Journal Index
3Q'24 Jef and Kathy's Activities 4Q 2024 1Q'25
Dec 2024

On the 1st, mostly took it easy & did chores on this Sunday.

Mia out doing her thing just before sunrise this morning

Really cool sunrise

We did the pole-line road hike(outside Country Club) this afternoon

Pepper after 3+ mile hike tooting leash

Sunset this evening

On the 2nd, Jef drove Kathy to MD appt in Escondido(to get stitches removed from hand surgery) & we did some shopping on the way home.

Solar array behind airport with near vertical panels illuminated in setting sun

On the 3rd, Kathy returned to work a full day. She met Jef at dentist downstairs for 2nd opinion on getting implant restarted. Dr. Bob agreed that was the best option.

Raised gardens this morning

Sunset this evening

On the 4th, Jef drove Kathy to dentist in RB to have tooth removed & prepped for implant. Did some more shopping on the way home.

Moon & Venus close together tonight as we stopped at gas station on way home

On the 5th, Kathy again had a full day of work.

On the 6th, mostly took it easy at home, doing a few chores.

Sunrise this morning thru some smoke?

Pepper puppy 3.5+ mile hike in wash behind old country club

Barrel has 22 ga holes in it

Meter today

On the 7th, drove Kathy to MD in Escondido & did some shopping on the way home.

Pepper puppy very excited we were home

On the 8th, we took it easy & did some chores at home & took Pepper Puppy on hike midday.

Took some gifts & lighted b'day cake to Kym (candles were hard to light)

Did the 4 mile pole-line road hike this afternoon

More elaborately decorated meth lab entrance

Bee in non local barrel cactus bloom

Shiny material around Clair's street address sign

Kathy & Pepper arriving home

Meter still heading north

Sunset this evening

On the 9th, Jill came over and gave us haircuts. We did various chores. This evening, the power went out and stayed off for about 45 hours! We got things ready for the cold dark night & Jef made a fire in the back yard & did some "shredding".

Jef checked out progress at Sewanee house

During blackout, Jef shredded some papers

Kathy got lots of candles & lamps going in our bedroom

Kym came out briefly & tended the fire

Kym eventually was the only one with cell service

Only some solar lights, airport lights & car lights were the only lights on in the valley

Front of our house this evening

About to head back to cold house from fire area

On the 10th, Kathy went to work with no electricity this day. only 2 patient were seen.

Jef made a fancy breakfast this morning on camp stove

After Jef put some firewood in fire pit, it started smoking...

...and burst into flames

Kathy moved bar-b-q near house & fried some cod while Jef made hashbrowns inside

A nice fire this evening

Kathy's ghostly hand hovering over bizarre things going on in back yard

Kathy & Jef

A contrail & a few clouds in photo taken in front yard of Orion

Contrail around the moon made the sky look like a giant eye

Jef holding up crooked mesquite

Kathy by fire with interesting sky behind her

Rainbow halo around the moon

On the 11th, Jef drove Kathy to MD appointment, but we did shopping along the way - buying 2 generators and lots of extension cords at Harbor Freight. Got materials for Sewanee build at HD and lamp oil and candles at Hobby Lobby. After MD appointment, we did some shopping at Staters and got gas for car and generators at Red Earth. Jef was preparing generator when power came back on late this afternoon.

Coolest day of the season - temps dropped below 60 in the house, and as low as 51F in old section of house

Sunrise this morning

Tires are bald, so this is what we need to replace on Camry

Meter goes blank during a blackout

We found out Pepper puppy wants to interact with dogs on TV this evening, and wanted to jump thru the screen!

On the 12th, Kathy thinks her cell service screwed up her text to one patient, by swapping one meant to go to another, so only saw 1 patient at the office. She started a home care post op patient this afternoon,

Sunrise this morning

Some cool clouds at sunset this evening

On the 13th, we did the pole line hike again.

Kathy & Pepper on pole line road

Found this abandoned car. Found out it belongs to Barbie, but we don't know her, so didn't dispatch tow truck to pick it up.

Jef had been putting off picking up package all week, but found a not too long line and succeeded picking it up this afternoon

Sunset this evening

Holley & Alvero brought Kathy this purple & white blanked for her birthday & she thought a good use was a cover for our front patio sofa

On the 14th, did 3 mile hike with Pepper behind old country club(to water trough). Made potato salad and garden salad and took them and some vino over to Morgans where we had a nice dinner.

Cool sunrise this morning

Kathy & Pepper by Bob & Bernie's xmas decoration

Kathy & Pepper walking into wash behind old country club

Dinner at the Morgans

Cool pic of moon, clouds & contrails this night

On the 15th, Jef checked out progress at Sewanee house. Kathy did a couple PT patients.

