Journal Index

Jef's Activities 2001

Sunrise in Borrego. We had a lot of good sunrises and sunsets this season.

Lost the straight doubles tournament in Borrego. Partner was Fred Dow. We won first match, but then lost the next 2. We came from behind when down 7-1 in last match, and caught up, making it 7-7, before losing. Mom took off for a trip to Bangalore, India, to go to a wedding, also on the 1st.

Drove twice to Palm Springs area for the Linkroums in the first half of the month. Dick was the first mass media producer for Jack Lemon and Walter Mathau while with NBC, and Olga was one of the main writers for All in the Family, the Jeffersons and 3's Company. Dick Linkroum took me to a Rotary Club meeting on the 19th. Alex and Barbara Szabo dropped by to say hi on the 19th, as well. Went geo-caching with Grace on the 20th. We found our first 1st GeoCache in San Felipe Valley, and placed our 1st GeoCache on hilltop south of Culp Valley. On the 23rd, someone found our cache, and again on the 1st.

Grace at cache site

Jef at site

Mom flew Delta to NY on the 2nd and was in Bombay in on the 4th, Bagalore on the 10th, and returned to Borrego on the 13th

Mom in Bangalore

Visited my dad in LA from the 23rd to the 25th, where I feasted with dad, Leny, Joanne and Rich. Helped my dad do a 3'x4' section of wall. He is still recovering from an operation, so I hauled up the mortar.

On the 29th explored 2 more washes coming from Palm Peak. One slot canyon there apparently had the Indian Jones spherical boulder stuck in it. It appeared to be on the order of 20' in diameter. On the 31st had a New Years party. 8 of us (the Linkroums, Walkers, Kathy O'Mear, Hank, Carl and I) stayed until Borrego midnite(9pm). Hank serenaded us with a few songs at that time. Only Hank and I stayed up for the fireworks at midnite. La Casa put on an excellent display this year.

On the 11th went over with mom to

Old Borego,

where the growing Founder's Day celebration was going on. Looked like over 100 people there, and a band was playing. We toured the buildings.

The house

was kept in mint condition by Fleetwood Gardner, and I took some pix. An old-timer,

Bob Cassidy,

talked with us for a while. Also met Bill Jackson and Bev Kurtz. Bill mentioned that he bought gas and a 7-up at old Borego in 1947.

On the 19th, interviewed at Peregrine. Interviewed with Darren, and met Sal James again. Haven't seen her since 1989. I understand Ann Patterson, another Emerald alumni, is also at Peregrine.

Mom invited her friend, Ann, for Thanksgiving, and we had a nice dinner featuring lamb.

Spent a lot of time cleaning up the lot, doing a lot of trimming of vegetation.

Set up the xmas decorations, mom got another tree.
Went to cannon party, on weekend of the 6th, at the homestead. Paco showed up with cannon, and may have nicked the target. Smallest turnout ever. Only total of 7 vehicles, and 13 people, and that includes the neighbors, who came over and did a couple of BBM shots. Weather was perfect. Cassidy tried and failed to launch a weather balloon.

Cannon Party

Last lightning in storm in Borrego after arriving home from cannon party

NOTE: power lines appearing on this photo cross my property in my front yard. What a nuisance.

Won only 1 set in BSTC tournament playing with Francis on the 27th.

Craig tested the super string for Torrey's Halloween party on me at poker game. No... that's not a logo on my shirt.

Polished off the remaining trail snippets in the Cuyamaca Project
During week of 23rd to 29th, did a Sierra trip with Dyer, hitting Sequoia, Kings Canyon, and Yosemite. Had great weather. Stayed at Bryan's condo on last nite, and saw some great fall colours at McGee Creek during last hike, a 10 mile one, on last day. During 7 days, averaged about 6 miles of hiking per day.

Mom left Socorro on the 5th, but returned and visited Socorro from the 14th to the 19th. She was in San Clemente on the 21st and visited Virginia on the 28th.

Continued the

Cuyamaca Project

Started month by hiking to southern edge of park in Descanso.

This was a hotter than average August for Borrego. Average high was about 110, but normal average is only 106.

Mom continued her Newfoundland adventry. She was in Digby NS on the 15th, but headed south reaching NY on the 19th, West Virginia on the 22nd, and stayed in Mansfield from the 23rd to the 29th. On the 30th, she was in Roswell, probably stopping by Socorro on the way west.

The high in Borrego July 1: 118°F, the low on July 3: 90°F. A bit of rain fell on the 4th. Rest of month was pretty average, that is sunny, with high averaging 107°.

Continued the

Cuyamaca Project

This is the hiking of all Cuyamaca Trails this summer. The longest hike was early this month, and was about 20 miles.

Driving in LA
My nephew, Thor, visited me for a few days in the middle of the month. We saw Jurassic Park III on opening day, visited the beach 3 times, including doing a 5 mile hike at Torrey Pines on the last day. Spent last day with him at grandpa's place in LA.

O.B. Seaweed not cleaned up this year, for grunions

Pyro Thor on Fiesta Island prior to fireworks

Mission Beach was cleaner

Met Sara, Sherry, Joe, Eric F, Tina, and Lantz at Gordon Biersch on the 19th

Interviewed at Quantum Magnetics on the 27th.

Statue on Fletcher Island at Lake Cuyamaca

Mom spent the entire month in Newfoundland.

On the 3rd hiked up Yaqui Peak during a break from the heat -- high was only 90°F. Hiked up in 2h 47m.

Continued seeing about a movie a week. For example, on the 15th, saw Memento, and on the 26th, saw The Road Home, both at La Jolla Village

After 4 hikes on the Kelly Ditch Trail, decided to start the

Cuyamaca Project

this month

Kept up seeing 1 movie a week: Himalya, Memento, With a Friend like Harry, The Road Home, Shrek.

