Helena Houben Johnson
June 3, 1924 - March 20, 2009

Leny, shortly after her 49th birthday, June 1973

Robert Note

Leny and Robert on wedding day
November 5, 1964
Helena Catharina Maria Johnson-Houben, born in the village of Roggel in the Netherlands on 3 June,1924, died in Los Angeles, California, a citizen of the U.S.A. on 20 March 2009.

She was educated in Dutch Roman Catholic schools where her music became the basis for her ability as an organist in later life.

In the family bakery she endured the military occupation of Holland, and devoted herself after the war to caring for her ailing mother.

Later while working as a housekeeper in an Amsterdam hotel she learned of an opportunity to work as a diningroom stewardess aboard a Dutch ocean liner and sailed twice around the world. When the crew was given liberty in Florida, she decided to emmigrate to America and came to Los Angeles in 1961 where she met Robert, sorely in need for a mother to his children.

Leny and Robert have worked together for 43 years making their home a place of happiness. The home's unique landscaping is largely a monument to the abilities of this remarkable woman, who furnished many ideas and willingly labored to make it complete. She is survived by 3 stepchildren Jeffrey, Julie, and Elsa as well as her husband Robert.

Leny identified this ship as the one in which she worked her way around the world twice in the mid-to-late '50s. The Lakonia sank Christmas Eve in 1963 while being towed back to port.


Marleen note

Leny's niece, Marleen, in remembrance to Leny, intends the following to be seen by friends and relatives of her Tante Lena:

Leny in July 1953, age 31
my roost were in Roggel,
my drive took me oversea
my heart landed in los angeles
the sea takes me with her away.
In behalf of her husband Robert Johnson we want to let you know that March 20th 2009 Lena Johnson-Houben, her husband lovingly called her Lenny, died. She had reached the age of 84 years. She will be cremated and her ashes will be spread over the sea,

April 5th there will be a ceremony in Roggel.

Truus note

In loving memory of Lena Houben by Truus Houben jr.

Beloved, please don't mourn for me, I'm still here, though you don't see.
I'm right by your side each night and day and within your heart I long to stay.

My body is gone but I'm always near. I'm everything you feel, see or hear.
My spirit is free, but I'll never depart as long as you keep me alive in your heart.

I'll never wander out of your sight, I'm the brightest star on a summer night.
I'll never be beyond your reach, I'm the warm moist sand when you're at the beach.

I'm the colorful leaves when fall comes around and the pure white snow that blankets the ground.
I'm the beautiful flowers of which you're so fond, the clear cool water in a quiet pond.

I'm the first bright blossom you'll see in the spring, the first warm raindrop that April will bring.
I'm the first ray of light when the sun starts to shine, and you'll see that the face in the moon is mine.

When you start thinking there's no one to love you, you can talk to me through the Lord above you.
I'll whisper my answer through the leaves on the trees, and you'll feel my presence in the soft summer breeze.

I'm the hot salty tears that flow when you weep and the beautiful dreams that come while you sleep.
I'm the smile you see on a baby's face. Just look for me, beloved, I'm everyplace!

Author Unknown
Jef note

My dad, Robert and I went on a 7000 mile trip in the summer of 1964, the last one without Leny. Here we are in Ironwood, Michigan at my dad's cousin Eva and Al's house. He might have been comtemplating marriage with Leny on the trip. The car in the background is a 1964 Chevy Nova which was Robert and Leny's first car. He kept it until 1969, at which time the couple suffered from choosing a series of much less reliable cars.
I first met Leny a few times when she was at my mom's house. I remember at least once when my dad picked both of us up and dropped Leny at her apartment and took me home to Landa Street. My parents had divorced in 1961 and I stayed on Landa Street. My sisters moved with my mom, Ruth, who got a house about 3 miles away. I'd ride my bike over and visit at her house on Boylston Street occasionally. Between 1961 and 1964, I vaguely remember my dad's "bachelor cooking", and switching from my room, which I was sharing with Ruth's cousin Roy, to downstairs. In 1964, I was 10 years old, and going to elementary school, finishing 5th grade that spring. When Leny became my step-mom this year, cousin Roy left for his own apartment, and I got my room back. When I think back, I cannot remember when Leny wasn't always concerned for my welfare, as would any good mother. We got along just fine, but we were not as close as I with my mom. Over the years, Leny would always make me feel welcome in her house, and would treat me like royalty. I would always have a "care package" when I left.