Dust on TV looks like a star field

Old laundry room progress

New laundry room progress at Sewanee

Pepper puppy barking at dogs on TV guys don't know how to pull a sled!..., let me show you!!

On the 16th, Kathy took it easy while Jef went over to plan new laundry room with Dave.

Sunrise this morning


We hiked in lower Tubb Canyon this afternoon

Old homesite

Kathy & Pepper on east looking patio slab

Remnants of tamarisk tree

Weird spherical piece of concrete

A marker, perhaps property corner post?

Both slabs

Jef, Kathy, Pepper near Beavertail Ranch

Sunset this evening

Pepper sometimes sleeps behind Kathy in bed

On the 17th, a short day at work for Kathy.

Sunrise this morning

Looking away from sunrise - full moon behind the house

Later found out this blind was remote controlled and remotes probably were tossed

Old laundry room is now a doorless closet

Panorama of kitchen

On the 18th, did some chores, went on our usual walk with Pepper.

Kathy, Pepper heading out on a walk

On the 19th, Jef worked with Dave to construct frame for 2 walls in the Sewanee laundry room project while Kathy did a full day of PT in office and 1 home care.

Starting laundry room framing

First wall

2nd wall

Starting 3rd wall

View of kitchen from upstairs

Upstairs bedroom

Upstairs bathroom

Panorama of living room

Downstairs bedroom

Downstairs bathroom

View from kitchen area

Backyard deck

On the 20th, Jef worked with Dave to finish frame for 3rd wall of Sewanee laundry room.

Framing laundry room door

2 helicopters on hike this afternoon

Brittlebush blooming more

Heading home from hike

Pepper puppy fighting leash again

Some sunset colour

Walking home

On the 21st, got wisked away to Palm Springs airport for our trip to WA for the holidays. We got there early and airplane was over an hour late, so Kathy hung out at the bar making friends while Jef worked on puzzles. We got to SeaTac, navigated the bad signage at that airport & got to car rental place. We got a Camry & drove to Port Orchard, but as Kathy was not feeling well after eating half a garlicky sandwich in Palm Springs, we made multiple stops at restrooms. Fortuneately Jef checked GPS and found we were being routed to a ferry, so Jef adjusted route to avoid ferry charge and we arrived at Stacey's house late that night.

Jef & Kathy at airport after going thru security

We hung out in this concourse, waiting for our flight

While having a beer & sandwich, we noticed the semi-outdoor eatery had a bird problem

On the 22nd, we hung out at Stacey & Eric's house all day - Kathy & Stacey went shopping. After midnite, Holley and Alvaro arrived.

The grandkids woke us up the morning after arriving at Stacey's house - the packages at right include stuff we shipped rather than going thru security at airport, camping gear for Westport & gifts

Living room this morning

Ronan demonstrating his strength

I think Ronan took this pic of Jef & himself

Grandkids watching TV & Lola napping

Grandkids horsing around

Ronan may have taken this pic of Elias

Elias may have taken this pic of Papa Jef's head

Papa Jef took this selfie with Elias & Ronan watching Paw Patrol

Jef helped Eric start his latest project - putting up lattice & small shed behind jacuzzi

Stacey arriving home with Elias looking at the rain

On the 23rd, all the Californians were here. Jef & Alvaro went shopping with Eric - getting jewelry & chocolates.

Our black Camry parked in front of Stacey's house

Coffee time in the kitchen

Eric & Alvaro in Gig Harbor

We shopped at this jewelry store

3 generations - think Holley was showing how to do something

Xmas decoration at Stacey's house

We went looking at other xmas decorations this evening - this is a house we walked by near the main super decorated overboard xmas house

Group photo

Arriving at the main attraction

Even Santa was there! Here talking to Ronan

Heading to the back yard

Alvara, Stacey & Kathy at the left

Santa lost his head, so our group volunteered to take the reins

3 generation pic

Too many "good" kids!

Looks like Rudolf "retired"

Our group on the move - note the big pines surrounding this property

Santa Holley & Alvara

Stacey took this group photo of us

The rain started as we were leaving this wonderland

Did Ronan take this pic?

We stopped by another house, but didn't leave the car, as it was raining

On the 24th, Jef rolled over in bed and broke his glasses down the middle. With no backup pair, he had to glue/tape the 2 halves together multiple times for the last week of this trip.

