest of the day.

Elias at start of walk

Dandelion & bee

Ronan has to disburse dandelion seeds

Tree frog

Tree frog pond

Stacey photographing brown-eyed susans

Nature girl

Nature boy

Approaching the mansion

Jef & Kathy

Kathy, Jef & Ronan in living room of mansion

Ronan running around in front lawn of mansion

mom & daughter

Hitting trail again

Big trees!

Look, a mossy tree!

Trail follows creek here

Using bridge to cross to other side of creek

Stacey pushing hard to get Eli up this trail

Duck, oh duck, oh duck! Goose, oh goose, oh goose!!

Japanese pavillion area

No bathroom, however

Checking map for nearest bathroom

Back at visitor center

Checking out the reflecting pool

Back home, the bouncy house was set out for kids to play

Ronan & nana in the "moat" of the bouncy house

Some shots from down under

Uh, oh! Is that a cop car down there? Gotta get my story straight.... I didn't do it.... yeah! that should work

Toys in setting sun - VW busses were Ronan's gift from last summer

On the 9th, drove over an hiked from the Staircase campground in Olympic Nat'l Park

We went there in the black Mazda

Starting up the trail

Some big stumps

Looking down at the creek

We turned back, but on other side after crossing this bridge

Hiking down the other side of the creek

Some trees were very mossy

Ronan got tuckered out

Back at the house

We dined on sushi this evening

Fuschia at sunset

On the 10th, drove UNDER downtown Seattle to the Woodland Zoo.

First thing: have lunch at the zoo

Ronan at Leopard enclosure

Stacey taking pic of orchid

Toucan play at this game

Ronan getting a ride from mom


Wierd - faces kinda look like butts!

We had a tough time getting Ronan to pose with these scary gorilla statues

But we finally did it!

Looks like this dangerous "log dragon" has finally been tied up!

Gorilla enclosure

Shortly after this, boy & girl gorillas "got it on"

In the butterfly enclosure

Spiky flowers!


Duck pond

Weird duck!

Fighting for position at feeding time

Big bird! Red crown crane, I think

Tall bird!

Some kind of duck

Small horseys

Small cattle

Home on the range

Ronan getting stretched taller



That's a BIG CAT, and I'm not lion

Grandpa monkey


Feeding time for rhino



Orangutan eating celery

Orangutan enclosure

Fat chinese lantern plant


Bug eating plants

On the 11th, went to the beach at Anderson Point with the kiddies.

The crazy kid finds all sorts of things to play with in the guest closet

Ronan & Eli

Mom is the Play Doe expert

So much for the saguaro with fancy cactus flowers

Ronan & Nana playing trains

Stacey now makes craft projects for sale on the internet - here is one with a watercolour of a coffee martini with an old regular martini pic for reference

Strawberry boy


Spaceman Ronny

Ronan at right is about 1/3 of the way down to the beach

1/2 way down

Arriving at the beach

Setting up first camp

Happy beach girl!


Skipping rocks

Still have blooming flowers

Picked up and now moving camp to better location

Stacey taking pic of kiddies

Eric & Ronan getting their feet wet


Dead fish washing ashore - believe these are goldfish

Ronan is in earth-mover mode today

Needless to say, mom would have a difficult clean up this evening

Ronan played with this Trex decking for about 5 minutes

Also this seaweed whip

Whirly kid!

Even mom got into it

Heading back to car

Pizza this evening

On the 12th, drove over to Eric's parents land in the Seabeck area to (unsuccessfully) find the corners of their lot.

Berry girl had competition for the local blackberries

Kathy & Ronan with Hood Canal & snow in Olympics in background - this is a panoramic view from John & Mary's beachfront lot

Panorama showing edge of 125' of beachfront property, just right of rightmost part of this pic

Preparing to eat some Seabeck pizza

Lunch time

Eric preparing burgers for dinner this evening

Ronan keeping backyard trees healthy

On the 13th, took it easy at home.

Jef & Kathy brought dinner home from a Mexcan Restaurant - this is something like a tostada that looks like pizza

On the 14th, had some breakfast and drove to Shelton, where the Morgan's had broke down and kept them company for a couple hours & shuttling Jim/to from Super 8 to repair shop. Car was not fixed, so left them at hotel and drove to our AirBnB house in Westport.

