President's Time
Next Wednesday will be my last as president. Note: there will be a special breakfast for the next meeting in honor of Martha!
67 people on the food share program this year.
Nominating committee for 14-15 president Rotary International (RI): Paul Netzel(LA), ? Vandenberg(Fullerton), Ron Bobien(Coronado).
Borrego Springs President Martha Deichler
Are you weaing your PIN?
SHORT BIO Speaker: Kathleen Johnson Owner/Physical Therapist, Borrego Physical Therapy
Kathy presented a brief story of her life.
She was born in LA by her parents, Kathleen & Semer Sherman. Her mother's maiden name being Spillane, which is Irish. Both of her grandparents are Irish, which makes her eligible to have dual Irish/American citizenship.
She mentioned how one could become such a dual citizen.
Kathy grew up in the LA suburb of Norwalk, graduated from Cal State Long Beach as a physical therapist in 1980. She gave an abbreviated summary of her work history, which necessitated her moving to Oxnard, San Diego and finally, Borrego.
While in San Diego, she was a physical therapy supervisor at Mercy Hospital and had a business that staffed different facilities, including home health agencies, skilled nursing facilities, and rehabilitation clinics.
She married Rick Charron while in Oxnard. They had 2 children, both born at Mercy Hospital in San Diego 8 years apart. The eldest, Stacey (formerly Miss Borrego of 2005), is now a 26 year old multi-media artist living in the San Diego area.
Holley, the youngest, just turned 18 this week, but is still a junior in high school.
The family would spend weekends in Ocotillo Wells often and became very fond of the desert. Rick passed away and Kathy married Barry Bullock. The 2 moved to Borrego Springs in 2000. She bought Borrego Physical Therapy at the end of 2001 from her former Borrego employer, Marat Stratton.
After parting ways with Barry, she met Jef Johnson in 2005. The 2 were married in 2006. Jef currently works with Kathy at Borrego Physical Therapy, and live on WestStar Rd. in Borrego.
| The Sunshine Report and Visitors Corner
Meeting opened shortly after 08:00.
Invocation: Laura Brecht
Pledge: Richard
Songs: Jamaica fairwell and You're a Grand Old Flag by Martha Diechler, Bill Lewis, and Haddon Salt
Happy $:
Richard White - cancer completely gone, some radiation and "maintenance to go thru"
Laura Brecht - Roadrunner nesting in her yard
Kathy Johnson - her daughter, Holley, turned 18 this week.
Haddon Salt - got to see the the queen's diamond jubilee
Adopt A Road: Rotary has an area east of Palm Canyon Resort on S-22. It was agreed that a time to clean the road would be established at a later date
August 4 - Cardiff by the Sea Annual Conference
Donna Nourse - had to go to hospital for treatment - keep her in our thoughts.
Diane Hedosky - very ill, keep her in our thoughts as well.
Martha to do talk next week as it will be her last week to be president.
Laura is checking on membership - who is still in Rotary and who is not: Ron Potries, Rudy Kastelic, Trudy Melvin LOA
Sue Salt announces Women of St. Barnabas gave money to the Children's Theater Program for transportation
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