Holley tried fixing Jef's glasses using a silicon based glue, but it couldn't take the forces, so Eric provided Gorilla duct tape that was used for most of the rest of the trip

Grandkids had visited other grandparents & got some gifts early, including these matching coats. Here is Nana Kathy playing with grandkids with a Hot Wheels gift

Our xmas eve dinner - I think it was Thai food that Eric picked up for us

"Wicked" was the movie we watched this evening, but Jef & Kathy kept falling asleep, as it was long and it was late, but seemed to be a great movie

On the 25th, Ronan came by to wake us up long before sunrise - maybe 6am: "It's Christmas!". When he went downstairs and saw all the presents, including a couple already set up, he screamed: "Best Christmas Ever!!!!". (You had to be there). We slowly opened a ton of presents going around the circle opening one at a time well into the morning.

Kids playing with Hot Wheels present for Ronan. Note how dark it is outside still

Panorama of the living room present opening production line as first glimmer of daylight appears

The whole familly opening presents

Panorama of scene just before most of the present openings

As Elias took this pic, this is how Stacey looks at #2 son

Another Elias pic

Elias took this pic of Nana & PapaJef

Ronan jumping on Elias' trampouline and Elias playing with Ronan's new bike

After the carnage

Kathy with her 2 kids, first time all 3 were together at Xmas in 12 years

Xmas dinner table

Dining at the table this evening

Panorama of table after kids finished

On the 26th, we took it easy in Port Orchard just before packing up and leaving to Westport midday. It was a sunny day and Kathy drove mostly into the sun. We found our house worse than summer regarding the floor, but better in that the mini-splits were working. Kathy stopped and got some DVDs so we had entertainment as we camped at the house.

Grandkids waking us up this morning

Kathy finally remembered her 3 kings card exchange tradition with Stacey. Stacey got Ronan to make Kathy's card!

Driving at about 60% of the way to Westport

Near Aberdeen

5 minutes from Westport

Before Jef set up the bedroom

Before Jef finished setting up the kitchen

On the 27th, with Kathy still not feeling well, we stayed home all day, other than doing some shopping.

Rental car in front of newly painted garage door

On the 28th, we went to downtown Westport and Kathy got halibut to cook.

Electric meter at house

With leaves missing, next house over is visible from our kitchen window

At Westport Marina, xmas tree is made by stacking crab pots!

Panorama of the marina

Kathy got gifts at Granny Hazels

Viewing platform is decked out for the season as well!

Kathy in bed this evening with outside lit up on water company property

On the 29th, mostly took it easy at home, but Kathy wanted to at least see the ocean, so we drove over to the nearest beach.

House with puddles from recent rains in foreground - we had half the days at least partly sunny, so not so dark!

Keeping the house with no ceiling insulation warm was only costing us about 30kwh/day

Albert had gotten us some cooking utensils and these 2 chairs in our living room

Looking down the hall

Our bathroom

Our bedroom

Reverse view

Sunny after some morning rain

About to drive to beach

Jef & Kathy at the beach. Albert got Jef some epoxy, and despite getting glue all over the lenses, using the nails for reinforcement, Jef was able to use glasses for 2 days without duct tape

Panorama at the beach

Kathy dragged Jef out to take a pic of this rainbow

On the 30th, our last full day in Westport. Jef went to Dollar General and got a few DVDs, as Kathy wasn't following one of the series we got at the library and the library was closed. We watched Downton Abbey, season 2. We cooked up most of the halibut for dinner this evening.

One of our minisplit units

Kathy in the kitchen

We cooked the fish in a fry pan on top of the grill

On the 31st, as Jef had to pack a lot more stuff than the last trip, we wound up leaving an hour late. Kathy kept nagging we would miss our flight until we got to the gate 30 minutes early. We flew to SF where Kathy got some dinner during our layover. The plane was late, but actually only about 15 minutes. We got a hold of our ride, Jaime, and gave an estimate when we'd arrive. We left the airport before 10pm and arrived home about 11:35pm, so stayed up with Kym to celebrate the New Year.

Nov 2024

On the 1st, did loop hike with Peppermint Puppy of about 3 miles, going up wash to Wagon, then up to Country Club, Baby Turtle, Broken Arrow, Tilting T and back home arriving in back yard - longest hike yet for the puppy, who walked 90% of the way. Teresa came by, gave Pepper a shot, and loaned us a cone, so Pepper wouldn't lick her wound.

Starting hike up the wash

On the 2nd, finished rough sanding of backyard redwood deck at Sewanee. Somewhat windy this day.

Partway thru sanding of deck - Jef would get blister before finishing

Peppermint puppy with my shoe - tried to bring the tiger up just before this pic

A few clouds around sunset this evening

Doggies sleeping - Pepper on top, Mia below

On the 3rd, daylight savings time. No wind and another perfect day. Jef went over to Sewanee house & varnished the rest of the deck.