Ronan visiting us before we left this morning

On the 15th, took it easy in Westport. Pam & Jaime came down for a little visit this afternoon, before driving back to their hotel.

Our Air BnB house for next 3 weeks in Westport - Stella Maris

On the 16th, we checked out property and found forms for the footing being erected. Later that day, Pam & Jaime drove down from hotel in Shelton in a rental car and we spent some time with them, including checking out the 98 year old Pinetree Inn.

Our lot on Baker

With Pam & Jaime at the Pinetree

On the 17th, Jef walked over to our lot and back, but otherwise took it easy this day. The Morgans arrived to spend a few nites with us.

Checked weather forecast for Borrego from remnant of hurricane - the predicted 4" missed Borrego, but it still got about 2" of rain

Panorama of Stella Maris house interior with living room & Kathy at left & kitchen at right

Lots of dandelions blooming in Westport at this time

Our lot

Panorama with forested neighbor lots and houses across the street

Road at edge of our property connects with water department road which ends at beach trail about 3 minutes away

More dandelions

Stella Maris is 2nd house from end of our street

Nearing sunset

Kathy & Jef

Morgans finally got a their car fixed and joined us in Westport for a few days

On the 18th, took it easy at Stella Maris with the Morgans. I think we drove them downtown for a looksee of the marina.

Broadway in Westport: not very broad

Kathy bar-b-queing brats on the charcoal grill, complete with charcoal left at the house

Pam & Kathy getting back from berry-picking expedition in neighborhood

On the 19th, drove downtown again, and as Bennett's was full again, we dined at the Aloha Alabama.

Mia barked at this visiting deer, but didn't know what to do next

We drove downtown, and when Bennetts was too busy, went to Alabama Aloha

We can see the lighthouse from our front yard, this is nearing sunset

On the 20th, another easy-going Westport summer day.

At the breakfast table this morning

Sunset is tinted with high smoke blown here from some fire

On the 21st, took Morgans to the Westport Winery where we did wine tasting and dined. Afterwards, we toured the grounds.

Mia & Peanut in our front yard this morning

Kathy & Jaime at the front of the Westport Winery

Kathy waiting for table to eat after we did wine tasting

Everybody loved the food

Touring the back yard of the winery

These glass bulbs mark the hub of trails going out as spokes from this center of the garden

One of neary 100 sculptures in the 50 acres of gardens

English garden area

Sad angel sitting on a bench

Colouring pencil sculptures

One trail segment

Sculpture of girl on front of wrecked boat - perhaps part of mermail museum

Another trail segment

French garden area

Pam & Kathy

Pam & Kathy by blue wine bottle wall & giant scrabble set

Sculpture of dog by dog bowl & pond

Lighthouse in field in wheelbarrow

Razor clam sculpture

Entrance to English garden area

Weird ground-hugging fir tree!

Fron another angle

Note the spherical sculpture is rock filled with a surface of horse shoes welded together!

The "drawing room"

Kathy & Pam taking a break on this "bench sculpture"

Blue mermaid by boat sculpture "Rose, Blanc & Bleu"

Some sculptures have fancy signs for them

I think these numbered flags correspond to a type of golf course embedded in the garden. These poles are by a 4" pipe stuck in the ground. Speculating on the warious type of balls that could be used: a whiffle/pickle ball could be hit with a racquet at tee, which might be these red tipped posts nearby. Ball could be picked up and swatted until near the hole, and ball could be tossed and eventually land in the 4" pipe.

Plaque by bench Kathy & Pam were sitting on: Don Tapio, who started these gardens suggested the owners grow grapes and make a winery

Wine bottles put in ground are used to delineate the trail from the garden at this point

Throne of the garden gnome king

Giant chessboard

Mermaid statue in front of mermaid museum is by a grape arbor

Intermational Mermaid Museum - perhaps something to check out on next visit

Note the giant guitar sculpture

On the 22nd, the Morgans left us for their ill-fated trip home this morning. Jef & Kathy took it easy at 'home'.

Everybody sleeping in the living room this morning

Critters in the front yard

Doggies in back yard - yellow building is Casa Limon, the local Mexican eatery

On the 23rd, Jef & Kathy walked to the beach.