Mom continued her trip to Mansfield on the 1st, staying to the 2nd before continuing driving east on her way to Newfoundland where she stayed for a number of weeks.

Went to Bob's 5 de Mayo party in del Mar, on the 5th. Nice seeing how the other 0.01% of people live. Good salsa. Played a little pool, and met some of Bob's associates from his band and a few companies he's associated with. New band members played great at the impromptu concert. Great weather and views. Chip and Joe also showed up.

Kelly Ditch Trail


My search for San Diego Java positions has resulted in this LIST OF JOB SEARCH ENGINES

Borrego flowers declining in early May

Did a couple of 10+ mile hikes near the end of the month. The first, on May 22, was the PCT from Barrel towards Warner. There were some flowers left, but meadows were almost all brown. Never have I seen so many grasshoppers: about a dozen jumped up on each step when crossing these meadows. Met a hiker, John, who had started from Mexico, and planned to finish in Canada.

Next hike, on May 24, was the Kelly Ditch trail, which started on the far side of Lake Cuyamaca, with turnaround at William Heise County Park. Turns out this was an astounding hike, with awesome views, a lot of shade, the best fern meadows I've ever seen, nice wildflowers in the grassy meadows, the Kelly Ditch, itself, and more. Had some pesky gnats, though.

Craig, Bryan, Fred; my Friday tennis group

Gradually increasing level of tennis. By the 10th, up to 3 times a week, but still playing mainly left handed. Maybe up to 70%.

Played last match with Jerry for year

Went to an exciting baseball game with Joe and Todd on the 10th. The Padres came from behind and beat the Braves. We saw game from about 5 areas of the stadium.

Hiked Mission trails again. Awesome flowers this year. Slipped and fell into river, so wound up just walking across main river, to see what it's like. That pushed me into new shoes. (it was due, anyway).

Some projects finished in May: painted panels, erected structure around vege garden, rabbit palace (orange roof) for nephews, bridge for Ann (recycled from Craig's old lawn chairs).

Mom was up in Torrance visiting Virginia on the 7th. She dined on the OB Pier on the 18th.

On the 31st, mom drove to Socorro on her way to TX.

Hiked Tierrasanta, visitor center loop. Nice with all the green and flowers. Also did other loop there. Both of these on days I came in to interview.

Job hunting links

Last tennis tournament of season. Nice weekend, although saturday rain really cut down on tennis play. On saturday walked with Harold, Harriet, and Susan Dow over to visitor center. It was very nice. Lots of painted lady butterflies that day (I collected a bunch on my windshield).

Attended cannon party on the weekend of the 7th. Weather was cold and rainy until Sunday. Did Astroburger twice. Steve slashed 2 tires on a rock on Sunday. 5 bowling balls, 2 cannons, new cannon carriage was delivered to Steve.

On sunday, the 22nd, mom, me, Betty Minkel, and Harriet went to Mine Wash, old Borego, and Glorietta Canyon. When mom's friend, Ann, came out, we went to Glorietta again.

Well..... I pulled a muscle again while playing tennis on Friday the 13th, and am a gimp for the rest of this month, I guess. It's better at the end. I played a little tennis on the 29th. Foothills are extremely colourful and fragrant, so I did some geolocations. I located some strange things in my back yard:

Mysteries of Yaqui Meadows

Bighorn taken by Jim Perez 4/22/01

Julie, Doug, Thor, and Logan visited during the week of the 10th.

Borrego and LA

After soaking rains at start of month, flowers are coming out. Best time to come out should be end of this month and start of next.

Per mom's CC rcpts she was up visiting Virginia on the 6th.

So far, just taking it easy on my legs. Think I pulled a muscle playing against the tennis pro. Played baseball with Joe and Todd for a couple hours. That doesn't help my tennis elbows and sore knee, though. Still looking for a job... 2 interviews in January, but none so far this month. Got to drive thru snow again. We had another dusting of snow in mountains. Almost down to Ramona! Santa Ysabel sure was pretty when I drove thru there on the 8th.

Went to Mammoth Lakes for the last weekend of this month, staying in Bryan's condo. Did a half day of skiing in June Lake. It was awesome! Brian wiped out, and had to be transported to ski lodge, tho. He won't be playing tennis for a month or 2.

Stayed awake on New Year's Eve, because the Indianhead hike that day had upped my metabolism. In the first few minutes of the new millenium, I looked out the window to see another nice fireworks display from La Casa, for the 2nd year in a row. During first week of this month, I settled into hiking Torrey Pines on Wednesday (where I saw a great sunset, due to the big Alpine fire going on), and a hike to the waterfall in Penasquitos Canyon on Thursday.

Candles stayed up until mid month.
Completed 1 year stint with Evoke Communications. Now moving on to other endeavors.

Engaged in a job hunt for the rest of the month.

Paco & Lizzy by target

Went to Pig City near Salton Sea for GD bar-b-que. Paco shot his cannon at my old dryer's door. At a distance of 40 yards, were 6 for 6! Last shot was grape shot at 15 yards, and was also a hit.

Broke this 'activity' page into years. Most are unimplemented now, and I'll have to de-commision some pictures to fit into this webspace....

Hiked up Alma Wash to Starfish Cove to visit register I placed there 5 years ago. No sign-ins yet. This was a 10+ mile, 6 hour hike. Trying to keep hiking difficulty down, as I have sore knees. This was not quite a wimpy hike, however.

Per mom's CC rcpts, she visited her sister on the 17th to the 25th in Torrance.

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