The completed deck

Took Pepper on 3 mile hike to old country club

Pepper in front of old country club building

Kathy bar-b-qued a couple of T-bones this evening

On the 4th, Jef & Kathy went to Stat Care to hear results of Jef's lumbar MRI. Dr. Hansler to us: "Ugly". So Jef has the back of an 80 year old, but with no pain that's fine.

Meter still heading north

Kathy doing some gardening this afternoon

Kathy's "Nightmare b4 xmas" cactus in full bloom

At one point Kathy counted nearly 20 blooms

As the shredder wasn't working, Jef made a fire & burned some documents this evening

On the 5th, Kathy worked at the office. Jef started installing nailers for eave project at WestStar.

Installed 5 nailers this afternoon

Sunset this evening

on the 6th, Jef worked on charts. Len came by and presented another bill for Big Rock - about 8.5K, so Jef withdrew even more from savings. Kathy & Jef made a big batch of chili this afternoon.

Sunrise this morning

Chili in the pot

Took Pepper on hike this afternoon - here on our 2nd spur(Box S)

On the 7th, Kathy went to dentist, Dr. Bob, and then worked at the office. Jef dropped off some materials for projects at Sewanee house and checked on progress.

2 receptical boxes installed in outside

Status of inside

On the 8th, hung out at home doing some chores. Dave came by and presented a bill for work at Sewanee. Kathy went to Dr. C's for appointment to approve her coming Carpal Tunnel surgery.

A little chilly these mornings

Both fall foliage and blooms on our Texas Rangers

Hector doing major tree trimming at West Star

Casualty was branch taking off a big chunk of this glass table top in front patio

On the 9th, Kathy got her hair coloured this afternoon.

Mia don't like Pepper's puppy antics

Pepper at the old country club

Solar farm behind airport

On the 10th, we took Pepper on her first offroad hike up Glorietta Canyon.

Kathy & Pepper hiking up last segment of road into Glorietta

Starting up wash

Turn around point(too difficult getting doggie up dry waterfall)

Interesting shading late in the day in these hills

We headed up another tributary wash to get time hiking over an hour

On the 11th, Jef took it easy at home all day. Kathy worked on potting plants and this afternoon she went to ALA meeting & volunteered to help with burger nite.

Sunset this evening

Meter going north, but slowly

Opening back door brought in enuff wind to blow these men down

On the 12th, Kathy was unable to work due to problems with her hand, so cancelled a full day at the office. Jef did a hike into Borrego Spur(1h 47m).

Guest house meter

Some potted plants

Raised garden number 1

Raised garden number 2 - half tomato plants, half seeds

Jef starting hike

From Tilting T, looking to destination of hike - ridge at point C

Jef was tuckered out even going half speed up steep hill, so "jumped" at the chance to sit down on a boulder at point A - here is view looking to town

Portion of spur trail between A and B

Perhaps point B in prior photo - Tilting T is easily visible

Spur trail seen from C

Point C is where I headed home down this ridge

Looking down from where hill heads down this ridge

Looking up from wash to point C

Point C might be hill in middle

Meter still heading north

On the 13th, Kathy woke up in middle of nite with Pepper throwup in her lap, so scrambled to change bedding. Our Pepper hike this afternoon was going up Wagon to Country Club and back.

Moon setting over mountains early this morning

On Wagon nearing Country Club

At end of Wagon on Country Club Drive

Note full moon rising over Fonts Pt.

On the 14th, since road department said they would work on West/East Star circle, Jef parked car on Wagon and later walked with Kathy to car. Kathy drove to work and Jef walked home over spur, doing it in 62 minutes.

Venus & the moon early this morning

Left car on Wagon

Walking back home

Noticed someone dumped these big pieces of lumber to block road, but anyone could just drive around them

Sunset this evening

On the 15th, mostly took it easy at home. Kathy did one homecare patient & Jill came by and redid her hair colour.

Jef again moved car to Wagon, but road was not worked on as advertised

Nice clouds this morning

Winds had moved a lot of stuff around last nite

As road was still open, Jef walked back, reclaimed car, and drove it back home so Kathy didn't need to walk to it to see her only patient this day

Peppermint Puppy waiting for Mia to finish so she could again get back on the bed

Moonbow from rain in nearby mountains

We actually had rain!

A bit later noticed no rain in front yard, but later heard water dripping from the roof

On the 16th, drove Kathy to MD in Escondido & did shopping for Thanksgiving.

Made this based on my tacocat T-shirt

Kathy wanted to check out Dudley's, so Jef snapped a few pix of fall colour there

Stopped & took this panorama at Crawford overlook

Kathy stayed warm in the car

Still had some sunset colour after getting home

We reviewed progress on fixing roads in our circle on a walk with Pepper puppy

Negligent steamroller operator!

