Journal Index
4Q'23 Jef and Kathy's Activities 1Q 2024 2Q'24
Mar 2024

On the 1st, a medium busy day at the office. Jef & Kathy dined at Pablitos this evening.

On the 2nd, Jef did a little work at the office & Kathy took it easy at home, as her homecare patient cancelled. Jef did a lot of weeding on this windy day.

Nearing sunrise - planet is probably Venus

Backyard got a rosy glow when sunrise arrived

Sunrise getting closer

Our green "lawn" just before sunrise

Mtns are very ruddy from sunrise

Turned around to go back in house when I saw this rainbow (with a faint double)

Actual sunrise

Rainbow moved to left side

Meter rising ever so slowly

Wind blew over these 2 pots


Clouds later this afternoon

On the 3rd, tried walking normal route to work: 72 minutes, or 20 minutes longer than normal,due to fatigue on ascents. Took short route home, which took 10 minutes longer than normal. Another windy day with some wind-blown drizzle from the mtns.

Rainbow this morning

Outside furniture a little dissheveled by wind

Brown-eyed primrose blooming in back yard

Wind was blowing drizzle in mtns to Weststar as I started my walk

Chuparosa blooming in our side yard

Hills are greener than normal

Heading up wash with chuparosa in bloom

All fagonias seem to be in full bloom for 2nd time this season

Saw the 1st monkey flower today

Desert groundcherry in bloom

Common phacelia blooms

Desert hibiscus blooming

Stopped at the "step" in this steep section & rested for a minute or 2

High point of hike with peaks in the clouds

View of start of my spur trail from the Mall (rightmost one is shortcut to post office)

Haven't seen the desert lily on my trail for a year or 2, but still there!

Black dots are rain in a parking lot by churches on walk home

View to south from Methodist church

Woody bottlebrush blooms

Meter went south since the start of my hike

Sunset this evening

On the 4th, a long day at the office made a bit longer with Kathy doing a home care this evening.

Red lights signified something happening over towards Glorietta turn off, but never found out what

On the 5th, a very busy day at the office.

On the 6th, drove Kathy to MD appt in Rancho Mirage, followed by car service and then shopping in Indio. Stopped by flower fields on Henderson Canyon Rd on way there and way back.

Weird clouds early this morning


Panorama of flower fields on way to MD

Flower fields late this afternoon (Henderson Canyon Rd)

On the 7th, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 8th, Kathy forgot her MD appt (again) followed by a moderately busy day at the office.

On the 9th, mostly took it easy this day with Kathy doing a couple homecare patients and Jef doing work at office and checking on Sewanee.

Upstairs bathroom with counter ripped out

Overview of most of downstairs kitchen with counters removed

On the 10th, mostly took it easy at home doing some chores. Also went on little hike onto sand dune nearby.

Contrails this morning at WestStar

Heading to sand dune on our little walk this day

Desert dandelions

Purple mat

On top of sand dune looking south

On south side of dune with Rams Hill behind Kathy

Looking NW towards Indianhead

Looking east towards Fonts

A few desert chickory blooms

Mostly south facing panorama

Dandelion meadow in stand of cholla & ocotillo

Ronan in back & Elias hogging Stacey's cell phone in a zoom meeting with grandkids this afternoon

Stacey & Ronan

Jef helped Kym assemble hammock she is sitting on here during our repotting project this afternoon

On the 11th, back to work a long day at the office.

Kathy found a good cork substitute

On the 12th, another busy day at the office.

On the 13th, Jef drove to SD to get scan of jaw by missing tooth and then went to dentist to have crown installed. Did some shopping on the way home.

Kathy cooked some burgers for this evening (and for 2 Jef lunches)

On the 14th, back to work a fairly busy day at the office.

Sunset this evening

On the 15th, a moderately busy day at the office.

Santa Rosas got a lot of snow

Low clouds in front of San Ysidros

Snow extended beyond Villager

Menacing clouds this evening

Heavy scattered rain to the south

On the 16th, Jef drove Kathy to MD in Escondido - counting 250 cars coming down to Borrego in the 15 minutes going up Montezuma, and so Borrego was inundated with tourists all weekend - we were glad to go the opposite way. We did some shopping & picked up some Thai food on the way home, getting a fair amount of rain along the way.