In 2007, when my mom passed away, Leny and my dad came to the services, and showed how they both cared for my mom, despite the schism that occurred 46 years prior. Leny was now my mom. We got to see her several more times, and she always treated Kathy and I like guests of honor at her home. She loved Kathy and me to the very end. I made sure to make my feelings known to her in her last days, that she was a wonderful mom and I loved her very much. As always, you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone. I regret not giving her nearly as much affection as she gave me, for most of the time I knew her. I know now she had truly good soul, and I miss her very much.

Images of Leny over the years:
1963 - 1964

Leny in her Beverly Hilton uniform

Leny was working for Robert's ex-wife, Ruth, for about 6 months around this time, and living at Ruth's house for another 6 months, after Ruth had to let her go. Robert occasionally helped out by driving Leny to various places. One other job she had during the year was at the Beverly Hilton.

Robert tells a story about driving Leny to the Beverly Hilton, where she worked in 1963, to pick up her termination papers. The couple was stopped at a roadblock near the hotel, due to a motorcade containing President Kennedy passing by on his way to this very hotel. This was just about 2 weeks before Kennedy was assasinated in Texas.

After the Hilton job, Leny got a job at the Good Samaritan Hospital, but had to walk 3 miles to work from Ruth's house to get to work. Robert, gave her rides occasionally, until Leny got an apartment closer to work. From a saved phone bill, the address of this apartment was: 502 S Westlake Ave in Los Angeles.

Leny expressed an interest in seeing the Rose Parade towards the end of the year, and Robert volunteered to take her there. This was their first date (Jan 1 1964), and the couple fell in love and married on November 5, 1964.

After the marriage, Ruth's cousin Roy, who was staying at Robert's house, was asked to find another place to live at this time.


Leny at home of Robert's parents, Judy and Thor, with 3 new step kids, Elsa, Jef and Julie
Robert and Leny started traveling the world starting in the late 1960s. This also gave them more time to improve their home.

Leny working near bottom of driveway

Robert and Leny's finished job, 40 or so years later - picture taken 2 days after Leny passed away, on night of March 22, 2009


Leny congratulating Julie at her UCSD graduation in June 1974
This is the year that Leny and Robert attended Elsa's graduation from high school at ORME in Arizona, and Julie's graduation from UCSD in San Diego.

Robert and Leny never missed any important event in Robert's children's lives.

picture to be added later
In 1979, Robert retired from the LA County Department of Water and Power. With retirement, Robert and Leny started spending all their time together. They increased their world travels, started hiking regularly, and increased the pace of home improvement.

Leny and Robert on his 61st birthday
The pictures to the left are common. Robert says he and Leny documented their birthdays with photos each year. The two travelled extensively since Robert's retirement in 1969. This year they travelled in the NW USA where they each hiked many miles. By the 1980s, they hiked about 3000 miles per year! The continued to hike long distances until about 2000, when physical problems with Robert caused them to hike less and less, until their only exercise was walking around the house -- which, as you know from the terrain, is enough for most people!

Leny hiking at Mt. Baker


Leny and Robert took Jef on the "Devil's Slide" Trail on the Idylwild side of Mt. San Jacinto about this time. Jef took this picture of Leny navigating a somewhat dangerous icy patch on this steep mountainside
Leny and Robert were hiking about 70 miles(100 km)/week around this time, and dragged Jef on a hike every time he visited from his home in San Diego.

Leny with rest of Johnson family, Christmas 1991 in Borrego
Robert and Leny drove Jef to visit Julie in New Mexico to build a new swingset for Julie's new child, Thor. Elsa and Ruth also came, and this was one of the few times the whole family was together.

This was repeated later, when Julie brought her family out to Borrego for Christmas, and Robert and Leny drove from L.A., and Ruth brought Elsa out from Texas.