A little fog made sporatic appearances at Westhaven State Beach

These guys are making a maze, apparently

Walking north towards point

Patch of wildflowers with Point Chehalis in background

Kathy near point

Doggies in living room

On the 24th, took it easy at home before driving to the beach with beach chairs and stuff mid-afternoon.

Photo taken at 7am this morning with sun penetrating high smoke. Mystery, as it looks like lighthouse at right, but that would imply sunset, so probably not the lighthouse

Took pix of flowers in our back yard this afternoon

Jef & Kathy at the beach


Kathy lying on tummy at the beach

Sunset had an even ruddier sun

On the 25th, Jef walked over 4 miles.

Blackberry blooms on our Westport lot

State of construction at our Westport lot

Westport BMX track in Harriet Dorland Municipal Park is only a 2 minute walk from our lot

This park has lots of stuff, including this basketball court

Yet another beach day


Tons of sand dollars - Kathy displaying a few

Razor clam shell


Kathy loved the sea foam

The sun heats it up, so it warms the feet of whoever steps in it

Found this message in a bottle - probably a joke, but someone in Yosemite was apparently lost - half the message blew away before we read it, however

Kathy & her beach

This windsurfer was out a while, but a bad day for this

Just noticed after looking at pic that this surfboard had a hydrofoil! Behind him is the end of the Westport Jetty at Point Chehalis


These guys observing that a mysterious mountain forming - currently only about the size of the bucket at the left, but it might become a giant mountain some day?

Running family

Jef & Kathy

Jef & someone who thinks Jef takes too many pics

Back home, Kathy cooking up some brats on the grill

On the 26h, Jef only walked ½ mile. Kathy took it easy.

Our little back pation from the alley

On the 27th Jef walked to the beach on the trails, going 3+ miles. Kathy stayed home.

On the 28th, we walked 3+ miles walk to beach along the road, then up the boardwalk to trail and back to the road near the lighthouse. We made a batch of spaghetti this evening.

We walked to the beach via a trail and noticed this slug and it's mess

Nearing the beach

Kathy at the beach

Mia ridding yard of cat vermin

On the 29th, we walked about 3.5 miles to beach using the trails. Wound up missing turnoff to beach & hit road by lighthouse.

Kathy by lighthouse

Lighthouse from paved trail

Water tower (next to our lot) from the paved Westhaven State Park paved trail

Kathy with ocean in background

Sun was getting low

Kathy finally at the beach

Going up our trail from beach

Very few houses have nice lawns like this in Westport

On the 30th, we walked 4 miles to beach and back, this time not missing all the turnoffs.

Mossy bush


Kathy has to disburse dandelion seeds!

Kathy near the beach

A big foam day at the beach!

Kathy talked to these people for about 10 minutes

Apparently their first beach visit

The son was interested in surfing

Kathy said this was a bad surf day

They should go to northern parking lot near the point to see the main area for surfing

Walked on shortcut to our lot and saw these deer

On the 31st, as part of this day was rainy, stayed home and watched TV.

Puddle in front of our house

Lighthouse from our house this evening

Cleared enought just before sunset that we got some sun
Jul 2023

On the 1st, drove Kathy to MD appt in Escondido, then stopped at Kathy's favourite fruit stand for strawberries, and then shopped at Staters. On way home, we decided to test Kathy's ability to hike and did about 3/4 mile up/down Santa Ysabel Preserve trail from Hwy 79. We then drove home to Borrego.

Kathy & Jef at turnaround point

This is part of the Coast to Crest Trail (currently only 49 of 71 miles have been completed)

Kathy walking back to car

Trailhead is by the rightmost grove of trees

One of only a few flowers still blooming

Nobody likes the photographer - incidentally on other side of Hwy79 at trailhead is what was proposed to be part of Coast to Crest Trail, but is not at this time

On the 2nd, did chores at home before bringing burgers, tater salad & strawberry pound cake to Morgans where we dined and hung out at the pool for a couple hours in the evening.

We helped ourselves to burgers & tater salad

Arriving at the pool

Only the 4 of us this evening

Just before Jef turned off the lites

On the 3rd, back to work a full day at the office - first day since Kathy took off entire last week.

Little hazy this afternoon

Horizontal bright line is one of the solar plants in the valley

On the 4th, took it easy at home. Jef did some tear down of raised garden & burned some of it in fire this evening. Found a few fireworks from years ago and blew them all up.

