Smuggler's Canyon

On the next to last day of 1999, Jef, Grace, and her cousin Allan hiked from Blair Valley down to Vallecitos via Smuggler's Canyon. Approximately 5 miles, and a nice hike. Somewhat gnarly:

Starting out in Blair

Allan, Jef's shadow, Grace at pictographs

Jef above pictographs

Grace and Allan at first dropoff.
There they are in the square.

1. Start (see Grace, Allan in square)

2. Climb up to south (see Grace, Allan in squares)

3. Then climb down easier slope (see Grace, Allan in squares)

4. Grace and Allan at the bottom

There were, actually, more dropoffs. Here is Allan by one of them.

Here's Allan walking down about the half-way point. As you can see, some parts are easier.

Jef at about the half-way point.
Coming into Vallecitos