PCT Mt. Laguna to Scissors Crossing
38 miles, 2 days
My 5th overnite backpack trip, 4rd (and probably last?) with Mari
August 1994

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Although this August day was about the hottest of the year, we started from the coolest part of the county on Mount Laguna. We had a problem at Pioneer Mail, where there was no water, so I hitched a ride to get water before resuming. We each took 3 gallons down. Trying unsuccessfully to find a water camp, we missed the best campsite up near Cuyamaca Lake, and proceeded down to ant-infested Rodriguez Canyon. We did 23 miles that day, with heavy packs! Altho we found the Lucy constellation, and covered a lot of ground, this was not a very good part of the PCT. The view from the rim of Cottonwood Canyon, and the cottonwood at the end of the trail were the best scenic points of this trail. Craig picked us up around 6 on the 2nd day, after first completely missing our rendezvous. We went to the DQ in Julian on way back.