On the 17th, Jef walked over to sand dune & took a few pix. Kathy failed to get any sleep the nite before, but we still visited Henry for his 80th birthday party. Met some old BS alumni there. Kathy drove to flower fields so Jef could take some quick pix. We cooked a big batch of boiled ham & cabbage for this evening and coming week.

Lots of desert danedelions on this vacant lot on our circle

On the sand dune

Lots of streets in Borrego are lined with desert dandelions, including here on East Star

Brittlebush have been making sporadic appearances, including at this house on WestStar

At Henry's party

Henry with his cake

His cake

Cake in hand!

Backyard volleyball

Late afternoon crowd at the dragon

A number of tourbusses like this were in town

Still a lot of cars at Henderson flower fields

Tourists in flower fields

Pushy photographer

Panorama with lots of tourists

On the 18th, back to work a fairly long day at the office.

We had some moderate rain this day, as we did 2 other times in the past week

On the 19th, another moderately busy day at the office.

Sunset this evening in back yard which was recently worked on by Hector (removing all wildflowers)

Pool, unmaintained by Kym, looks pretty black

On the 20th, met Jam and JB at the office for training. We and Rebecca had lunch at La Casa. Kathy did some homecare & Jef did a little work at the office.

Noticed that this bag (Holley's old cheerleader bag) was chewed into by a rat and 3 food containers had also been chewed: the parmesan cheese container was seriously chewed and no cheese remained, boulion cubes were not reached, nor the ponzu sauce, but both of these lids were chewed into

Somehow meter inched north over 100 kwh in past 2 weeks!

Guesthouse meter is 1050 kwh north of where it was just over 6 weeks earlier, implying hot tub/kym's house used over 150 kwh/week in this time

On the 21st, back to work an only moderately busy day at the office due to 3 cancellations.

On the 22nd, a very busy day at the office.

On the 23rd, Kathy did a homecare patient, and Julie & Johnny arrived from NM.

Julie & Johnny after arriving

We had a nice rainbow this afternoon

At the post office, we noticed our 3 birth years were at eye level

A windy day, we were heading to check out the closed library after a brief tour of the local park

View of Sunset Peak from the library

On the 24th, visited the Rickards who suggested we visit the Borrego Music Festival, which we did. We also saw some of the Candlewood art & walked around downtown.

Julie spotted this rainbow-ish feature in the mountains this morning

Meter had inched slightly northward

Jef took Julie & Johnny to check out flowers by Henderson Canyon Road

Although a few colourful splotches, flowers were definitely on the decline

Flax flowers with their distinctive lemon yellow colour

Johnny & Julie by the nearly burnt out main flower field

Poor Julie is so tiny that she could be eaten by the large Borrego grasshopper

Johnny to the rescue... but what's that to the right?

From one peril to the next!

At the Rickards

Preparing for a concert after Linda arrives

Julie playing cajon & Johnny his low profile Fender from Ensenada

Music is out of this world!

Julie & Johnny at the music festival

Jef & Kathy

Kathy, Johnny & Julie at the BAI

One of the Candlewood outdoor installations

One of the unusual components of this installation

Kathy, Julie, and Johnny at the old Borrego Health conference table

Julie taking a pic of some art - part of Candlewood

Ravens circling up with Indianhead in background

2 members of the "survey the Borrego Art Garden group"

Julie annoying an art garden critter

Leaving the community garden

Back by the BAI

The branch that broke off & got stuck in wind storm from a couple months ago finally fell down

Johnny & Julie did a little mile walk, briefly hitting the sand dune

Looking east from sand dune

Haven't yet tried to seal off the bees from our attic space

Sunset this evening

At the Krazy Koyote

Storm over Santa Rosas

Exposed construction of new under-pool bar entrance

Sunset over pool

In the dining room

Moonrise over the pool on the way out

On the 25th, we took a day off from work and took Julie & Johnny to Coyote Canyon, a few statues, and Glorietta..

Stopped to check out the dragon

Snow capped Toro Peak

Jef messin' with dragon

Messed with dragon

Jef noticed this and a few other desert lilies by the statue

Grabbin' the dragon by the tail

Flowers at mouth of Coyote Canyon

We had to walk from the gate due to road being impassable

Hiking up creek

As creek was re-routed, roadside flowers are now creekside flowers

Kathy by lupines

Julie taking pic of Jimson weed

Heading to the now-dry 3rd xing

Backpacker heading up first steep section of bypass trail - nice not having to worry about 4-wheeled competition for camp space!