Let's put Pepper puppy in driver's seat

Pepper did not want to come in house after we got home

On the 17th, mostly took it easy at home. This afternoon, drove Kathy to Morgans to give Jaime instruction in bloody mary making, and drank bloody marys, ate snacks & talked into the nite.

Professor Kathy teaching the intracacies of making bloody marys

We left Pepper home while we were out, and found the shoebox Jef had put his old shoes in torn to shreds

The guilty party near remnant of shoebox

On the 18th, work resumed on the road of our circle, so after Jef drove to town for errands, he parked on Wagon. Later that day, he took Pepper on walk and picked up the truck. Kathy didn't go, as it was too windy for her. Kathy & Kym's feud reached the point where Kym will not step foot in the main house.

Meter still heading north

Kathy starting to plant seeds in new raised garden

Caught a little colour in sunset this evening

On the 19th, Jef took Kathy to Poway for her carpal tunnel surgery (R hand).

At the Poway Surgery Center before 7am, it is very deserted

Lower San Ysidro Creek before it crosses Hwy 79 - cottonwood fall colour

A little sunset colour

Kathy, attempting to save tomatoes from a probable bunny, had Jef put them up on tables

On the 20th, mostly took it easy at home.

Jef volunteered to walk the unruly puppy around the circle this afternoon

On the 21st, Jef drove to dental appt in SD and did some final Thanksgiving shopping.

Cool sunrise this morning

Fall colour along San Diego River at Mission Gorge & Hwy 125

Status of Big Rock house this day

Wall between kitchen & living room is GONE!

Panorama at Crawford Overlook

Some smoke in sky at upper right of this panorama(barely visible)

Pepper (&Kathy in distance) on walk to wash behind old country club this afternoon

We made it to the horse trough

Sorta looks like a grave

Horse trough(or whatever it was) was apparently built by Kiwanis in 1952!

Noticed George and Jeanne arriving home as we passed their house so we went over to say "hi"

Minor sunset this evening

Note that Kathy's hand is still wrapped after her surgery on the 19th

On the 22nd, Kathy did a full day at the office (first since her hand surgery).

Meter still heading north

Hector hasn't gotten to trimming the dead part of this tree in back yet

Guest house meter

On the 23rd, did chores around the house. It was too windy for Kathy, so Jef took Pepper on 20 minute walk this afternoon.

Pepper wants to walk herself

Nice clouds today

Fairly good sunset this evening


Clouds above our house

Cool clouds above southern San Ysidros

On the 24th, took it easy at home this day.

Sunrise this morning

Jef thawing out his feet in morning sun

Clouds forming - this one looks like a dinosaur

Kathy by her 3 raised gardens


On the 25th, Pepper got some puppy shots from Teresa. Jef went over & did some work with Dave on Sewanee house. After Kathy found the pharmacy didn't have her drugs, she moved prescription to Ramona and Jef drove down to pick them up, along with doing some last minute Thanksgiving shopping.

Caught our first rat after getting back from WA last summer(mouse was caught a few days before this)

Nature shooting "bomb cyclones" our way, but they don't seem to make it

Dave punched out old fan so we could install new one in Sewanee kitchen

Coyote walked by as we staged furniture on back patio

Furniture in back patio

As Jef stopped by PO on way to Ramona he took panorama of sunset clouds forming

Fall colour & sunset at Montezuma and S2

Picture of sunset forming as Jef drove down S2

Jef stopped & took this pic of the Warner-Carillo ranch house, catching both sunset & fall colour

Approaching end of S2 just before hitting the 79

Note fall colour here, as well

Stopped & took pic of sunset before continuing down Hwy 79

To some more pix thru dirty windshield while driving

Lake Henshaw at left with some cattle at right

Nearing Santa Ysabel

On the 26th, Kathy had a full day at the office. Jef made deviled eggs in the morning, cut pieces for shelf at Sewanee, washed the Jeep in preparation for Thanksgiving in the desert in 2 days.

Sunrise this morning

Kathy worries this wet area could be a water leak

On the 27th, Jef installed shelf at Sewanee house. In the afternoon, Jef, Kathy & Pepper did another 3 mile walk hitting the country club. Afterwards, Jef cut of veggies for Kathy's stuffed mushrooms & then apparently got dehydrated and so was out of commision for about an hour after drinking some water.

Cloudy this morning

Some low clouds, as well

Installed shelf still doesn't block plug, so may do more work here

Starting on walk this afternoon

Crepuscular rays

Arriving at old country club

Took dirt road going back

Solar array behind airport very visible this time of day


Installed these lights this afternoon

Carrots coming up in one of the raised gardens

Sunset was muted due to clouds towards the coast

Thanksgiving weekend traffic heading down the grade

On the 28th, we baked Kathy's stuffed mushrooms and loaded the Jeep for Thanksgiving potroast in Glorietta with John & friends.