Jef found these fireworks

Kym's goofy dog as Jef got fire going

Jef put out fire on rug a couple times this evening

Big firework going off on float in pool

Kathy came out for the last few fireworks

Jef put out the 2nd carpet fire before turning in

On the 5th, back to work for a medium busy day at the office.

Some paloverdes are still blooming

Saw a band of smoke on the horizon this evening

On the 6th, a short day at the office. Lupita fixed fish tacos for us for the next week.

On the 7th, a long day at the office.

On the 8th, took a quick trip to Ramona for some shopping & then took it easy most of the day.

Stopped on the grade to take pics of these late blooming agaves

Desert apricot

Desert apricot bushes in front of agaves

Got held up for 10 minutes in Dry Canyon

Big oopsie!

Probably took curve too fast and rolled it

Looking to our sunroom late this afternoon

On the 9th went over to replace controller at Sewanee - now all valves are working.

Took pic of wiring in old controller in case it became a big problem figuring how to wire new controller

Roadrunners are pretty used to people over at Sewanee

Actually running

This pic was added to the road shot below

Wiley coyote with prev pic photoshopped in

Mia was first in the pool this afternoon

Mia was the 1st to exit the pool

Jef & Kathy

Drying out from the pool

Miller time with Kym

Kym & black bark

On the 10th, Kathy in too much pain to come in to work today, so Jef went to office for half a day to do some work.

Next weekend should be pretty warm here

Kathy is having trouble with dental tori, and this piece broke the skin in her mouth and she loosened it and got it out

On the 11th, Kathy wanted to take another day off, so Jef cancelled everyone and did some work.

Jef started raking beans towards the trunk of this mesquite

On the 12th, a busy day at the office with no Lisette.

We had some light clouds this day for a change

Tom showed us his "souveneirs" from a recent visit to Iowa (mosquito bites)

Contrail clouds

Sunset this evening

On the 13th, antoerh busy day at the office.

Kym & Kathy tested the waters this evening - water temp was about 90°F

On the 14th, took the day off for Kathy's dental appt in RB - she arranged for tori removal surgery to be done after our trip (in 2 months). Took Kathy to sushi at Akai Hana. Did some shopping and did a 1 mile test hike on PCT. That was too much for Kathy, however.

Kathy in a bad mood at sushi - "Jef never listens"

Some wild buckwheat flowers amid dead grass

Starting on hike

This might be pentstamen blooming and showing fall colour

Kathy at turnaround point - she had great difficulty making it back the half mile to the car

Noticed black dots on trail - possibly chamois seeds

Sunset this evening

Looks like a block of very hot weather for mid July

On the 15th, took it easy at home. Made a batch of Kathy's tuna salad.

Sunrise this morning

Shadows on bathroom wall this morning

Raised garden almost razed

Muggy hot day at the office

Sunset over the pool

Raised garden

On the 16th, Kathy got a massage & Jef did some work at the office. We are in the middle of a hot spell where swamp cooler is not working well - we switched to mini-splits at 9am this morning.

On the 17th, back to work for what was to be a long day, but due to 4 cancellations, only a medium busy day at the office.

Sunrise this morning

Water bugs in pool

Baby bird by hot tub

On the 18th, a long busy day at the office.

Kym's flower finally blooming

Sunrise this morning

On the 19th, drove Kathy to MD in Rancho Mirage & did some shopping on way back.

Kym's flower continues to bloom

Another contrailly day

On the 20th, a busy day at the office. Realtor emailed pix of our new pad up in Westport.

Deer is at top left corner of pad

Looks like alley on side of lot had been turned into a gravel road

Closer view of deer at the left

Panorama of the pad

Another contrailly day in Borrego

On the 21st, a medium busy day at the office.

Parking lot this afternoon - high was about 120°F!

On the 22nd, Jef did a little at the office, but we hung around at home all day. This evening, Kathy tried walking around the circle to see how she would do: after 1 lap with all the spurs, she wanted to do another lap, so wound up walking about 2.2 miles and Kathy did okay.

