Indian Head Peak
Elevation 3980'
First hiked February 1995

Jef at Waterfall at First Palm Grove in Borrego Palm Canyon

Me at Palm Canyon on the way up to Indian Head. I wouldn't return to this point for another 6 hours of a gnarly, but extremely cool hike of about 6 miles. I actually met someone near the top of this hike and have a picture to prove it. One of the few hikes in this area so documented. This peak, elevation of about 3980 feet, is visited by only a handful of hikers every year.

Jeffro in Palm Canyon

This photo of north Borrego Valley shows the ruggedness of Indian Head in the foreground. This was taken at about 3800' elevation, not far from the top.
Something was rustling the bushes as I approached the top. I got out my camera, ready to take a picture of the mountain lion or bighorn. But it was another hiker! I got him to take my picture, and here it is.
Photo by Dave Willoughby (spelling may err)