John holding Pepper puppy in her first Thanksgiving

Looking at site from north

Hollowed out barrel cactus!

Starting a fire - John does not know how to spit wood

John & Joseph after fire is going

People loading their plates as Patrick slices turkey

Sample Thanksgiving plate as people eat

No salad, but Kathy found some veggies

Winding down after the meal

Watching one of the several vehicles that passed us in the 4+ hours we were here

Pepper puppy was on a leash the whole time

Looking east

Sun nearing mountains

Clear enuff to see Salton Sea

Some have already left

Bobby took Joseph on a little walk

Jef finally found where lady of Aparacida statuette was hidden

Apparently cavity was taken over by a pack rat

Put her on hilltop overlooking camp

Enjoying last few minutes of sunshine

John at right is having a tougher time each year putting this on

More cars leaving

About time to break camp (Jef had just put Lady of Aparacida back in her cubby)

Pepper hungry enuff to bite off Jef's finger

Joseph walking on edge

Rusty & Joseph putting out the fire

After this panorama of when we were driving home, Kathy refused to let Jef take any more pix

On the 29th, Jef worked on pix before going on hike & shopping with Kathy on this black Friday.

Kathy leaving on hike this afternoon

Panorama of cloudy sky

We hiked up the wash behind the old country club

Turnaround point where it gets steep. Kathy's nose was, as usual, running the whole hike. At this point, I gave Kathy my coat as she was cold and I was fine

Almost home, we saw sun break out on Santa Rosas

A couple of headlights on the grade, as people were still coming down in droves

Turned out to be a killer sunset

Panorama looking toward Santa Rosas

Kathy dawdled while sunset reached its peak, wasting way too much time to park at the Pantry where we did some shopping, while the sunset faded

Pepper, AKA the Coppertone doggie, also attacks socks

On the 30th, we prepared a Thanksgiving feast for Holley & Alvero, who would swoop in around 2pm(after most of the hard work was completed, of course).

Holley & Alvero brought their pitbull mix puppy

Poor Concha was intimidated by the Pepper puppy, of course

Sunset this evening

Kitchen panorama with Kathy & Holley making last minute preparations

Place settings for 4, but we added another as Kym joined us

Concha on one side of door with Pepper & Black Bark on the other

Eating dessert(pie) in the living room - Kathy tortured Pepper by putting some Cool Whip on her nose
Oct 2024

On the 1st, Kathy resumed work at the office with 1 patient.

On the 2nd, did chores around the house.

Heard about 4 minutes beforehand that the ISS was passing over Borrego - line near bottom right is it

On the 3rd, Jef did some work over at Sewanee - mostly sanding the deck.

Sunrise this morning

Fig tree is half dead after a brutal summer

Pomegranite and other trees west of house are dead, as well

On the 4th, Jef drove Kathy to his colonoscopy appt in Escondido. Kathy drove back, stopping to do some shopping and to hike the north part of the PCT for about an hour.

Kathy after about 10 minutes of hiking

We turned around at this point - Kathy was struggling with leg pain the whole time

Heading back to the car

Passing by some white sage

Prickly pears

On the 5th, John & Steph came over for dinner. We made lasagna for this. Jef forgot to take any pix.

On the 6th, chores and taking it easy.

Brutal summer conditions well into October!

On the 7th, Jef drove Kathy to his urology appt. No problems, except a 5x normal-sized prostate. We stopped at the Blue Sky reserve and did a 2.75 mile hike with about 230' up/down.

Contrail clouds this morning

Cactus blooms just outside our window

Starting the hike

Before descending into the canyon

We decided to fork right towards Lake Poway

Dam for Lake Poway visible above

We turned around shortly after hitting this picnic area

We did the creekside trail on the way back


Another spiderweb with Kathy on trail

Lots of poison oak here

Kathy heading on a spur called the (Oak grove? trail)

Oak grove trail fizzled out, so here's Kathy heading back

Summary of our little hike

Panorama at top of Montezuma where Jef allowed Kathy to drive down the hill

Looking back to the west thru dirty windshield, which Jef forgot he promised to clean before this trip

Sunset colour mostly faded by the time we got to Crawford overlook

On the 8th, Jef did more sanding of deck at Sewanee and started varnishing it and the cabinet top he made for Kathy's new office.

Tree behind guest house is half dead, as well

Meter seems to be heading north

Starting to varnish deck

On the 9th, Jef did some trimming of dead branches around the WStar house. Kathy worked her 2nd day after restarting business after summer, seeing 3 patients.