Segas get burned this time of year

Wendy dropped by for some technical help & we had some vino & olives - here are Kathy & her with empty wine glasses and an appropriate T-shirt on Wendy

Kathy moved this gecko to front yard this evening

Crescent moon to left of intersection of signs denoting our 1st spur

Kathy after doing the spur

Kathy from behind

Kathy from the side

In front of Kathy

Setting moon with lights on Montezuma and below that, lights in the valley

Jef & Kathy - note blood in Jef's hand as it blocks most of headlamp light from camera

Kathy heading up spur #3

On the 23rd, hung around the house all day - Kathy didn't wake up until just after noon! Had about half a minute of sprinkles near midday on this muggy day.

Doggies taking bathroom break

Raised garden area almost cleared out

Muggy day sunrise

Boatmen in the pool - some very much alive

On the 24th, back to work a busy day at the office.

Clouds on this hot day

Around sunset

On the 25th, a medium busy day at the office.

Looked like a possible T-storm

It didn't rain on us, but from rocks glittering here, it looks like it did in the mtns.

On the 26th, a short day at the office.

Giant dust devil going down Palm Canyon Drive this afternoon

On the 27th, drove to SD for MD appt for Jef then did some shopping.

Smoke from Bonny Fire in Aguanga apparent when we drove past Henshaw when is was only a few hundred acres

Stopped to take pix of cattle at intersection of S2 and Hwy79 and saw these planes fly over - probably heading to Bonny Fire

Panorama with cattle and Bonny Fire smoke above our Camry

Sunset was fading as we approached home

Bonny Fire smoke arriving in Borrego Valley - we did smell smoke at home this and next night

On the 28th, back to work a medium busy day at the office with 3 cancellations.

Kathy found this baby chuckwalla in office and relocated outside

Note how it blends in with local soil

Bonny Fire smoke still entering our valley - it was over 1500 acres about this time

Sunset over our pool

On the 29th, Jef made roast & eggs for doggies for trip and 36 deviled eggs. That afternoon Kathy & Jef took deviled eggs to small party at John's to introduce his 2 grandkids who her just rescued from Brazil after a 3 year struggle. Met 2 other artists: Sally and Kevin.

In John's apartment with Kathy, John, Sally, Kevin & Jef

Joseph at left and John at right sitting under portrait with adults dining on drinks & appetizers at John's triangular table

Joseph approaching granddad - perhaps he is hungry and appetizers not appetizing to him (or other grandson, John)

Charles showed up with more appetizers - Joseph & John mostly hung out on comfy chairs playing on cell phones

One of John's new creations downstairs

Looks like a start of another project

Works for another installation

Middle object looks to be a waterfall installation

Panorama of south studio with kid's bikes

This will probably go with waterfall sculpture outside

This 3D sculptue is an even more abstract sculpture of a horse - note the "hat wall"

Sunset panoramas on the roof

John still doesn't mind a bee hive in the exterior recipticle on upper deck

2 Ravens flying to the moon

2 Ravens flying from the moon

John & Kathy on mid deck at sunset. Temp was about 110°F

Vertical panorama with Kathy & John and sunset over Indianhead

Last of sunset colour

Jef got in pic

Joseph & John eating cheese burgers

Joseph clowing around while John bears it


Kathy, John & Joseph

Joseph took these 2 pix and Jef spliced them together

Another Joseph pic

Grandpa with the boys

Joseph is pretty rambunctious

John feeding his horse

John with grandson Joseph saying goodbye

on the 30th, continued packing. Jef did some work at office. Cleaned car.

Building storm over Toro Peak

On the 31st, did a little work at the office before driving to the great white north - camping in Lone Pine this evening. Whitney Portal was closed, so had to detour thru Tuttle Canyon to get there. Kathy had some problems, so had to made 2 special trips to Lone Pine during the night, but otherwise a great evening.

Hazy morning - can't even see the mountains!

Stopped at Rancho Mirage MD to pick up meds and took pic of this roadrunner in the parking lot

Panorama of a raging Tuttle Creek behind our site

Doggies guarding our campsite

Looking to be a great sunset

Tuttle Creek and White Mtns to east with sunset colour

Our campsite

Panorama with sierras on the left

Kathy & Peanut

Owens Lake is not dry

Mia at sunset

Great sunset!

Sunset colour over snow in sierras

Nested between sunset and sagebrush is our little camp

Looking at the sunset

Sitting around the campfire

Either picking up camera before timed exposure completed, or UFOs

Sitting around campfire under a rising moon
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