We turned around at this point

Turnaround point



Brittlebush & chuparosa

Johnny & Julie after we walked a little bit up-creek

Heading back to start of hike

Beavertail blooms

Panorama after again hitting impassable road

New trail parallels closed road

Getting closer to start

We found this mortero after reaching the car & looking for a place to sit & drink while looking at the creek

Julie heading back to car

Halfway up to Glorietta, stopped to look uphill at desert dandelions

Looking downhill towards snow capped Toro Peak

Starting up main wash hike

Brittlebush about a week away from blooming

Lotsa monkey flowers on this hike

A very healthy chuparosa

Kathy trying to avoid stepping on flowers

Vertical panorama with monkey flowers in foreground

We turned around here, just before reaching the first living juniper

Heading down back to car

One last pic of desert dandelion area

Stopped by the dinos

Julie messin' with a dino

Jef giving it a try

Dino in the verdant desert

Julie pulling dino back from eating Kathy's head

Kathy lovin' the dino

Uncomfortable position to be in - between the fightin' dinos

3 dinos with view of valley behind them

Grace & Jim came by & visited WestStar for about an hour this afternoon

On the 26th, back to work a very busy day at the office. Julie & Johnny toured the valley by themselves this day, hitting Crawford Overlook, Fonts Point & dump area.

Johnny took us out for a nice dinner at Epicurious - we inherited the leftover pizza when they forgot to take it when they left early next morning

On the 27th, Julie & Johnny took off to NM while we slept early this morning. Took Kathy shopping in Ramona and to MD near Palomar Hospital for her hand. Drove back thru Henshaw on way home.

Front yard flowers this morning

Panorama of cattle grazing by some wildflowers near Henshaw

Wildflower close-up

Close-up of some cattle

Looking toward the lake

On the 28th, had a moderately busy day at the office. Kathy decided to take off the next 10 days to give her ailing hand a rest.

Sunrise this morning

Meter finally heading south

Sunset this evening

On the 29th, Jef went in for part 1 of getting a physical after doing some work at the office.

Stopped by Sewanee to pay for last installment of work for new counters - here is the upstairs bathroom

A couple of panoramas of desert dandelions

Some brittlebush are blooming this day

Only living juniper in wash behind Kathy

Monkey flowers & a couple of poppies

Kathy trying not to step on monkey flowers

Jef & Kathy with monkey flowers in foreground

Lots of monkey flowers

Kathy from perspective of monkey flowers

We turned around at this point, as a lot of bouldering is needed to go further

View at turnaround point

Kathy went up steep part at end of wash a little

Climbing milkweed blooms

Jef at reclining chair rock

Jef by only juniper still alive in this wash

Leaning barrel of Glorietta

On the 30th, a sprinkly day. Kathy did some homecare & Jef took it easy.

Moon setting this morning with only tops of San Ysidros in sun

Looks kinda like a Starship Enterprise set of clouds

Our front yard with storm clouds over Santa Rosas

on the 31st, Jef walked to the office in about 62 minutes - about 20% above normal, so still suffering from post-Covid syndrome. By the time he left home it was 11:25am. At 11:28am, it started raining. Going up-wash the sun briefly came out, but before reaching the top, it started raining again. Jef did some work at the office & while there, it started pouring.

Sunrise this morning

Our house at sunrise

Meter went a little south

Apparently someone needed a lot of help getting unstuck in lot behind us

Panorama taken in the rain as I reached the research center

Heading upwash as rain ceased and sun came out

Nearing steep part of hike - sun came out for most of my hike up wash

Lots of desert hibiscus blooms

Fagonias doing well

Raven took off as I neared it on the trail - indianhead in background

View at top

Heavy rain in Palm Canyon

It was raining as I neared the bottom, and Fonts Pt is hazy due to intervening rain

Didn't see this desert lily come up last year, but it made an appearance this year

Ground was wet when I arrived at the Mall, and after I was working about 20 minutes, it rained cats & dogs - but Kathy came and picked me up

Kathy invited Morgans over and we had spaghetti
Feb 2024

On the 1st, Kathy was too ill to come to work, so Jef did some work at the office, including cancelling everyone.

At sunrise looking west

Kathy's BP was very low this morning

It was rainy most of the day

On the 2nd, Kathy was unable to do anything, so stayed home while Jef did some work in the office including cancelling the day.

