Yaqui Peak
Elevation 3367'
first hiked by Jef in 1995

This is a medium high peak on the Pinyon Ridge between Tamarisk Grove and Borrego Springs. Jef has hiked this twice, so far (as of 11/20/97). He improved the register on his 2nd hike, replacing the plastic film cannister/index card with a more substantial register. At right is the peak cairn.

Taken in June this photo shows sparse vegetation at the top of Yaqui, looking north to Borrego, due to the fire of '95. These agaves in this moonscape survived to send up flower stalks. These were only a few days from being in full bloom.

A number of foothill peaks have also been conquered by Jef. Here is to peak of one the lowest, at about 1200' elevation. Jef demonstrates the comfy chair just below the summit. These are rare on any hike, but 2 nice ones have been found by Jef on Yaqui.

Here is a cairn constructed by someone on another low peak. It stands over 3' high, and is the highest cairn observed in this range by Jef.

Here is a cairn on a 1200' elevation peak. It is nearly as tall as the previous cairn. I upgraded it a little by adding bones and such. A compartment that once held a register (which I moved elsewhere) can be opened to find a lizard.

Here is a scenic area in the lower foothills just before sunset. Looking toward southern part of Santa Rosa range.

Here is a register on a hill by the road on S-3. This is a foothill of Yaqui Peak, with a survey marker on it. It is a 15 minute hike from the road, which I did December 8, 1997 when mom forgot her purse, and I wanted to make use of the wasted time. So I sent her to get her purse whilst I did this little hike.

Yaqui Meadows in the Spring

Jef took this picture in his back yard. It is the type of desert crossed when approaching the slope up to Yaqui Peak. Notice the teddy bear cholla, as well as a desert senna in full bloom (the yellow). An ocotillo rises above the San Ysidros. The Pinyon Ridge, of which Yaqui Peak is a part takes off from the San Ysidros, background. This ridge starts just to the left of the picture. Note: the flash flood of August 1997 may have modified this particular area since this picture was taken.

Yaqui Meadows