Jef, Onion Valley, 1997
Hi, I'm Jef. I live in San Diego County, but have lived elsewhere. If you want to see what I'm doing lately, see my journal.
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my 'sign'

Jef, age 49

Last updated on 22 June 2014.

Jef was a software engineer for about 20 years before getting becoming a part-time handyman. Before getting married to Kathy in 2006, Jef went on several adventures per year. Adventures usually included a 1 - 2 week road trip and 1 or 2 cannon party campouts. Since connecting with Kathy in 2005, the adventures per year doubled for a while, but slowed down as Jef took on the job of Kathy's office manager in 2007. However, occasionally they still camp and tour the world, enjoying the good life. Starting in 2007, Jef started helping Kathy with her business -- a nearly full time job -- in addition to taking on a number of handyman projects. Since the 1970s, Jef has been an avid tennis player. For some years in the 80s, he played about twice a week, but has reduced his tennis to less than once a month due to injury and lacking time and players after moving to Borrego fulltime in the 90s. He has been playing continuously with an ever-changing small group in San Diego since the late 80s. Jef used to run several miles several times a week, but stopped a few times due to injuries. He stopped running in 1995, and took up hiking. He completed many arduous hikes, conquering many of the nearby peaks in Borrego, but has curtailed these activities due to injury. The most arduous hikes include: Bright Angel Lodge to North Rim Lodge and back on same day (52 miles, 11,000' up, 11,000' down), Mount Whitney 1985 (12 hours), 1998 (16 hours) (22 miles, 9000' up/down -- much at over 14,000' elevation).

As with most people, Jef believes (he modified the lyrics of Randy Newman's 1977 opus "Short People"):

Small people got no reason
Small people got no reason
Small people got no reason
To live
They got little hearts
Little minds
They walk around
Tellin' great big lies
They got empty dreams
And tiny little goals
Can't deal with the devil
'Cause they got no souls
Don't want no small people 'round me

Small people got no reason...
To learn
Don't try to correct them
Don't take them in tow,
They'll never learn a thing,
They think they already know!

Small people got no reason....
To rush
They're never in a hurry
Don't care if you wait
Their time is precious
So you'd better not be late!

Small people got no reason...
To give
They got grubby little fingers
No time to cook or bake
When they see your bread
They'll take, take, take

Small people got nobody...
To love
But they love themselves
No matter what they do
Praise they do expect
Especially from you!

Small people got no reason...
To ask
They want, want, want
And need things fast
If you can't find something
They probably took the last!

Small people got their reasons...
To quit
Many little jobs undone
Are laying in the yard
Small people just want to have fun
Work is a little too hard

Small people got no reason...
To clean
Their place is a mess,
So they visit you,
Then they gotta rush,
You're the clean-up crew!

Small people got no reason...
To reason
They've got twisted little hungers
And dirty little minds
They'll promise anything,
But they'll cheat you every time

Small people got no reason
To think
They want to do,do,do
No need to plan for 'what if?'
They just go, go, go
Like lemmings off a cliff
If we all keep shrinking
We're in for a fall
When we reach the brink
Poof!.... there won't be no people at all

Don't want no small people
Don't need no small people
Can't stand those small people
'round me

Jef's Relatives

Done that

Jef, age 11 - Small person