last updated October 23, 2006

Jef Johnson
P.O. Box 1452
Borrego Springs CA 92004
phone: (760)767-4544
cel: (858)705-0344

Nearly 20 years of successful hardware and software engineering in a wide variety of complex systems, applications, and components. Able to quickly achieve results in most environments, with or without prior experience. Solid programming, documentation, troubleshooting, maintenance, and communication skills.
Seeking to take on important and challenging hardware and/or software system projects. Available today.

Hardware: PCs 12 years, some SUN workstation, mainframe, Mac, networking equipment including Cisco routers, wireless systems. Familiar with troubleshooting most PC adapters.
Systems: Microsoft NT 4 years, other Windows 8 years, DOS 6 years, UNIX 2 years. some LINUX, Mac, Novell, Tomcat, Netscape Enterprise Server, Apache, IIS
Development Languages: Java Servlets 1 year, C 10 years, C++ 2 years, Javascript 2 years, HTML 3 years. Some Assembler, Pascal, others. Familiar with JSP, SQL, XML, XSLT, WML, PHP
Databases:Total of 1 year of ODBC, mainly FoxPro. Some MySQL, Oracle, Informix, familiar with SQL

Self-employed, Borrego Springs CA Handyman, Graphic Artist, Web Developer, Office Manager from June 2001, 5 years
Although semi-retired and mostly doing a variety of handyman projects, mostly in San Diego County, did some technical work: Graphic arts: used Photoshop to produce maps for a hiking book: Hiking in Anza-Borrego: Over 100 Half-Day Hikes by Robin Halford. Illustrations by Paulette Ache. Maps by Jef Johnson. Published by ABDNHA. 20 maps in all were created. Web development: played with Flash, PHP for a few websites at, but these were accidentally deleted from server and never re-installed. However, purchased another server, and moved some websites there. Also developed a few others, including:

Substituted a few times as office manager at Borrego Physical Therapy, doing medical billing, bookkeeping, filing, and taking calls. Also maintain and upgrade computer equipment.

Contigo Software / Evoke Communications, San Diego CA Software Engineer from January 2000, 1 year
Note: Contigo Software was acquired by Evoke Communications in mid 2000. Most former Contigo employees were laid off in a downsizing in early 2001. Evoke has since been renamed Raindance Communications.
Developed software to support the web touring part of the Contigo web collaboration product. Web touring was accomplished by processing HTTP commands in Java servlets. The servlet pretends to be the meeting leader's browser when dealing with any requested website, and handles filtering all received data. Data in the form of HTML, JavaScript, Flash, and VBScript is parsed and modified, when necessary, by my software, before being relayed to all meeting participants. Worked with customers and other departments to resolve all problems logged in the local bug tracking system. Produced various technical documents, while at same time maintaining code using CVS.

PER / FastWave Internet Services, San Diego CA Consultant Engineer from April 1994, 5 years
Note: FastWave was created at the end of 1996 as a subsidiary to PER (Premuda Engineering Resources, Inc.), a hardware and software consulting firm.
Worked on various contracts with PER. Co-founder of the full-service Internet service provider, FastWave Internet Services. For FastWave, performed various functions including Webmaster, customer support, billing, and account administration. To support, acquire, inform, and invoice customers, developed an integrated system of automated account viewing, monitoring, maintenance, sign-up and e-mail billing. System included a Visual C++/MFC component, and several web-based CGI components written in C and JavaScript. Designed and maintained the FastWave homepage, and a few other sites. Also administered a Netscape Enterprise Server and the Radius dial-up server, each running under Microsoft Windows NT/4. Before and during the Internet service duties, worked on various PER contracts, including the following:
SAIC: Enhanced and ported a database program that tracked all contracts, for use by the head office, using FoxPro 2.6 for Mac, and FoxPro 3 for Windows. This involved using SQL, and developing a sophisticated GUI. The ad hoc search window, for example, had about 20 controls.
DEI: Developed and maintained, over 4 years, this company's award winning car alarm programmer, using Borland C for the DOS version. Also developed a prototype for Windows using Visual C++/MFC. These programs were mostly GUI, with some RS-232 interaction.
Sorrento Electronics:Wrote an 'a postiori' common mode failure analysis report after analyzing all embedded software, written in assembler and PL/M, for a 20 year old nuclear reactor monitoring product. Then wrote the Validation and Verification Report for another similar product.
TouchQuest:Developed software for a communications device for the deaf, using Borland C++/OWL and then Visual C++/MFC. Used the SilverWare library for telecommunications. Discussed firmware modifications with Rockwell to have its 28K and 56k modems become V.18 compliant.
PEI:Wrote an embedded real-time controller for auto CD interface, using Franklin C.
HME Battery:Wrote a RS-232 HP-PCL printer driver, using Borland C

Gigatrend Corporation, Carlsbad CA Principal Engineer from March 1990, 3 years
Note: Gigatrend has since closed down its development effort, and now is a system integrator.
Designed and developed most of the MasterSafe product line of tape back-up systems. MasterSafe was the first high-performance distributed network tape back-up application. It used IPX communications to back-up multiple workstations and file servers simultaneously in order to reach tape-streaming speeds. A database tracked all tapes and all files on those tapes. MasterSafe also featured a distributed install, quick restores, and had an easy to use file selection user interface.

Emerald Systems Corporation, San Diego CA Senior Software Engineer from January 1988, 2 years
Note: Emerald has since changed its name to St. Bernard Systems, and is in a new business
Designed and developed a significant portion of the tape backup software products. Primary duties involved designing and developing the SPX communication driver, SCSI device driver, and the remote VAP/NLM tape server. These were the first Windows and Novell VAP/NLM tape back-up software products. Features included quick restores, tape content databases, and multiple concurrent tape backups.

NCR Corporation, San Diego CA Performance Analyst Consultant from December 1986, 1 year
Note: NCR was since bought by AT&T, and later spun off. Worked on a long-term contract as a consultant for MiniSystems, now Modis.
Modeled NCR's next-generation distributed transaction-processing system at the Ethernet packet level. Assisted in quality assurance testing on UNION, a remote UNIX file system product.

General Dynamics, Data Systems, San Diego CA Senior Software Engineer from January 1984, 3 years
Note: General Dynamics has since sold its San Diego operations. The GD Electronics Division, for which I last worked, is now owned by BAE.
Developed embedded text and graphics formatting language to take advantage of recently released LaserJet printers, implemented an expert system to review mechanical drawings generated using CADDS-3, developed various UNIX tools, and used the locally developed object-oriented DARTS development environment in porting a decision-support application from a Point-4 system to an IBM mainframe. Also did some classified work.

Computer Entry Systems, Silver Spring MD Software Engineer from November 1981, 2 years
Note: CES has since been acquired and shutdown by a larger competitor.
Developed firmware and software for two types of optical-card-reading transaction processing terminals. These terminals were capable of completing an operator-assisted bill/check transaction at the rate of about 1 per second. This embedded real-time process control software was developed using Motorola and Intel Assembler and Pascal for two separate product lines. This software simultaneously controlled 4 printers, dozens of solenoids, various display devices, optical and punch card readers, disk drives, and keyboards. Since this pre-dated off-the-shelf real-time operating systems, such as VxWorks, the operating system, itself, was part of the software.

Master of Science, Computer Science, New Mexico Tech (NMIMT), Socorro NM, 1981
Master of Science, Physics, New Mexico Tech (NMIMT), Socorro NM, 1979
Graduate studies in physics, University of Iowa, Iowa City Iowa, 1975 - 1976
Bachelor of Arts, Mathematics, UCSD, San Diego CA, 1975