On the 10th, Jef did chores and office work. Kathy stayed home all day, but forgot her dental appointment.

On the 11th, another work day for Kathy.

Jef went out around 1am this morning to see if he could capture auroras in a strong solar storm and succeeded!

Our house

Meter this morning indicates more usage than solar generation

Dispersed contrails this morning

Same contrail this afternoon

Solar is working

On the 12th, drove Kathy to pick up new dog in Encinitas this morning, then stopped at her doctor, got piece that fell off car earlier in the week at the Blue Sky reserve, and did some shopping before driving home.

Picking up new dog

Pepper came back on Kathy's lap. We changed her name from the original Chimichuri given by the shelter to Pepper on drive home, as shortly after we left with the doggy, we noticed the road (in the Ranch Santa Fe area) was lined with pepper trees

After getting home, noticed this raven hanging out in our pine tree

Pepper at her new home

No sign of auroras this evening

On the 13th, we took doggies on short walk this morning and then the Morgans dropped by with a bouquet for Kathy's belated birthday gift & stayed & talked. We took Pepper on walk late this afternoon, going 1 mile around the circle.

Pepper on leash this morning

Pepper off leash this morning

Pam & Jaimy visiting for a belated Kathy birthday & introducing Pepper

New comet (looks like search light behind mountains) shooting up as cars go mostly up the grade this evening

On the 14th, did chores around home. We got into routine of walking Pepper around the circle morning and evening.

Somone was upset Jef was late in walking doggies this morning

Pepper on her 1st spur

Comet T-Atlas above our house

Spliced pic of us under comet

Comet reflected in pool

On the 15th, we coaxed Pepper around circle this morning, this time using treats to expedite the walk, but she is a worse walker than prior day. Kathy went to work for another day at the office. Lupita resumed cleaning the house.

Noticed comet tail behind tree, so used this to take more comet pix this evening

Comet from backyard this evening

Looking from front door

Nearly full moon

Mia and Pepper sleeping this nite

On the 16th, Jef drove Kathy to MD appt. in Rancho Mirage and then to an MRI nearby. We brought Peppermint Puppy along, so one of us was always outside puppy-sitting. Did some shopping before driving home.

Pepper on walk this morning

Sunset Jef took without stopping on drive home this evening

Near full moon illuminating clouds this nite

Comet this evening with cars on the grade

Ghostly Jef with comet just to right of railing

On the 17th, Kathy did a few patients at work.

We continue to try to walk puppy up to twice a day

On the 18th, Jef made a batch of deviled eggs for tomorrows parade.

John parked his camping rig along parade route this afternoon

Guesthouse meter

Tripod broke after Jef's last pic last nite

Somewhat fixed tripod after some duct tape surgery

Panorama looking towards our house from the street with comet near upper left

Jef with comet at left

Comet, Jef & Kathy holding Pepper

On the 19th, we drove to parade early to set up. Jef had to backtrack to get the deviled eggs and managed to get past barricades blocking access just before parade started.

Kathy had put a wire hanger over a nitelight on this recepticle last nite and blown the circuit

Just before start of the parade

Our parade-viewing area

Kathy getting ready to make some bloody Mary's

These WWII trainer planes flying in close formation started the parade

Just after starting their smoke on the 2nd fly-over

Just after turning off their smoke

You can see both pilots in this plane

The start of the ground parade

American Legion

Motorcycle developed for the Siege of Leningrad is still manufactured!

Honorary mayor

Borrego, being a poor community... some girls wear thriftstore rejects ;)

Borrego Senior & Children's Center entry

Grand Marshall is WWII veteran (98.5 years old)

Jef got John to hold Pepper, so he could take even MORE pix

Borrego Art Garden entry

Hi skool entry

Following hi skool are some alumni

Old timey horse ladies from Julian

John & Pepper

We were too tired to see any of the 3 concerts this evening, including the PAS Johnny Cash tribute band

Note the drone in this pic

New doctor's office entry... no doctors, however

Dave & Sylvia on their quarter-horses

After all horses is the pooper-scooper guy

Calicos entry in the parade - they weren't even open after the parade

Pizza slice heading towards John & Pepper

John snags another free-bee

Karmen the car is garaged about a mile from our house

Broncos on parade

Frugal Coyote entry

Such a large parade entry for such a tiny gym (newly opened in Center Mall)

Wow! Are these ladies strong ;)

Henry the truck survives for yet another parade

We scored a marching band - good ole Holtville

Our new e-bike rental business with this tandem e-bike in the parade


Martha walking by is on the ballot for skool board and water board

Miss Borrego part I

Miss Borrego part II

Miss Julian

Ramona Disposal, part 1

State Park entry

Vincent on his unicycle, entry #47, looping around again

The county is now paying for our local fire department

Jim at the end of the parade

Tom is our neighbor on W Star

Parade viewers heading for the circle festivities

Kathy still making bloody Mary's

Appetizers from John's friends

Jef brought deviled eggs on the left

This lighter coloured hawk was being harassed by a few ravens

Moonrise this evening

Comet this evening


Peppermint Puppy has a thing about grabbing clothes, shoes & socks and moving them up on the bed

On the 20th, spent all day at home recovering from prior day's activities.

