Robert Johnson

born 1920, moved to Los Angeles in 1922. The following documents some of his experiences and acquaintances over his first 40 years.

Marion, Judith, Robert
4 years after moving from Ironwood MI to Los Angeles CA, 1926

Robert, cousin Freeman, Marion, 1934

Junior high grad, 1935

San Clemente Island, photo by George Russon of the Canal Zone, circa 1939
Marshall Breaux of Orange TX at right, Robert in center

San Clemente Island, photo by George Russon of the Canal Zone; Top-left is Banny Bankemper of Lousville KY; top-right is George R., Lower-right: Robert

breakfast in 'bed'

Marion, circa 1939

circa 1937


Chuck Dundore and Robert near the beach at Malibu, 1939

It appears that Chuck has a pant-leg in his right sock to prevent getting caught in the chain. This is a trick used by bicyclists wearing long pants.

Clyde without Bonnie? No... Robert again! circa 1940

Robert on the same road trip, circa 1940

One trip with this car involved going to San Felipe, and having the clutch break down in Mexico. The 2 travelers came back all the way in the same gear.

Robert and James Britten on San Gorgonio, circa 1940

Robert ca. 1940

Robert ca. 1940

Various backpacking trips. San Gorgonio at right.

Robert ca. 1940

Tents are for wimps!


On the pier at Avalon Harbor, Catalina Island, 1940

Robert remembers this adventure: "After seeing a film on Saturday night, Chester Mateer suggested we get some gas and go in his 21' boat to Catalina. Gas Rationing was in effect, so only 5 gallons of gas was taken. Chet slept while Robert piloted. RObert then went to sleep at the wheel and was awakened by the rising sun as the boat cruised in circles. We had turns on the aquaplane on the way over and arrived at Avalon Harbor, dropped anchor and got a water taxi ride to the pier. About and hour later we got a water taxi ride back to our boat, but it had dragged anchor and was making green paint marks all along one side of a distantly anchored large white hulled sailboat. We guiltily decided to not wait there (we really needed more gas because of the circles and the aqualplaning), so we headed back to San Pedro. We ran out of gas about a quarter mile outside the L.A. breakwater and Chet saved us from being wrecked against the breakwater by finding about 1 quart of gas in his bilge pump motor. We again ran out of gas about a quarter mile from the Watchhorn Basin dock. Using the bench seat boards as paddles, we made it to the dock."

Robert at Kirsarge Pass, 1941
Robert describes this ordeal: "One guy at Douglas volunteered to drive us up to Onion Valley and drop us off at the trailhead at 9 A.M. Skiied 4 miles uphill to the pass with 5 others, then downhill 30 miles to Cedar Grove. Others were Bob Janes, Dane Lones.

On this trip, I was racing around a corner into the sun, and hit a patch of wet soft snow, causing me to fall on the tip of my ski. The tip of each ski was fitted with a notched end that was used to tie the front of canvas climbers. The notched ski tip pushed my upper left eyelid behind my eyeball. Bob Janes made a bandage over the eye from his first aid kit, and we arrived at Cedar Grove where Elwin and Zola Beech were still waiting at 10 P.M. to drive us all back to L.A."

Mom and dad in front of Robert's first new car, a 1941 Ford

Marion, 1941

Robert with his new car, 1941

Robin & Johnny Patterson, circa 1942
Robin worked with Robert at Douglas


Judith in her Victory Garden, circa 1943

Gasoline Alley. Robert's dad, Thorwald is the resident mechanic.
1935 Chevy, 1936 Dodge, and a 1937 Lincoln Zephyr

December 31, 1946, Robert with Barbara Baer at the Florentine
Says Robert: "Barbara lifted a bottle of champagne from the icer of our neighboring table. When confronted by the neighbor, she explained that we had ordered on just like his and she would return it to him when our order was filled! But that never happened!"

Chester Mateer, a submariner and his war bride, with Robert and Marion

Robert in polar suit
Okinawa Jan 1946
Says Robert: "On my 11 day cruse from Okinawa to S.F., the captain of the ship told everyone that if certain men didn't shave, then no one was going ashore in S.F. I was nearly lynched on the day S.F. came in sight, and was intimidated by my shipmates to get shaved."

Okinawa, March 1946

Robert, Marion, circa 1945

Aunt Ted, Robert and his mom, Judith, circa 1946

Marion, Uncle Bob, Aunt Ted, circa 1945

Thorwald, Robert, circa 1948

Landa Street house, circa 1948

Landa Street house, from other angle

Towtruck in driveway, 1949

Landa Street garage roof, circa 1950
The garage is also in picture to the right, but is mostly obscured by trees. It is just below the house, and at top of the diagonal driveway.

Landa Street house from a block away, circa 1951

Robert and Ruth working on newly created garage, 1950

International in the new driveway, circa 1951

Landa Street house, 1953
This year the addition the house included 2 bedrooms for 1 year old Julie, and recently born Jef. The original house just had 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, a kitchen and a patio, which was later turned into a utility room. The new addition included a basement/work room, living room, and 2 new bedrooms. Another bathroom was added in the early 60s.

Chimney construction, Oct.53

Landa Street house, circa 1959
Note the completed chimney in this later photograph. Robert apprenticed under the man at top of chimney, in photo to left. Robert helped construct about 10 chimneys. He probably got a deal from his boss for help in doing his own chimney here.

Julie, at Mammoth standing next to John Tierney, Labor day, 1955

Frances Tierney, John Tierney and Robert, Labor day, 1955

John was the husband of Frances Tierney, who was one of Ruth's co-workers at Gladding McBean. Photo was taken on the Labor Day weekend of 1955 at Mammoth Mountain. On this trip, John explained why his checkered past helped him to be hired as an armed guard for Brinks.

Robert at Mammoth, 1955

Air raid siren engineer, 1955

Landa Street hideout, circa 1958
The hideout was never used as such, as us kids could more easily hide out in our rooms, where we had all our stuff, anyway. The ploy to get us out of the house failed, and the hideout was dismantled about 20 years later.

Jef, Julie, Elsa, circa 1959
Artwork is typical of their mom, Ruth

Robert holding Elsa, Ruth and Julie at piano, and Jef behind Julie in shadows, circa 1958

Robert, Judith, June 1960

Robert in recently acquired Impala. Bought by Ruth for his graduation in 1960

What? Me worry? circa 1963
