Andrew Przestalski,
Meeting Summary
The following describes the meeting of the date of this newsletter - please contact Kathy Johnson for corrections:
Called to order, Pledge, and 4-way Test: Andrew Przestalski
Invocation: Laura Brecht
- Kathy Johnson will take over the newsletter for the Rotary for the time being.
- The president-elect position was discussed, along with the training necessary that is upcoming. So far, no volunteers for the job. Anyone interested? As an aside, currently, most members volunteering for "the big jobs" at Rotary are also working full-time, and it is a hardship for them to serve more than 1 year, so it is important for those, who do have the time, to step forward.
- Andrew announced Dick Alstrond as a guest from Wichita (the 49th largest city in the U.S. & largest in Kansas). He is a Rotarian & will be visiting during the season.
- Jul Nickerson is now in charge of speakers for each week of the meetings. The club was asked for suggestions for the speakers thruout the year. Any ideas are to be given to Jul Nickerson.
- Toys for Kids did well & donations covered the toys. All toys were distributed and the Borrego Rotary helped a lot of needy kids this Christmas in Borrego Springs.
- Status of "The Taste of Borrego":
- Restaurants:
- Carmelita's: Hors d'oeuvres (aka appetizers)
- Carlees: main dish
- Arches: main dish
- El Borrego: main dish
- La Casa del Zorro: main dish
- Palms at Indianhead: main dish
- De Anza Country Club: main dish
- Palm Canyon will be asked to participate - not sure if they will be ready on time
- Pablitos has indicated they probably can't participate
- Candied Apple(Julian): dessert
- Fudge Factory: dessert
- Calicos: will be asked to participate
- There will be a raffle for a number of large items
- The "Taste of Borrego" event occurs March 17, 2014
- Input is requested - Taste of Borrego Meetings are at the Arches every Monday at 5pm (next one will be Monday, January 20).
- Please sell as many Taste of Borrego Tickets as possible when you get them. The ticket cost has not yet been set, but it probably will be in the vicinity of $85. Organizers recommend each member sell 10 or more.
The Borrego Rotary board next meets before the main meeting on Wednesday, January 15, 2014
- Roy Silliker told a story about his trip to Vietnam, meeting Vietnamese who lived thru the war.
He found it profound that there was so much Christianity thruout the country, as well as a reverence for the U.S.