This marked the first year when step-son Jef finally brought over one of his girlfriends to meet the parents, Robert and Leny.

Robert, Jef, Karyn, Leny
Christmas 1997

Lena, Robert, and Els visiting with photographer Math from Heibloem-Roggel, Holland this summer
Lena and Robert gave Els and Math a tour of the L.A. area for a day before Els and Math toured the American west: mostly California, but also Yellowstone in Wyoming

Leny was very talented on this organ
Christmas 1999
(Sorry didn't have a good photo handy -Jef)

Robert and Leny, September 2005
Taken while Jef and Kathy were visiting
Robert and Leny attended a number of funerals over the years, including Robert's parents, Thorwald(1974) and Judith(circa 1985), Ruth's sister Virginia(2003) and brother Van(2005), Ruth(2007), and Robert's niece Joanne's husband, Richard Tower(2008).

Robert, Leny, Ruth, Elsa at funeral of Ruth's brother, Van
Van was a Catholic, as was Leny


Jef and Kathy's wedding
June 3, 2006
Leny is sitting rightmost

Leny and Doug at Jef and Kathy's wedding

Leny attended step-son Jef's only wedding this year. Note in first picture, Robert, Ruth, and Leny are rightmost. This was their last meeting with Ruth who passed away almost exactly 7 months later.

Leny and Robert at dinner that night

Robert and Leny on their recently completed 70' bench, November 11

Robert, Leny, Kathy, Holley

All these years, Leny worked side-by-side with Robert in his masonry projects. At left is a couple of pictures of the creators with their creations.

During the few years when Jef and Kathy visited, Kathy managed to get Robert and Leny out of their rut of going to the same common restaurants (like Sizzler), and dragged them out to a couple of local unusual eateries, such as the German-themed Red Lion:

Jef, Leny, and Robert at local tavern, November 2006


Leny attending services for Ruth Johnson
January 12, 2007 in Borrego

Kathy, Holley, Robert, Leny at breakfast
August 7, 2007

Kathy thought to get Leny some flowers

Robert and Kathy showing how much progress Robert and Leny had made in just under a year: 6 more terrace steps! For reference look at the photo (above) of Robert and Leny sitting on the same step, the prior year.

Leny spent lots of time in her kitchen

Leny serving one of her amazing Thanksgiving feasts November 22
Kathy helped this time -- cooking a turkey for one thing


Leny at wake for cousin Joanne's husband, Richard Tower
April 5, 2008

Leny and nephew Thor

Marieke visited a final time this year

Jef and Kathy, visited Robert and Leny in September of this year, bringing belated birthday, fathers day, mothers day gifts -- Leny received a breadwarmer made out of a gourd by Kathy. The family was reunited early this year at Richard Tower's funeral (Richard was the wife of Robert's niece, Joanne). Leny was diagnosed with cancer, but surgery and chemo seemed to have fixed the problem.

Robert and Leny taking Julie and family to Griffith Park

Leny, Robert, Marieke

photo by Marieke


One of several communions near the end


Leny and Elsa with flowers brought by Jef, March 1st

Jef came up to early in January to help Julie during Robert's heart surgery. However, Leny was admitted to the hospital on the same day. After a couple more trips it was determined her condition was terminal. She could live many months, but not comfortably, so on Valentine's Day, she decided to go into hospice care, so that she could spend her last few weeks in relative comfort, and not be a burden on anyone. She was always thinking of others before herself -- a truly good soul. She ended her life in the company of a few of those she loved and who loved her. Robert, her husband spent ever more time by her side during her final weeks. Elsa left her job and home to help Robert and Leny during these tough times. Julie made 2 week-long trips to help out. Jef and Kathy made a few trips, each time trying to make their lives easier. Marleen flew over from the other side of the world for a couple of long visits. Marleen worked tirelessly to aid Elsa and Robert, and especially Tante Lena, bringing her the joy of being with one of her closest relatives in her last weeks. Leny passed away peacefully on the morning of the 1st day of spring this year. We all miss her.

Leny was very happy to see Marleen one last time

We all wish Lena a kiss goodbye