Meter still heading north

Apparently, hummingbird nest in our front patio was too small, resulting in these casualties

Still a few puddles from prior day rain

Solar is still working, as meter did go south during the day

On the 3rd, Kathy was better & even did the 1 mile walk around the circle, but with difficulty.

Kathy starting on walk around circle with cool clouds in background

At halfway point walking around circle

Still snow on Toro this afternoon

On the 4th, Jef moved kitchen sink originally meant for Weststar renovation & moved it to Sewanee. Helped Jan understand streaming so she could dump satellite. Kathy did okay to do some chores around the house.

Most of the rain clouds dispersed this morning

Meter still heading north

On the 5th, Kathy was well enough to return to work (again) for a medium busy day at the office.

Cloudy sunrise this morning

Low clouds over by Clark Lake this afternoon

Still going north

On the 6th, we got early morning rain before a fairly busy day at the office. We got some on & off rain during the day.

Sun almost poking thru clouds this morning

Low clouds

Noticed this rainbow on walk to the PO

Clouds had some structure this afternoon

Clouds remained as darkness loomed

On the 7th, we had some fairly heavy rain in the wee hours of the morning. Kathy, Kym & Black Bark walked around the circle & Jef did some work at the office.

Big puddle in driveway this morning & still drizzling after sunrise

Snow got down below 5000' in this storm

Looking towards Toro

Snow capped peaks behind our house

Meter still heading north

Desert lawn looking very green with snow-capped peaks this morning

Kym & hot tub are using 40kwh/day

Kathy, Black Bark & Kym starting on hike around circle

Kathy & Kym returning from hike - Kym brining in trash can, 31 minutes after leaving (circle is about a mile)

On the 8th, back to work a long day at the office after a good dousing of rain early this morning.

Just after sunrise this morning

Backyard panorama

Faint rainbow in front of Indianhead

Panorama of Palm Canyon Drive

More snow in nearby mtns below 5000'

Fresh dusting of snow on Toro

On the 9th, back to work a moderate day at the office.

Sunrise this morning

Jef stopped to take pic of clouds on way to work, but it took a couple minutes to get car started again at this spot

On the 10th, Kathy was not feeling well, so delayed MD visit to following weekend. Jef did a little weeding & work at the office.

Sunrise this morning

Snow in Santa Rosas today

Toro got a good dusting

On the 11th, mostly took it easy at home with some weeding.

Snow in both San Ysidros & Santa Rosas

On the 12th, Kathy was too nauseous to go to work, so Jef cancelled the day at the office, but did some work while there.

On the 13th, Kathy felt well enough to go to a busy day at the office, but wasn't 100%.

On the 14th, Jef forgot to take out trash (which was nearly full) and met Dave at Sewanee where we discussed demo of counters, installation of new sinks, and then installed several fixtures: Dave finished installing first fan and then installed a 2nd fan. He then installed a couple light fixtures. Jef replaced 3 exterior sconces and the light above the kitchen sink. Jef didn't do anything for Valentines Day, but Kathy did, so Jef has to make it up later this month.

Installed new outside sconces this day

These Navy choppers circled us a couple of times before returning the their base in AZ

Dave installed this and another fan, replacing old ones, as well as the "eclipse sconce" which has this nite-lite mode at the top of the stairs

On the 15th, a moderately busy day at the office.

On the 16th, a busy day at the office.

Meter had gone pretty far north since last reading

Contrailly day

Remnants of head-on collision on the grade a few hours earlier - Pam waited 3 hours to get by and was the one who called 911

Taken with Canon camera

On the 17th, took Kathy to MD in Escondido, did some shopping on the way home. Skirted a serious T-bone accident at N end of Hwy 76. Went out to dinner with Morgan's at the Krazy Koyote, which was for their 58th anniversary, we found out.

Meter managed to hold steady for the whole day

Dinner with the Morgans

Work area for underwater bar, which Ramon reports should be done before summer

Looking lengthwise down pool towards underwater bar area

Just before leaving the restaurant

On the 18th, Jef checked out progress on demo at Sewanee and then did some work at the office. Mostly took it easy at home this day.

Dave removed oven

Kitchen sink counter half demo-ed

New bathroom light fixture

Kitchen sink will be demo-ed, as well - this is before pic

New lower bedroom fan

Mess in kitchen from above

New upstairs bathroom light fixture

Guess Dave had problems removing old kitchen sink

After we got rid of mouse, rat continued the terror - we had to hide food in rat proof places - this 5 gallon bucket with dog food was all that was left for the rat, who proceeded to chew up the lid - we got rid of rat by next day, however

Meter finally heading south!

