Each year the goal of
the web page and the
newsletter is to report
on the club’s activities.
The role of the newsletter is to inform and
educate. Why not try
doing it, you will like
One of the most important tools that should
be given to every member is an updated
member book at the
first meeting in July.
How can members understand Rotary
unless they have a
copy? Why not send
the member book electronically?
There seems to be confusion as to the operating and foundation
budgets. Every member should have a clear
understanding what
funds go to operations
and which go to the
foundation. There seems to be puzzlement
as to how the annual
budgets are presented
and approved.
Reporting the results of a fund
raising event should be
right after the event or
ASAP. If budgets are
completed using accepted principles, it
should be rare to have
budget meetings.