Pepper charging at me

Comet over our driveway with a few cars on the grade

Center of our galaxy(Sagitarius)

Another comet shot

On the 21st, Jef drove to dentist in SD, but tooth is not ready for implanted crown, so put off next visit for another month.

Halloween decorations in dentist office

Stopped by to check on progress of Big Rock house - here with new roof, fascia, stucco & windows

Master bedroom, bath & closet

Still have an open trench in hallway by guest bath

Bedroom that used to connect with garage

Waiting on sewer repair before finishing guest bath

Expanded living room/kitchen

Kitchen patio - dog door filled in

Panorama of back yard

Back of house still needs finishing, and still no screen room

One healthy rosebush in front

Some primitive halloween decorations

Neighbor has gone all out on Halloween

Garage - note this side of house still needs a little work

Back in Borrego, contrailly clouds this evening

Kathy walking Mia - Mia can't go very far, so we drop her off and walk Pepper much further

We stopped and talked with Bob for a few minutes

Had some sunset colour

Jef & comet

On the 22nd, Kathy had a short day with only one patient.

Pepper wanted access to Mia's breakfast, but was thwarted

Pepper on our hike this afternoon

Airplane track this nite

Comet behind other Johnsons horse statues on W Star

One of Phil's dinos nearly blocking comet

Comet behind other dino at Phil's old place

Lots of cars on grade this nite with comet above

Pleides rising

On the 23rd, while walking Pepper this morning, heard the trash trucks, so abandoned Kathy with the pupper and ran across the circle to get the trash out. Also, since got a call from Dave that he was waiting for me at Sewanee house, drove over there and we started a couple projects. That afternoon, helped Kathy start a big batch of spaghetti. Took Pepper for a 2nd walk this evening.

Sunrise this morning

Pepper usually stalls on hikes, as she doesn't want to leave her new happy home

Dave probing wall for our moving W/D from inside bedroom into carport

On the 24th, did a little work over at Sewanee. Dave fixed the "open ground" problem that caused 3 lights to not work. Jef did some sanding. Kathy had a full load of patients, so Jef took Mia out to the road and back and then took Pepper around the circle, but without spurs. Jef & Kathy started eating the first of a big batch of spaghetti.

Some sunset colour this afternoon

On the 25th, Kathy did a followup on a nasty woundcare case. Jef updated this journal.

Meter, for some reason, still going up

Pepper on our first hike outside circle - here on Tilting T

On the 26th, we took it easy at home all day.

Some cool clouds at sunset this evening as we take Pepper on loop around the circle

Some, if not all clouds, may be contrails

At the first spur

Clouds prevented catching the comet this evening

On the 27th, took it easy at home until heading over to Morgans for a little wine & pizza & talking.

Sunrise this morning

Meter still heading north!

Contrailly day

Kathy with Pepper at Morgans

Clouds this afternoon

After nearly polishing off the Cal. Pizza Kitchen pizza

On the 28th, the day started off cloudy, with the remnant of a passing hurricane and then became very windy.

Wierd cloud this morning

Guesthouse meter

Sandstorm partly obsuring Fonts Point (at BS Park)

Peppermint puppy likes bringing our socks in the bed

Pepper also drags shoes up on the bed!

Comet this evening is getting noticeably smaller

Clouds still hanging around

Barely visible comet

Ficus trees blown down by front door, as wind continues

On the 29th, Kathy was locked out of the building, and so was dealing with landlord about this problem. 1st patient was no-show, so Kathy saw the rest at their homes.

On the 30th, Jef drove Kathy to get her MRI near Palomar Hospital with Pepper. While Kathy got her MRI, Jef walked Pepper along trail from MRI place to end of Stone Brewery - total hiking probably 3/4 miles. Then got some plants at Home Depot, picked up some Thai Food, shopped & got quick carwash in Ramona before returning home.

Note Pepper with pepper trees lining this hiking path

On the 31st, Jef went over to Sewanee & did some sanding of the deck. Dave was there and had punched holes in wall for moving water and plumbing to carport.

Dave on inside of house

Moved water/plumbing lines in carport

We tried wrapping Pepper with ace wrap for one day before Teresa would loan us a cone
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