On the 19th, back to work a busy day at the office.

Sunrise this morning

Clouds today were somewhat menacing

Peanut's new home

Moon dog this nite

On the 20th, another busy day, but shorter than yesterday. Got some sprinkles in the afternoon.

Sunrise this morning was pretty cool

Cloudy day. Rain over in the Santa Rosas

On the 21st, drove to SD for dental appt and shopping.

Snapped a pic on drive home, but missed the best opportunities, as in a hurry, as usual

On the 22nd, back to work a medium busy day at the office with Kym helping out, as Lisette came down with Covid.

Sunrise this morning

Cool cloud stretching all the way across the sky seems to be a contrail that expanded into a wide ribbon

Just before sunset

Moondog this evening

On the 23rd, another medium busy day at the office, made difficulty with no aides.

Sunrise this morning

Cool clouds this afternoon

3rd day in a row with moon dogs

On the 24th, Kathy did a home care, Jef dropped off supplies at Sewanee & did some weeding at Weststar.

Sunrise this morning

Ruddy glow in backyard from this morning's sunrise

Dave mostly completed demo in kitchen at Sewanee

Some sort of activity requiring lots of light across the way on Wagon this evening & car on grade

On the 25th, Jef did more weeding and washed Kathy's car, but basically stayed home all day.

On the 26th, back to work a moderate day at the office.

Kym got us this hummingbird feeder that attached to our bedroom window - here is a hummingbird feeding

Looked dark & menacing to the north with heavy rain in Santa Rosas, but it never reached us

Sunset this evening

On the 27th, another moderately busy day at the office.

Still a few tiny specks of snow on Toro

Sunset this evening

On the 28th, worked on details with countertop guy, had video conference with new CPA for taxes & did a lot of weeding at both houses. Kathy did homecare & mostly took it easy at home.

Noticed we now have a new rat

On the 29th, back to work a moderately busy day at the office.

Up for the month, but slowing down
Jan 2024

On the 1st, Kathy took it easy at home all day. Jef walked to the office & did a little work - 53 minutes. He took short way home, tho, so only 4.5 miles.

Sunrise this morning

Walking to the office - note the green on the shoulder - desert lawns are starting!

Saw 2 hikers on spur trail!

Somebody lost an item of clothing along the trail

Note a faint "desert lawn forming here"

Sunset this evening

On the 2nd, back to work a fairly busy day at the office.

Discontinuity in contrail

Late sunset this evening

Later sunset this evening viewed from inside treatment room 2

On the 3rd, a moderately busy day at the office.

Somewhere, over the rainbow seems to be where this raven is headed

Clouds this day

On the 4th, a busy day at the office.

Toro got a trace of snow last nite

Orion rising above our driveway this evening

On the 5th, a short day at the office due to no-shows and cancellations.

Just before grabbing pix of Charles for his memorial the next day

On the 6th, attended Charle's memorial on Anzio near pile of construction remnants of old dome house near the end of the dirt road. Jef laid down in a bush, suddenly, & due to low blood pressure, did not get up for a while. Meanwhile someone at memorial called 911 & paramedics came out to assess him. After half an hour, they left & Kathy drove Jef home. He was tested for covid and found to be positive, so was relegated to guest bedroom for quarantine. Got to see some good TV for a change.

Remnants of old dome house

Panorama of party before paramedics left

On the 7th, Jef continued quarantine, until Kathy informed him she, too, tested positive for Covid.

Positive Covid tests for Jef & Kathy

On the 8th, Jef did a little work at the office after Lisette had cancelled every patient for the week.

Finally got Kathy's Hallmark for 2023 & put it on tree

On the 9th, continued with taking it easy. Kathy stayed home & Jef went out on chores.

Coldest day of the season, so far

Clouds this day

Panorama around sunset

Sunrise this morning

On the 10th, continued taking it easy.

On the 11th, a severe wind storm took out internet early this morning, followed by a 12 hour blackout. Jef & Kathy set up a bunch of candles & started playing chess just before power came back on around 6pm.

Got a little rain this morning

Furniture blown into this corner also had a bunch of broken branches mixed in with it - glass top on table flipped over, but didn't break!

