Job Searching resources for Jef

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Working Places Education Publications

San Diego Job Hunt Summary 2001-2003 compiled by jef so as to not repeat e-mailing resumes

These are actual companies in business, and not agencies.


These are companies that are agents for other companies


These are either companies that are gone, don't have a website, or bogus

Legend For any of the above lists
bold: direct to company italic: head-hunter normal: unknown if a head-hunter
They called, or e-mailed me first called back, will relay my resume to someone else I contacted them, waiting on concrete response
Position has been filled Interviewed Interview scheduled

Technical Job Search Engines for San Diego Market

# non-agent san diego companys with java jobs posted within 1 week of 8/7/01 company name in list job description or skills in list

Direct Employers
Brassring Logo
Career Builder Logo
JobLink Logo
UT Joblink
Brass Ring Description
3 company descr
Search for: java, San Diego
Apply: must login to apply
Companies: AT&T Wireless Services, Intuit, Sony
Agencies: Stafftopia, San Diego Tech Force
Career Builder Description
1 company descr
Search for: san diego, enginering software, java
Apply: Simple e-mail link (sans subject)
Companies: Wingcast
Union Tribune JobLink Description
2 company descr
Search for: java rest is pre-selected
Apply: not good. resume to text, passwords, etc.
Companies: Loronix, BAE
Agencies: Stellcom, Unspecified (Classified Ads)
Computer Jobs Logo
Computer Jobs
Dice Logo
Headhunter Logo
ComputerJobs Description
0 company descr
Search for: java, San Diego
Apply: Simple e-mail link
Comment:Must go to LA, and then San Diego
Agencies: Global Data Consultants, Inc., Systems Integration Solutions, Metro Information Services
Dice Description
3 company descr
Search for: java, area codes, #entries/page, freshness
Apply: Link brings up email with subject line filled in, just add cover text and resume and send
Comment:fast, lots of postings
Companies: HNC, MedImpact, Sony
Agencies: Durrance, Eastridge, FYI, Global Data Consultants, Gravity People, IMS, Intuii, IT Group, Keylime, KForce, LCS, Modis, Martin Progressive, National Search, OAO, Pacific Tech. Solns., Professionals Intl., Raging Mouse, Rydek, Sapphire, Staffing Innovations, TOPS
Headhunter Description
7 company descr
Search for: java, san diego, ca
Apply: Must login to apply online
Companies: AltaVoice, Ericsson, HNC, MedUnite, Prisa, RMS, Sharp
Agencies: Alliance Search, Bayforce Staffing, COM-Placement, Julius Schifaugh, Kaye/Bassman, KForce, Ki-Tech, RHI
Hotjobs Logo
Hotjobs Logo
Job Options Logo
Job Options
Hotjobs Description
7 company descr
Search for: java san diego can later filter out search firms
Apply: must login (first must register resume), but after registration application is easy enough
Comment:Extra popup window! Gets some results not in San Diego, when company has office in San Diego, but job isn't there. Differentiates agents with yellow background.
Companies: Accelrys, Ensemble, Globallogic, Illumina, Loronix, SAIC, Wingcast
Agencies: TriStaff Description
0 company descr
Search for: java zip code
Apply: must login
JobOptions Description
0 company descr
Search for: CA / java san diego
Apply: simple email link (sans subject)
Monster Logo
Techies Logo
Job Bank Logo
Job Bank
Monster Description
3 company descr
Search for: CA San Diego, Computer Software, java
Apply: Simple e-mail link
Comment:List contains company, ordered by date, but rarely more than 1 job per day
Companies: Real Legends, SDRC, Telephony@Work
Agencies: Management Recruiters
Techies Description
4 company descr
Search for: java san diego
Apply: Must login to apply
Comment:List contains company and brief description, only 10 per page; mostly search firms; Mostly RHI, UCSD, Peregrine
Companies: BAE, Logicon, Sony, UCSD
Agencies: RHI, Volt
JobBank Description
1 company descr
Search for: Engineering + Architecture, and then
Computer Engineer, either System or Application Software
Apply: Can get to simple E-mail link (sans subject)
Comment:Can select zip, #entries per page. SLOW! Posting date missing! Often no reference to who job is with!
Companies: Graviton
San Diego Jobs Logo
San Diego Jobs
SD Computer Work Logo
San Diego Computer Work

San Diego Jobs Description
0 company descr
Search for: java
Apply: Only can submit resume in text form.
Comment:Complete descriptions are in table. No direct email apply link.
Agencies: eSUB, TriStaff
SD Computer Jobs Description
2 company skills
Search for: java
Apply: Only can submit resume in text form, but only other field is email.
Comment:Complete descriptions are in table. No direct email apply link.
Companies: Crystal Resources, RMS
Agencies: BGR
Jobvertise Description
0 company skills
Search for: java, san diego, ca
Apply: Must create an account first, only a web=based apply
Comment:Mostly headhunters
Agencies: MyResume4Review, Parity Computing

Net Temps Logo
Net Temps
KForce Logo
Net-Temps Description
13 company descr
Search for: CA -San Diego, Java
Apply: Easy e-mail link, but must manually put in job reference number
Comment:Just temp jobs, doesn't say with whom
Kforce Description
9 company descr
Search for: Java
Apply: Must register to apply
Comment:Just a headhunter