A couple of downed trees at the Mall from storm prior nite

After setting out a bunch of candles, Jef got chess set ready to play & only had a few moves before power finally came back on

On the 12th, Jef did a little work at the office, but mostly took it easy at home.

On the 13th, Jef surveyed storm results at Sewanee and wound up only putting on bar-b-q cover that blew off - mostly took it easy at home.

Clouds this day

At sunset

On the 14th, mostly took it easy at home. Jef made quick trip to Sewanee to erect new street number sign. That evening, Jef made Kathy some spaghetti.

New street number sign

On the 15th, Jef drove into town & did a little work at the office.

Sunrise this morning

Largest branches that blew off tree in last storm that made it to the ground

Largest branch broken off, but still hung up in tree

On the 16th, Jef cleaned up part of front yard & took out trash after doing some work at the office.

On the 17th, Jef did a little work at the office.

Clouds this afternoon

As sun sets behind mountains

State of big branches after Jef cut up & put about 1/3 in the trash yesterday

Cool clouds

Crack forming by big mesquite in front - last windstorm made slight progress in blowing it down

Panorama nearing sunset

Last panorama of cool clouds this afternoon

On the 18th, spent most of day at home, as Kathy was very ill, doing chores. Late that afternoon did a quick trip to the office & did a little work.

Cool contrailly clouds this afternoon

On the 19th, did a little work at the office, but mostly took it easy at home.

More cool clouds

On the 20th, did a little work at Sewanee and the office, but mostly took it easy at home.

Jef thought he heard a mouse in the kitchen prior night - and it looks like there is one this morning

On the 21st, made progress with doing taxes at the office, but otherwise took it easy at home.

Low clouds this day

On the 22nd, a rainy day. Jef checked on Sewanee house - no leaks & small creek in back yard. Mostly took it easy all day. Both Jef & Kathy tested negative for covid, but Kathy wanted to take another week off before returning to work.

Rain in backyard before it really started coming down

Jef cooked fritatas this morning - mostly for the doggies

With the rains came flooding in the sun room

Just before starting to absorb water with rags

Rainy deck at Sewanee house

Creek in back yard

Flood deflector working great

Most of wood storage behind small shed has collapsed

Other wood storage structure is also in trouble

Rain pouring on back patio

Rotted wood - not sure how water is getting in here

View of house on rainy day

Water coursing along BS Rd

One of statues on rainy day

Run-off from Glorietta access road

Looking up Glorietta access road with free campers

Weststar house from road

Indianhead shrouded in clouds

Looking at low clouds to the south on BS Rd

Panorama of low clouds in San Ysidros from Tilting T & West Star

View from WestStar house

On the 23rd, Jef did some work at the office while Kathy took it easy at home.

Before sunrise this morning

Fogbank in valley looking east

Sunrise colour


Part of fogbank to the east looks like a landed flying saucer

Indianhead with cloud above and WestStar house below

Little snow on Toro, perhaps down to 7000'

Fogbank drifted over us for a few minutes

On the 24th, Jef did a little work at the office. Kathy not doing well hung out at home all day.

Sunrise this morning

On the 25th, Jef went to the office & did a little work.

Sunrise this morning

Moonset this morning

On the 26th, Jef did a little work at the office.

We got a working meter at WestStar

On the 27th, Jef drove Kathy to MD, but found his schedule changed, so just did some shopping, visited Big Rock house and Jef got a haircut.

State of front yard at Big Rock house

Getting new gate installed

State of back yard

Nice sunset at Staters in Ramona - Kathy still hasn't taken off her "shopping mask"

On the 28th, took it easy. Jef did a little work at the office and did some weeding.

Meter has inched up, so still haven't determined if solar is still working

Another contraily day

On the 29th, back to work a fairly difficult day at the office. Kathy had a slow start, as she is still recovering from Covid and this is the first work she has done for 3 weeks.

Sunrise this morning

Moonrise this evening

On the 30th, a fairly busy day at the office.

A contrailly day

Sunset this evening

On the 31st, went to Sewanee house to get estimate for countertops. Kathy rescheduled MD visit in SD for a few months, as she was not up to going to SD and took it easy at home all day. Jef did a little work at the office.

Lawn forming in back 40 of Sewanee house

Narcissus & aloe blooming

Another brittlebush blooming at Sewanee

Clouds this day

Sunset this evening

Meter still heading north

Guesthouse meter
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